H A G G A I , Z E C H A R I A H
A Devotional Look at the Ministry and Messages of
the Prophets Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
F. Wayne Mac Leod
Light To My Path Book Distribution
Copyright © 2013 F. Wayne Mac Leod
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written
permission of the author.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise specified, are taken from the New International Version of
the Bible (Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used with permission of
Zondervan Bible Publishers, All rights reserved.)
Scripture quotations marked “NKJV” are taken from the New King James Version®, Copyright ©
1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scriptures marked KJV are
from the King James Version of the Bible.
Special thanks to the proof readers and reviewers without whom this book would be much harder to
Title Page
Introduction to Haggai
1 - Consider Your Ways
2 - The Glory of this House
3 - Unmerited Favour
Introduction to Zechariah
4 - The Four Horns
5 - Roused from His Holy Dwelling
6 - Joshua the High Priest
7 - The Golden Lampstand
8 - The Scroll and the Basket
9 - Four Chariots and a Crown
10 - The True Fast
11 - Blessing Restored
12 - Jewels for a Crown
13 - Spring Rain
14 - The Rejected Shepherd
15 - On That Day
16 - The Death of the Good Shepherd
17 - Future Blessing
Introduction to Malachi
18 - How Have You Loved Us?
19 - Broken Covenants and Broken Faith
20 - Refiner's Fire
About The Author
hat a privilege the Lord has given me to write these devotional
commentaries. I have often found myself praising the Lord for
the things I have been learning from Him as I write. It is my
prayer that God will bless you as you read this book as much as He has
blessed me in writing it.
The prophecies of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi are as relevant to us
today as they ever were. Haggai spoke to a people who were caught up in
building their own homes while neglecting the work of God. They missed
the blessing of God because they did not put Him first in their lives.
Zechariah challenged his people to live in the reality of the coming
judgment of God. He reminded them of the wonderful blessings that could
be theirs if only they would reach out and accept what their God wanted to
offer them. He told them of the incredible love of God for His people and
reminded them that the day was coming when a great Messiah would come
to bring them a rich and full salvation.
Malachi addressed a people who had lost the joy of worship and service.
Instead, they had yielded to the temptations of the world, driving away the
blessing of God. To these rebellious people, the prophet promised that the
Messiah would come to refine and purify. The prophet called his people to
repentance and renewal in light of God’s purposes for them.
I trust that the words of these prophets will speak very personally to you as
you read this book. I would encourage you to take the time to read the Bible
passage listed at the beginning of every chapter. This commentary is not the
Bible. My interpretations are not the only way of seeing the truths of these
prophecies. My intention is not to be intellectual but rather to focus on how
these books apply to our lives today.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him in the study of these important
books of the Bible.
F. Wayne Mac Leod
aggai, the writer of this prophecy, was a prophet of God who
lived during the days when the people of God were returning
from their long exile in the land of Babylon. Apart from what we
read about him in this book, there are only two other references to him in
the rest of Scripture. Ezra 6:14 is particularly important as it shows us the
significance of the ministry Haggai had in his day:
So the elders of the Jews continued to build and prosper under
the preaching of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah, a
descendant of Iddo. They finished building the temple
according to the command of the God of Israel and the decrees
of Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes, kings of Persia.
Haggai preached to the people who had returned from exile and encouraged
them in the face of the difficult task of rebuilding the temple of Jerusalem.
When the people of God returned from exile, they had a very difficult task
to accomplish. The city of Jerusalem had been destroyed. All the buildings
of significance had been burned down. The temple was in ruins.
It appears from Haggai 1:2-4 that the returning exiles gave priority to
building their own homes. The temple lay in ruins while the Jews lived in
relative comfort. Haggai challenged them:
“Is it time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled
houses, while this house remains a ruin?” (Haggai 1:4)
The whole land was suffering because God’s people had ignored Him. They
“planted much but harvested little.” They ate but they never had enough
(see Haggai 1:5-6). Through the preaching of Haggai, God stirred up His
people to reconsider their priorities. They took up His challenge and set to
work building the temple of the Lord. God promised that, because of their
obedience, He would “shake all nations,” and the desired of all nations
would come and fill the temple (Haggai 2:6-7).
Importance Of The Book For Today:
The prophecy of Haggai speaks to priorities in the Christian life. God’s
people were caught up in their own comfort and forgot God. The result was
that His blessing was removed from their society. The picture of a ruined
temple in the midst of richly decorated homes is a powerful picture and
speaks to us in our day. It calls us to examine our own walk with the Lord
God. Are there relationships we need to repair? Are their sins we need to
remove? Are their priorities we need to reorganize? Haggai challenges us to
examine all these questions in our own life.
The book of Haggai shows the importance of the preaching of the Word of
God. Haggai’s faithful preaching gave direction and encouragement to
God’s people and restored them to fellowship and blessing. It can do the
same in our day.
Read Haggai 1:1-15
his is the prophecy of Haggai. There are only two references to this
man in the rest of Scripture. Both of these references are found in
the book of Ezra (Ezra 5:1; 6:14). Haggai lived at the time when
the people of God were returning home from their long captivity in
Babylon. Led by Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, they returned to their
homeland to rebuild the ruins of Jerusalem and the temple. Haggai spoke
into this context. You can imagine the mixture of feelings as the people
began the long process of rebuilding their once-glorious city. God’s people
were happy to be home, but there was much work to be done to restore the
city after it had been destroyed by the enemy.
Verse 1 tells us the exact date of the prophecy of Haggai. It was on the first
day of the sixth month of the second year of the reign of Darius the king of
Persia. (At this time Israel was part of the Persian Empire.) It was on this
exact day that the word of the Lord came to Haggai the prophet. God had
something to say to His people and in particular to the leaders of that day.
This prophecy was intended for Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the
high priest.
Verse 2 shows us something of the attitude of the people of Jerusalem in
Haggai’s time. They had been saying that it was not yet time to rebuild the
house of the Lord. There were many things that needed to be done to restore
the city of Jerusalem. The house of the Lord would have to wait. Notice that
the people of God had not completely ruled out the rebuilding of the house
of the Lord. The problem was really a matter of priority. They felt that there
were more important things to do first. Verse 4 shows us some of their
Notice in verse 4 that the people, or at least the governor and high priest,
were living in their nicely paneled homes, but they did not have time to
rebuild the house of God. When everything else was taken care of, they
would find the time for the Lord and His house.
Could it be that there are many people in our day living like the people of
Haggai’s day? Have you ever shared the gospel with individuals who said,
“It’s not time for me to accept the Lord? Give me a few more years to enjoy
myself before I make a commitment to Him.” Are there things you need to
do for the Lord that you have been putting off? Maybe you got up this
morning and said, “I just don’t have time for the Lord right now; but when I
get home, I’ll see if I can find a moment to spend with Him.” Maybe it’s the
way you are using your finances. Could it be that you are spending your
resources on yourself and ignoring the great need in the kingdom of God for
your resources? There are many ways we can be guilty of the same sin as
the people of God in the days of Haggai. It’s not that we aren’t concerned
about the Lord and His work. It’s just that other things have taken priority.
Having stated the problem, God challenged the people to consider their
ways: “Give careful thought to your ways,” (verse 5). God told them to take
a moment to consider their priorities. To help them in their reflection, God
gave them some particular things to think about in verse 6:
“You have planted much, but have harvested little. You eat, but
never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put
on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them
in a purse with holes in it.”
If they had considered these matters, they would have to admit that there
was a general lack of blessing in their lives. They didn’t seem to be getting
anywhere. They worked hard but had nothing to show for it. Things just
didn’t seem to be going their way. It’s not that things were terrible—they
were certainly happy to be in their own land—but they were not
experiencing the fullness of God’s blessing on their lives.
For God’s people in the days of Haggai, something needed to change. The
challenge of the Lord came in verse 8: “Go up into the mountains and bring
down timber and build the house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be
For these individuals the mountain was a literal mountain. The wood was
literal wood. They needed to get to work and cut the wood necessary to
build the temple. What are the mountain and the wood for you today?
Notice in verses 9-11 that as long as the people did not place God first in
their lives, they lacked blessing. They expected much but they saw so little.
What they brought home God blew away. They never seemed to prosper.
This happened because they did not care about the house of God, and, more
importantly, they did not place God as the highest priority in their lives.
Because they did not take care of the house of God, the Lord withheld from
them the dew of heaven. The crops failed in the ground. God called for a
drought on the fields, mountains, and the grain. This drought also touched
their new wine and oil as well as their crops. Everything was affected by
this drought. People, livestock, and all the labours of their hands suffered
because the work on the house of God was neglected.
This same principle is true today. Neglect your spiritual life and your family
life will suffer. Neglect the Lord and the impact of that will be seen in your
work and business. Ignore your relationship with God and you will suffer in
every other area of your life as well. Our spiritual life affects everything we
do. The challenge here is to see the importance of our spiritual
development. We cannot afford to ignore our relationship with the Lord.
When things get more and more hectic at work, we need more and more
time with the Lord outside of work. When trials and temptations come
rushing in on us, we need more than ever to take time with the Lord.
Haggai challenged the people of God to get their priorities straight. Notice
in verse 12 that Zerubbabel, Joshua, and all the returned exiles heard what
the Lord said to them through Haggai. The passage clearly says that they
heard because the Lord had sent Haggai and because the people feared the
Lord. It is true that these people had been neglecting their spiritual
responsibilities; however, they did love the Lord. They were still open to
hearing what the Lord had to say. When God sent His servant, they
recognized that he was from God and they took what he said seriously.
Verse 14 tells us that when Haggai spoke the word, the power of the Lord
stirred up the people to hear and obey. Ultimately, it was not the eloquent
words of Haggai but the power of God that won the hearts of His people.
Just three weeks later, the rebuilding of the temple began. Haggai was the
instrument God would use to stir up the people to do the work. The fruit
was ripe for the picking. Haggai was obedient to the voice of the Lord. God
used the spoken word of his servant Haggai to stir His people to action.
For Consideration:
What does this passage teach us about priorities in our lives
as believers?
What do we learn here about the power of the spoken word?
Are there any areas in your life where you need to reorganize
your priorities to put God first?
What is the result of not putting God first in our lives?
For Prayer:
Ask God to help you see those areas in your life where you
have not put Him first.
Thank God that He is very patient with us, even when we are
too busy to spend time with Him.
Ask God to heal your nation and bring it back to the Lord and
His priorities.
Read Haggai 2:1-9
e saw in the last meditation that the people of God were stirred
to go to the mountains and bring down the timber necessary to
repair the temple. As the reconstruction took place, there was a
mixed reaction. Some of the older people remembered the temple of
Solomon and its splendour. They were not at all impressed with this new
temple. In comparison, this temple seemed inferior. Deep down they were
grieved in their hearts at the sight of this "lesser” temple.
It is in this context that the word of the Lord came to Haggai on the twenty-
first day of the seventh month. This is less than a month after the
construction began (see Haggai 1:15). God told Haggai to speak to
Zerubbabel the governor, Joshua the high priest, and the remnant of the
people. He was to ask them a series of questions. The nature of the
questions shows us what was happening in the minds of those who were
building the temple: Who saw the temple in its former glory? How does this
temple appear to you compared to the former temple? Does this temple
seem to be like nothing to you?
There was a general discouragement among the people. Obviously, the
enemy was not happy to see the work of the Lord moving ahead, and so he
sowed seeds of dissatisfaction among the people. You can imagine how this
would have affected the work of the temple. As the older people began to
comment on the smallness of this work, those working on the temple would
have been disheartened.
Something else needs to be mentioned here. The enemy was attacking the
work by causing the people to look to the glory of the past. The older
people were particularly prone to this temptation. They wanted things to be
like they were in the past. The work of God must go forward. Doing things
the way they have always been done is not necessarily the solution. How
often has the enemy trapped us in our traditions? All our effort can be spent
on trying to keep things the way they have always been. We frown on
anything new. We resist the new work God is doing. We cannot accept the
new expressions of faith. We discourage creativity when it comes to new
music and worship styles. The individuals who had seen the former glory of
Solomon’s temple were unwilling to change. What was good enough for
Solomon was good for them. In reality, they were discouraging the younger
generation. They were hindering the work of God.
God was not interested in repeating what happened in the days of Solomon.
God wanted to do a new thing in their midst. Yes, the temple building was
not like it was in the days of Solomon but “I am with you,” said the LORD
(verse 4). Isn’t that all that really matters? The structure would be different
but God would still be there.
Haggai reminded the people in verse 5 that God had made a promise when
they left Egypt that He would not leave them. While the setting was going
to be different, His Spirit would remain with them. They were not to be
afraid or discouraged. They were to continue working on the temple as God
led them.
In verse 6 God made a wonderful promise to His people: In a little while,
He would come and shake the heavens and the earth, as in the days of
Moses when the Lord descended on Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:16-18). Whole
nations would be shaken. The “desired of all nations” would come and fill
the temple. Who is the desire of nations? It is none other than the Lord
Himself. The very presence of God would come and fill the temple.
Admittedly, the temple was not as glorious in physical appearance, but it
would be glorious in that the presence of God would be even more present
than it was in the temple of Solomon.
This temple would not have as much silver and gold as did the temple of
Solomon, but gold and silver did not make a temple glorious. God owned
all the silver and gold anyway (see verse 8). In reality, the Lord was saying,
“I don’t need your silver and gold. I own it all anyway.” The glory of this
temple would not be seen in its physical appearance but in the presence of
the Lord descended on it. This temple would be even more glorious than the
former temple because God would dwell in it.
God does not need fancy buildings. How often have we seen wonderful
structures emptied of the presence of God? They are richly decorated, but
they are not glorious in the biblical sense. It is the presence of God that
makes a church beautiful and glorious.
God was going to do a wonderful work. It was a new work, totally different
from the work He did in the days of Solomon. In this new temple, the Lord
would grant peace (verse 9). What a wonderful encouragement this would
be to a people returning from a long captivity. They wanted no more war.
They had seen the results of war. God was promising them peace. This
peace would come through the desire of nations, who would dwell with
them and fill their temple.
This wonderful new work would be a work done in simplicity. It would not
have all the trappings of wealth and prosperity. It would be blessed by God,
however, and as such would be very powerful.
For Consideration:
How does the enemy seek to discourage the work of the Lord
in this passage? Have you seen evidence of this in your life or
Why is it so hard to let God do a new work in our lives?
Is there evidence of the presence of God in your church?
What is that evidence?
What makes a church glorious according to this passage?
For Prayer:
Have you ever been guilty of discouraging the work God
wants to do because it was not as you expected? Ask God to
forgive you and give you the ability to accept what He wants
to do.
Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Ask Him to fill
your church with the power and the presence of the Holy
Pray that the Lord would again shake the heavens and the
earth and descend. Ask Him to do a new work in your life.
Ask the Lord to forgive you for the times you, like the people
of Haggai’s day, failed to see the wonderful work He was
doing in your midst?
Read Haggai 2:10-23
he word of God again came to the prophet Haggai on the twenty-
fourth day of the ninth month. God spoke a number of times to His
servant Haggai. This book is a series of messages given by God to
the prophet over a period of about three months.
Notice that the message came to the prophet by means of a question (verse
11). The question was recorded in verse 12. God asked His people to
imagine an individual carrying consecrated meat in the fold of his garment.
As he carried the meat, it touched some bread, stew, wine, oil or some other
food. The question was this: if this consecrated meat touched something
common, would the touched object become holy?
To understand what is being asked here, it is helpful to refer to the Law of
Moses recorded in Leviticus 7:19-21:
“Meat that touches anything ceremonially unclean must not be
eaten; it must be burned up. As for other meat, anyone
ceremonially clean may eat it. But if anyone who is unclean
eats any meat of the fellowship offering belonging to the LORD,
that person must be cut off from his people. If anyone touches
something unclean—whether human uncleanness or an unclean
animal or any unclean, detestable thing—and then eats any of
the meat of the fellowship offering belonging to the LORD, that
person must be cut off from his people.”
Let’s return to the question asked in verse 12. Consecrated meat would not
consecrate the object it touched. In fact, the consecrated meat would
become unclean by touching something common. The law clearly stated
that if consecrated meat touched something that was defiled or common, it
was not to be eaten. The meat was to be burned. Anyone who ate that meat
was to be cut off from the people of God.
The Lord asked a second question: if a person who was unclean (by coming
into contact with a dead body) touched an object, would that object become
defiled? Again the law clearly stated that something unclean touching
another object would make that object unclean.
Having asked the questions, the Lord told His people that this same
principle applied to His people. As a people, they had become unclean
through their disobedience. Everything they touched and everything they
did was unclean because they themselves were unclean. Their sacrifices and
offerings, like the consecrated meat, were clean in themselves but became
unclean the moment of contact with the unclean person. Everything these
unclean people touched became unclean.
There is something very important for us to understand here. If we are not
right with God, then everything we offer Him is unclean. The New
Testament is very clear on this point. If I am not right with my brother or
sister in Christ, God will not accept my offering (Matthew 5:23-24). If I do
not forgive my brother or sister, I will not be forgiven myself (Matthew
6:15). If I do not treat my wife with respect, my prayers will not be
answered (1 Peter 3:7). My service for God can become unclean because of
my attitudes and sinful ways. If I want my offerings and service for God to
be pleasing in His sight, I must be clean myself. How important it is that I
strive to be pure and right before God in all things. In Haggai’s day God’s
people were unclean, and, because of this, God could not accept their
service and worship (verse 14).
The Lord called His people to consider what things had been like when they
had turned their backs on God and refused to rebuild the temple. God
reminded them of how He had struck their land and gardens with blight,
mildew, and hail. Everything they touched as a people was defiled. The
blessing of God was removed from the land. When they had expected
twenty measures of grain, they only found ten. When they had gone to a
wine vat to draw out fifty measures, they could only find twenty. Their
disobedience had stripped them of the blessing of God in all areas of their
The obedience of the people to rebuild the temple would cause God’s
blessings to be released. From the day that the foundation of the temple was
laid, the blessing of God would again come to His people. Blessings would
come because the Israelites were in a right relationship with God again. We
can compare this to a branch fallen into a river. That branch hinders the
natural flow of the river. So it was with God’s people. There was a branch
in their lives that was hindering the blessing of God from flowing. The
moment they removed that branch, the blessing of God was showered down
on them. What hinders the blessing of God in your life today?
In verse 20 the word of God again came to Haggai. He was to speak
specifically to Zerubbabel the governor. God was about to shake the
heavens and the earth. He was about to overturn royal thrones and shatter
the power of foreign kingdoms. He would overthrow chariots and their
drivers. Horses and riders would fall by the sword. God was about to do
something very powerful. Zerubbabel was going to be the center of that
activity. He was going to be God’s chosen servant. He would be God’s
signet ring.
A signet ring was worn by a king and used to give his authority to a
document. A king would seal a declaration by stamping his ring into the
clay or wax tablet on which it was written. Sometimes a king would give
his ring to a trusted servant who could then act on the king’s behalf.
Zerubbabel was being given authority to act on God’s behalf. God would
use him as His instrument to do a wonderful work in his day.
As we read this passage, we cannot help but be struck with the way God
wants to bless His people. The moment the hindrances are removed,
blessings are poured out in abundance. God was willing to shake the nations
for His people. He was going to overthrow the powers of the nations before
We serve the same God today. I believe that there are blessings He delights
to pour on us in our day. He is willing to shake the heavens and the earth for
us. Like the children in the days of Haggai, however, we need to be in a
right relationship with him. The moment we turn to him, His blessings will
fall. May we seek with all our heart to be restored to Him.
For Consideration:
What does this passage teach us about the importance of
being in a right relationship with God?
What stands between you and the blessing of God today?
What do we learn about God’s desire to bless His people?
For Prayer:
Ask God to show you what stands between you and His
Thank God that He delights in blessing His people.
Ask God to pour out that blessing into your life and ministry.
The name Zechariah is a very common name in Scripture. The author of
this prophecy, however, was a prophet who lived in the days when Israel
was returning from exile and rebuilding the ruins of Jerusalem. He worked
with the prophet Haggai (see Ezra 5:1; 6:14).
For seventy years the land of Israel had lay in ruins. The challenge was to
rebuild these ruins. In many ways, this was a time of new beginnings for the
people of God. The problem, however, was that on returning to Israel, the
Jews chose to focus on rebuilding their own lives and, for the most part,
ignored their relationship with God. Zechariah begins his prophecy with a
challenge to the people of his day to learn the lesson of their exile (1:1-6). It
was for their disobedience that the Lord had taken their land from them.
Zechariah pleads with his people to return to the Lord, promising that when
they did, the Lord would return to them (1:3).
Zechariah’s prophecies would have been a tremendous encouragement to
the returning exiles. He predicted great blessing for God’s people. He told
them that God would be a “wall of fire” around them protecting them from
their enemies (2:5). Through a series of visions, he prophesied that God
would defeat their enemies and restore blessing and worship.
Zechariah’s prophecies about the coming Messiah and the end times are
among the most incredible in Scripture. He predicted that Jesus would come
on a donkey (9:9), that He would come as a great Shepherd (11:13), that
He would be pierced (12:10), that from Jerusalem would flow forgiveness
of sin (13:1), that when He was struck his disciples would scatter (13:7) and
that His ministry would make Him King over all nations (14:9).
Importance Of The Book For Today:
Zechariah’s prophecy is given to a people who had returned from exile
because of their sin. Even after their return, these people struggled to follow
the Lord God, giving priority to their own needs rather than seeking the
Lord. The Lord sent Zechariah to this unfaithful people to share His heart to
bless and use them in a powerful way. How difficult it is for us to forgive
and forget. God’s desire is to restore His unfaithful people. He wants to use
them. God’s dealing with His people here in this book shows us something
about how we need to treat our “weaker” brothers and sisters who struggle
in their faith.
The prophecies about the Lord Jesus found in this book are very
encouraging. They show us clearly that the coming of the Lord was
predicted many years prior to His birth. The events of His life were known
to God well before they happened. What confidence this ought to give us in
the Lord Jesus. What confidence it ought to give us in our lives as well.
God knows everything that will happen to us. Nothing comes as a surprise
to Him. He is in absolute control of the events that take place in our lives.
Finally, Zechariah challenges us to consider our lives in light of the
forgiveness and purposes of God. He forgives us, strengthens us, provides
for our salvation and offers us a hope in His presence. The words of
Zechariah: “‘Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will return
to you,” still speak to us in our day. His arms are open wide to bless and
receive us as a sinful people. Will we come to Him and receive this
Read Zechariah 1:1-21
his is the prophecy of Zechariah. Verse 1 tells us that the word of
the Lord came to him on the eighth month of the second year of
King Darius of Persia. This places him Zechariah at the time of
Haggai, who also prophesied in the second year of Darius. At this time the
people of God were returning to the land of Israel after seventy years of
exile. Zechariah called the restored community to repentance while
reassuring them of the hope of future blessings.
The Lord begins by telling Zechariah that He was angry with his ancestors.
From verse 4 we understand the reason for this anger. He God had sent His
prophets to them to warn them of their evil ways, but they had refused to
listen. God was renewing His call to Zechariah’s generation: “Return to me
. . . and I will return to you” (verse 3).
Notice that the people were to return to God before He would return to
them. There is a condition attached to the Lord’s returning to them. Their
sin and rebellion had formed a barrier between them and God. God wanted
to pour out His blessing on them, but their sin stood in the way. There is a
great obligation placed on each of us. To a large extent, I can, by my
rebellion or my surrender to the Lord, determine the shape and condition of
my spiritual life. The Bible tells us not to quench grieve the Holy Spirit
(Ephesians 4:30). There is any number of ways that I can resist the Holy
Spirit of God in my life. This is what the people of God were doing in the
days of Zechariah. God called them to return and surrender their lives and
hearts to Him. When they did so, the Lord would fill them and bless them
Zechariah warned His people not to be like their ancestors who refused to
return to the Lord. “Where are these individuals now?” asked the Lord.
They were no longer alive. Even the prophets who spoke to them had
passed on. They were judged for their evil deeds and sent into exile in
Babylon. When they were judged, they repented of their evil but it was too
late. Judgement had already come. God gave them what they deserved,
according to His Law (verse 6). The people of Zechariah’s day understood
this judgement. They were even now just returning from seventy years of
exile and finding their temple and city in ruins. They knew that this exile
had been the judgement of God against their disobedience.
God’s people were asked to remember what had happened to their
ancestors, lest they too fall into the same trap. They had a choice to make.
They could return to the Lord and His ways and see the Lord return to
them, or they could follow the example of those who went before them and
fall under His judgement.
Having thus challenged his people, Zechariah told them about a vision he
had on the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month of the second year of
King Darius. This vision came at night. In this vision Zechariah saw a man
riding a red horse. The color red in the Scriptures usually symbolizes
judgement (Isaiah 63:2-3; Revelation 6:4). The horse and its rider were
standing among myrtle trees in a ravine. It is unclear if there is any
significance to the myrtle tree. Behind this man were other horses. They
were red, white, and brown in colour (verse 9). Zechariah did not
understand the significance of these horses or what they were doing. He
asked the angel about the meaning of the vision.
The angel explained to Zechariah, in verse 10, that these riders were the
ones the Lord had sent throughout the whole earth (verse 10). From the
context, we understand that they were sent to see what was happening on
the earth and report to the angel of the Lord (see verse 11). When they
returned from their mission, they approached the angel of the Lord who was
also standing among the myrtle trees. They told him that they had
accomplished their mission and that they had found the earth at peace and
Hearing their report, the angel of the Lord asked:
“How long, Lord Almighty, will you withhold mercy from
Jerusalem, and the towns of Judah? You have been angry with
them these seventy years.” (verse 12).
The angel of the Lord was grieved to see the plight of the people of God,
especially when he heard that the nations that sent them in to captivity were
living in peace and rest.
As Zechariah listened, in his vision, he heard the Lord comfort the angel
who grieved for His people. After being comforted by the Lord, the angel
told Zechariah what the Lord told him. He told Zechariah to speak to the
people and tell them that the Lord Almighty was very jealous for Jerusalem
(verse 14). He told Zechariah that the Lord was also very angry with the
nations who felt secure in their rebellion (verse 14-15). Notice that while
these nations felt secure, their security would not last. In fact, the angel told
Zechariah that these nations felt so secure that they added to their evil and
rebellion. They did so by mistreating the people of God.
There are many people like this in our day. They feel that because the Lord
has not already judged them, they are safe. They continue to add one sin on
another. They do not realize that as they do so, they multiply judgment on
The angel told Zechariah that God was going to return to Jerusalem with
mercy. There in that city He would again rebuild His house. He would
stretch out His measuring line over Jerusalem. The stretching out of the
measuring line seems to refer to the reconstruction of the city. The blessing
of God would again be felt in the city and the nation as a whole. God was
going to return to His people. The towns of Judah would again overflow
with prosperity and blessing. The Lord would comfort His people who had
suffered in exile. He would choose them to be His people again. He would
be their God, and the world would know that God was among them.
What a comfort this must have been to the people of God returning to
Jerusalem in ruins. For seventy years they had been separated from God and
His blessings. They had, no doubt, asked many questions. They may have
wondered where God was in all their sufferings. Maybe some had even lost
any hope of ever seeing God work again in their midst. Maybe you too are
feeling something similar. How long have you prayed for a loved one to
come to know the Lord? How long have you prayed that the Lord would
pour out His blessing on your church or your nation? We all have issues for
which we have sought the Lord long and hard. This passage gives us hope.
The Lord promised to return to His people. He was watching over them and
was jealous for them. He would not abandon them in their struggle.
In his vision Zechariah looked up and saw four horns. Again he was
confused as to the significance of these images. He asked the angel what
they represented. The angel told him that these horns represented the four
nations that had scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. While we are not
absolutely sure as to the identity of these particular nations, we could
assume that they may refer to the nations of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and
As Zechariah continued in his vision, he saw four craftsmen. He asked the
angel what these craftsmen were coming to do. The angel told him that
these craftsmen had come to terrify the horns and to throw them down. We
are not given the identity of these craftsmen who would throw down these
nations. God was telling His people that the nations who had oppressed
them would be destroyed.
What is important for us to see in this passage is that the Lord had not
forsaken His people, even though they had turned their backs on God and
had suffered the consequence of their sin (exile). They had received the
punishment they deserved. Although the exile was over and many Israelites
had returned home, they were still dominated by foreign power (Persia).
The Lord, however, would restore His blessings on their devastated
homeland. God does not forget His people. His blessings await those who
will simply return to Him.
For Consideration:
This chapter paints a picture of nations living in false security
while the people of God are struggling. Why were God’s
people not experiencing peace and security?
What is God’s promise to His people who still struggled as a
result of their sin and discipline?
In what ways do we need to return to the Lord today?
This chapter paints a second picture of the Lord mounted on a
horse ready to set His people freed and restore them to full
blessing. What encouragement do you receive from this? Is
the Lord concerned about your problems today?
For Prayer:
Thank the Lord that although He does discipline His people,
He will not forget them.
Thank God that He does forgive our sins and shortcomings
and restore us to fellowship and blessing.
Ask the Lord to restore His blessing to your life, your church,
and your nation.
Ask God to cause His people to seek His face again with all
their heart.
Read Zechariah 2:1-13
n chapter 2 Zechariah described yet another vision he saw. In this
vision he saw a man with a measuring line in his hand. He asked the
man where he was going with this line. He was told that he was going
to measure the city of Jerusalem to see how long and how wide it was. We
have already seen this measuring line in Zechariah 1:16:
“Therefore, this is what the LORD says: `‘I will return to
Jerusalem with mercy, and there my house will be rebuilt. And
the measuring line will be stretched out over Jerusalem,’
declares the LORD Almighty.”
In chapter 1, we saw how the Lord promised that the city of Jerusalem
would be rebuilt. The measuring of the city very likely had something to do
with this restoration.
As Zechariah watched in his vision, the angel he was speaking with left him
to speak with a second angel. Zechariah overheard the conversation
between them and recorded it. One angel was to tell Zechariah that
Jerusalem would be without walls because of the great number of livestock
and people living in it. The fact that the city was without walls seems to be
significant for at least two reasons. First, a city without walls was either a
city that was open to the attacks of the enemy or simply had no enemy to
attack it. In this particular case, the second option seems more likely. God
would be their protection. Second, we see in this passage that the reason
given for there not being any walls was that there were simply too many
people and livestock for the city to contain. This was an indication of the
blessing of God that had come to the city.
Notice in verse 5 that the Lord promised to be a wall of fire around the city
of Jerusalem. He would protect it from all harm. It is not without
significance that at the time of this prophecy, the walls of the city were
broken down. The man-made walls built to protect the city many years
before had not been strong enough to keep the enemy out. This time,
however, no enemy would penetrate because God would be the wall around
As Zechariah listened to the conversation between the two angels, he heard
a call go out to the scattered people of God. They had been taken from the
land God had given to their fathers and mothers. A call went out to them to
return from the north (the place of their exile). They were called to escape
from the land of Babylon and return to the land God had promised them and
their children (verses 6-7). The time of their exile was over. Maybe it is
time for us to hear this call as well. We have been so long in our captivity
that we no longer expect to be released. The call goes out to us now to
return. Now is the time for us to be free.
Not only would the children of God be called back to their own land but
God would also deal with those who had oppressed them (verses 8-9). As
Zechariah listened to this conversation in his vision, he heard one of the
angels say: “After he has honoured me ... I will surely raise up my hand
against them” (the nations that plundered Israel). There is some question
among commentators as to the identity of the individual who is going to be
honoured here.
What is important for us to see here is that the Lord was going to judge
those who had harmed His people. He was going to raise His hand against
them because anyone who touched then touched the apple of His eye. God’s
people are precious in his sight. To harm the child is to hurt the father. Jesus
put it this way in Matthew 25:40:
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
How important it is for us to realize that whatever we do to the children of
God we are doing to God. God takes this matter very seriously in this
passage. He was going to judge those who had hurt His people. God’s
people had been slaves to these nations, but God would reverse the roles.
The nations that had plundered God’s people would themselves be
This was cause for great rejoicing in Zion. The Lord was going to restore
the fortunes of His people. The Lord was going to make His presence
known in their midst. Again they would be a glorious people. The children
of God were to rejoice (verse 10). On the day when the Lord restored the
blessing to His people, many nations would join them. God’s people would
no longer be only from one nation but from many nations (see verse 11).
People from every tribe and nation would come to know this God of Israel
and accept Him as their God. We are a fulfillment of this prophecy today.
God had not forgotten His people. He would once again inherit Judah (verse
12). He would take back the land that was His. He would again choose
Jerusalem as His portion. The whole earth is called to be still before the
Lord because He was about to rouse from His holy dwelling. He was going
to act on behalf of His people. He was going to judge and restore the
blessing taken from them by the enemy.
As I examine this passage, I cannot help but ask myself: “What territory has
the enemy taken from us today?” Are we too not like the children of Israel
in the days of Zechariah? Because of our sin, we too have lost much
territory to the enemy. We are helpless to reclaim that territory. Consider for
a moment the number of believers held in bondage by some stronghold of
sin in their life. This is territory lost to the enemy. Consider the immorality
in our society and the injustice that seems to be rampant all around us. Is
this not territory lost to the enemy? The Lord promises to come to reclaim
His territory. The time has come for us to escape the clutches of the
“Daughter of Babylon.” The time has come for the scattered sheep to
return. God is coming to dwell in our midst. He is coming to restore His
people to their former glory. He will again live among us. This is a day for
rejoicing. This is a day for us to sing and be glad. The enemy will not
prevail. God will be a fiery wall of protection around us. He will again
restore the city.
For Consideration:
What territory have we lost in our day to the enemy?
What blessings do we need to see restored to the people of
What difference does it make in the life of a church or society
when the presence of God dwells in their midst? What causes
God to withdraw His presence for a time?
What encouragement do you find in the fact that God is
willing to be a fiery wall around us?
For Prayer:
Thank God for the promise that He would restore the glory of
His people.
Thank the Lord that He promises to be a wall of fire around
Ask God to forgive you for the times you have spoken
harshly about one of the “apples of His eye.”
Ask the Lord God to come to dwell among His people again.
Ask Him to restore His people to a right relationship and to
their blessing.
Read Zechariah 3:1-10
he vision of Zechariah continued. In his vision, the prophet saw
Joshua the high priest. Joshua stood before the angel of the Lord.
We are not told why he was there, only that he had been
summoned by the Lord to stand before Him.
What Zechariah particularly noticed was the presence of Satan standing
bedside Joshua and accusing him. We can only imagine what Joshua was
feeling that day as he stood before the presence of a holy and awesome God
with Satan standing beside him to accuse him. The purpose of Satan here
was to humiliate and deflate this chosen instrument of God. As Joshua
stood before the Lord, he was humbled. He may have even felt deeply
ashamed. Maybe some of the things that were being spoken were true. He
knew he was unworthy as a servant of God. Perhaps he felt the accusation
of Satan very deeply. Maybe he bowed his head in shame. Maybe he
wondered if he should even be standing in the presence of such a holy God.
Maybe you have felt the sting of Satan’s accusations yourself.
In his vision, Zechariah heard the Lord speak to Satan.
“The LORD rebukes you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen
Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched
from the fire?” (verse 2).
We are not specifically told what the response of Joshua was to this, but we
can be assured that he was truly encouraged. The LORD, the God of his
ancestors, had taken up his defense and rebuked the accuser.
Of particular significance was what God said about Joshua. He compared
him to a burning stick plucked from the fire (see verse 2). The fire seemed
to represent the persecution that the people of God had been under as they
were in exile. Joshua was one of these individuals who was plucked from
the fire of God’s judgement. He was one of God’s chosen instruments taken
from exile to rebuild the work of God in Jerusalem.” Satan is rebuked
because he dared to speak out against one the Lord had chosen for this
special task.
Of what use is a burnt stick? In reality, it is useless. Yet this was the
description of the individual God was going to use. You may feel like you
are a burnt stick. If God has chosen to use you, however, you are a chosen
Verse 3 tells us that as Joshua stood before the Lord that day, he was
dressed in filthy clothes. He was in an embarrassing position. He had been
through the fire of God’s judgment and as he stood before the Lord, he
knew that he was not pure. Certainly in his condition he could not exercise
his role as High Priest. God demanded high standards of cleanliness and
purity from all High priests. Again, the angel of the Lord spoke to those
standing nearby. “Take off his filthy clothes,” he said. To Joshua he said:
“See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put a rich garments on you”
(verses 4-5).
Joshua was filthy. He was far from perfect. He had fallen short of the
standard God had set out for him. God, however, was willing to forgive. He
was willing to exchange those filthy clothes for new clean clothes of
forgiveness and purity. What a wonderful truth we see in this passage. None
of us are worthy to stand before God and minister in His name. We stand
humbled in His presence with our heads bowed. Satan stands by to accuse.
What a blessing it is to know, however, that though we are unworthy, God
has called us. In Him we can be cleansed and clothed with everything we
need. Satan’s accusations fall short of their intended purpose to discourage
and dishearten.
In his vision, Zechariah joined in, asking those around Joshua to put a clean
turban on his head (verse 5). The word turban in the original language
refers to the priest’s head covering. An engraved gold plaque tied to the
front of the turban read “HOLY TO THE LORD” (Exodus 28:36-37). God
was extending His call Joshua to be a high priest to His chosen nation,
As Satan stood beside Joshua with all his accusations, God rebuked him. In
the presence of Satan, this servant of God was forgiven and clothed with the
authority and holiness necessary to do the work God had called him to do.
Joshua had nothing to boast about in himself. He was unworthy, but God
had chosen him and equipped him. What a wonderful privilege.
Joshua’s calling could not be taken for granted. The angel of the Lord spoke
to Joshua and told him:
“If you will walk in my ways and keep my requirements, then
you will govern my house” (verse 7).
God was willing to forgive. He was willing to give Joshua the authority and
gifts necessary for his calling. Joshua, however, was expected to obey the
Lord and be faithful to Him. His obedience to the Lord would allow him to
remain in that authority. If he was faithful to his Lord, then he would be
given authority to govern his house. He would be given charge of the
temple courts and access to the presence of God, like the angels standing
there with him.
How important it is for us to understand the connection between obedience
and authority. God grants authority to those who will be faithful to Him. In
the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:24-30), the master took his talents
away from the one who did not make use of them and gave them to the one
who had been faithful (Matthew 25:24-30). God is not interested in pouring
out His authority on those who will not be faithful to Him in the use of this
authority. Obedience is vital. As those who have been chosen by God, we
need to search our hearts to be sure that there is nothing that stands between
our Lord’s blessing and us.
In verse 8, the Lord addressed Joshua and his associates. The angel of the
Lord told them that they represented greater things to come. God was going
to send His servant “the Branch” who would come as a great high priest to
minister to His people. That Branch was the Lord Jesus who is our Great
High Priest anointed to bring us to God.
In Zechariah’s vision, a stone was placed in front of Joshua. That stone had
seven eyes. Some translations read “seven faces.” Seven is the number of
fullness or perfection. There is some debate here over the identity of this
stone. This stone had an engraving on it indicating that the Lord would
remove the sins of his people in a single day. The stone may represent the
Messiah who is referred to as a stone (Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2: 4-8).
Notice that this stone indicated that sin would be removed in a single day.
The day the Lord Jesus died for our sins was the day that these sins would
be removed. On that day forgiveness was offered for every sin. On a single
day, His blood covered all our sins. On that day the backbone of the enemy
was broken and the sinner set free.
“In that day” the Lord promised that Israelites would invite their (Gentile)
neighbours to join them in celebrating the prosperity and peace of the Lord
(see Isaiah 66:7-11). It is significant to note that after the death of the Lord
Jesus the message of salvation was taken to the Gentiles, just as Zechariah
predicted. Gentiles would be invited to share in the blessings of salvation
and peace with God.
For Consideration:
Have you ever been discouraged like Joshua in this passage?
What encouragement do you find in this chapter?
Have you experienced forgiveness of sin like Joshua? How
can you know that you are forgiven?
What is the connection between blessing, authority and
What do we learn here about the kind of person the Lord can
What picture do we have here of the Lord Jesus who would
come to set His people free from sin in one day?
For Prayer:
Thank the Lord for the way He has chosen to bless and
honour us as His children even though we do not deserve it.
Are there areas where you need to be obedient to the Lord?
Ask the Lord to reveal to you any obstacles to blessing and
authority in your life.
Thank the Lord for the way he wants to forgive you and use
Thank the Lord for the way He brought forgiveness “in a
single day.”
Read Zechariah 4:1-14
n chapter 4 the prophet Zechariah saw a golden lampstand with a bowl
on the top. Zechariah noticed that there were seven channels or pipes
(NKJV) leading from the bowl to seven lamps, possibly surrounding
the bowl. The bowl obviously contained oil for the seven lamps. Zechariah
also noticed that there were two olive trees, one on each side of the bowl.
Quite possibly these trees supplied oil to the bowl. Zechariah was confused
by what he saw. He asked the angel to explain the vision.
The angel told gave Zechariah a message for Zerubbabel, a descendant of
King David and the leader of the first group to return from exile. He was
also governor. God’s word to governor Zerubbabel was that it was not by
might or by power but by the Spirit that the work God had called him to do
would be accomplished. In the power of the Spirit, Zerubbabel would do
wonderful things. Oil in the Scripture often represents the ministry of the
Holy Spirit. We see this connection in 1 Samuel 16:13 when David was
anointed with oil the Spirit of God came on him. We also see the term
“anoint” used in connection with the ministry of the Holy Spirit in Isaiah
61:1 and Acts 10:38. Zerubbabel would be the vessel, but God’s Spirit
would be his strength.
“What are you, O mighty mountain?” (verse 7) asked the Lord (verse 7).
The mighty mountains would be broken down and become level ground
before Zerubbabel as he stepped out in the power of God’s Spirit. There
would be obstacles, but in the name of the Lord, Zerubbabel would
overcome them. This message to Zerubbabel would have been encouraging
as he led in the difficult task of rebuilding the temple and the community in
Jerusalem. There was much opposition to this rebuilding (Ezra 4:1-5, 24).
Do you have any mountains in your life? Are there things that you just
don’t seem to be able to overcome? In our human strength, we cannot break
down these mountains. They are simply too much for us. In the strength of
God’s Spirit, however, great things can be accomplished. There is no
mountain too big for His Spirit to overcome through us. When the Spirit of
God is at work, what is humanly impossible becomes possible.
Zechariah was to tell Zerubbabel that not only would the mountains be
broken down in the power of the Spirit of God, but God would also enable
Zerubbabel to bring forth the capstone with shouts of “God bless it” (verse
7). The capstone was the final stone to be placed in the building. When this
stone was laid, the building was completed. God was telling Zerubbabel
that not only would the obstacles be overcome for him in the power of His
Spirit, but in the power of that same Spirit, the work on the temple would be
completed. He would see the final capstone in place with great shouts of
praise and thanksgiving.
What a wonderful thing it is to know that the Lord, who called us, is also
able to complete the work He has called us to do. What has the Lord called
you to do? Trust in His Spirit. God will not leave you to face the obstacles
alone. By His Holy Spirit, He will overcome for you the many mountains
that stand in your way, and He will bring the work to completion. The
capstone will be laid and God will be glorified. This is what the Lord told
Zechariah in verse 9. Zerubbabel had laid the foundation of this temple and
his hands would complete it. All of this would be done by the power of
God’s Spirit working in him.
At this time, the people of God were discouraged. Haggai 2 and Ezra 3 tell
us that when the older generation saw the foundation of the temple being
laid, they began to weep and grumble. This temple was not the same as the
temple of Solomon. These individuals could not believe that the Lord’s
blessing would be on a temple that was so much smaller than the temple of
Solomon. Zerubbabel would have heard these comments as he oversaw the
construction of the temple.
In light of these things, Zechariah was told to speak to Zerubbabel and the
people to tell them not to despise the day of small things (verse 10). This
temple, though smaller, would be more glorious than the temple of
Solomon (see Haggai 2). The Lord told them that the day was coming when
men would rejoice to see the plumb line in the hands of Zerubbabel. The
plumb line was used in construction. It would be hung from a height to
assure that the walls were straight. The picture of Zerubbabel with the
plumb line in his hands shows us that the work of the temple would begin
again. Zerubbabel would use this plumb line to be assured that the work
was being done as God required. He was given the responsibility to
supervise this work.
Notice in verse 10 that the Lord God was also watching over the work of
His temple. The angel reminded Zechariah that the eyes of the Lord were
ranging throughout the entire earth. How often we feel that we are alone
responsible to watch over the work God has called us to do. God reminds us
here that He too is watching over His work.
To some this temple was small and insignificant, but God was looking after
it. God had a wonderful plan. This work may have seemed small and
insignificant, but God was in it. God’s people were not to despise what He
was watching over. God’s blessing is on small things as well as the big
things. Maybe your ministry seems insignificant, but is God in it? If God is
in it, it is a glorious ministry. God has often taken what appears to be small
and insignificant and used it to accomplish great things for the sake of the
kingdom. We should never despise small things when God is in them.
There was a final detail Zechariah could not understand in his vision. He
asked the angel to explain to him the significance of the two olive trees. The
angel told him that these two trees represented the two anointed ones
(literally, “sons of oil”) who stood before the Lord. Who were these
anointed ones? In the last two meditations, we read about the call of Joshua
the high priest and the call of Zerubbabel the governor. These individuals
were called of God to a particular ministry. In Israel only kings and priests
were anointed with oil for their ministries. Many commentators see these
anointed ones as Joshua and Zerubbabel. They were the two olive trees who
would provide oil for the lamps. Could it be that the lamps were the people
of God who were shining for Him? Jesus told us that we are the light of the
world (Matthew 5:14). We are called to shine in this world as witnesses for
Him. In order for the children of God to shine as witnesses for Him, God
anointed His servants to feed and minister to them. As we live for the Lord
God our lights tend to grow dim. Joshua and Zerubbabel were anointed to
minister to the servants of God in order to keep that fire alive in them. Are
you one of those individuals whom God has called to be a channel of His
oil? Realize the awesomeness of the task He has given you. God has
anointed you to be an olive tree supplying the oil of His blessing to His
Where does the strength come from to supply God’s people with the oil
they need to shine as lights? We have already seen what God told
Zerubbabel in this chapter: it was not from his own resources. They were
inadequate. It was in the power of the Spirit of God that he would minister
and fulfill his task. Only as we are closely related to the Lord and draw on
His infinite resources can we supply His people with the resources
necessary to live and shine for Him.
For Consideration:
What is the difference between depending on our own
strength and power and depending on the Lord? How can you
tell the difference?
What obstacles do you face in your ministry and Christian
walk? What encouragement do you receive from God’s word
to Zerubbabel about the mountains becoming level ground?
Are you a channel of blessing to the people of God? Explain.
What does the Lord tell us here about small things? Is bigger
always better? Explain.
For Prayer:
Thank the Lord that He is in small things?
Ask the Lord to help you to rely on His Spirit and not on your
own strength to do the work He has called you to do.
Has the Lord called you to be an “olive tree”? Ask Him to fill
you to overflowing so that you have all that is necessary to
minister to His people.
Read Zechariah 5:1-11
echariah’s vision continued. This time he saw a flying scroll. This
scroll was large in size. It was thirty feet long and fifteen feet wide
(nine meters long and four and a half meters wide). This scroll
would have been quite impressive to see because of its size. It was large
enough for all to see.
As Zechariah looked at the scroll, the angel of the Lord told him that this
scroll represented the curse of God that was going out over the land. On one
side of the scroll was written: “Every thief will be banished,” and on the
other side was written: “Everyone who swears falsely will be banished”
(verse 3). These curses reflect something of what was happening in the land
at the time. Dishonesty and disrespect for the property of others was
obviously a problem in the land. The judgement of God was going to fall on
the land because of these sins.
This curse of God would be on the homes of those who were disregarding
God’s law. It would enter the home of the thief and of those who swore
falsely in the name of the Lord. There this curse would remain until it
destroyed the home with its timber and stones (verse 4). God took this
matter very seriously. God’s people would suffer the consequences of their
It should be mentioned here that at this time the Lord was doing a new thing
in their midst. The temple was being rebuilt. God was going to pour out His
glory on the land. Before this could happen, however, God was cleansing
the land in preparation for this mighty work.
As he watched, Zechariah saw another object in his vision. This time he
saw a measuring basket. The angel told him that this basket represented the
sins of the people of Israel (verse 6). Zechariah noticed particularly that the
basket had a lead cover. This was not typical. Obviously, it was important
that the contents of this basket not escape.
Zechariah saw the angel lift the cover of the basket to reveal the contents.
He saw a woman in the basket. “This is wickedness,” said the angel (verse
8). When he said this, the angel pushed the woman back into the basket and
closed the cover over her, so she would not escape.
We have a sense here that this wickedness wanted to escape. The woman
had to be forcibly pushed back into the basket. The cover was made of lead
so that it could not be easily opened. Sin is always looking for a means of
escape—it does not want to be restrained. You and I know how little it takes
for anger and jealousy to come to the surface in our own hearts. How
careful we need to be to keep it under control.
In verse 9 Zechariah looked up and saw two women approach with wind in
their wings. The fact that they had wind in their wings indicates that they
were being carried along by the wind. This wind in Scripture often
represents the Holy Spirit (John 3:8; Acts 2:2-4)). It could be that these
women were being carried along by the Holy Spirit. They had a divine
mission to accomplish and were being carried by the Spirit of God to
accomplish a specific task. Zechariah described the wings of these women
to be like the wings of a stork. Obviously, this is a reference to the large size
of their wings. These women took the basket and flew away with it.
Zechariah asked the angel where the women were taking this basket. The
angel told him that they were taking it to the country of Babylon, where
they would build a house for it. There the basket would be kept. What we
need to understand here is that Babylon was the place of exile for the
people of God. Here they were oppressed and held in bondage. Revelation
17 and 18 describe for us a prostitute called Babylon who was going to be
destroyed in the end times. Could it be that this woman is the same woman
described for us in Revelation? What is important to note is that this woman
who represented “wickedness” would be taken away from the land of Israel.
The land would be cleansed of wickedness. Notice that this woman was
brought to the land of Babylon where she would dwell for a time. There she
would be imprisoned. She was not destroyed, but she was held in bondage.
According to Revelation 18, this Babylon will be finally destroyed. In the
meantime though bound, she still seeks to lure the nations into her
“adulteries” (Revelation 18:3).
Zechariah reveals a picture of the Lord God cleansing the nation in
preparation for a work of renewal. It is encouraging to see that God is able
to cleanse our land and our churches of wickedness. The day is coming
when God will deal finally with the wickedness in our land. What a
wonderful day that will be. How we need to see Him do this work even in
our own lives today. Let us open our hearts for him to do this.
For Consideration:
What encouragement do you take from the fact that the Lord
is able to bind up evil and wickedness in our land?
What in particular needs to be bound up in your land or your
What particular sin in your life needs to be put in that basket
with the lead cover and taken away?
For Prayer:
Ask the Lord to bind up the evil and wickedness that is in our
land today just as He did in Zechariah’s vision?
Thank God that He will one day end all wickedness.
Thank the Lord that He is a holy and righteous God who
hates evil.
Read Zechariah 6:1-15
n this chapter the prophet Zechariah saw a vision of four chariots.
These chariots came out from between two mountains of bronze. We
are not given the identity of these two mountains. Verse 5 tells us that
these chariots were coming from heaven. These mountains seem to be a sort
of gateway between heaven and earth.
In verses 2 and 3 we have a description of these horses and chariots. Horses
were pulling each of the four chariots. We are not told how many horses
were pulling each chariot. The first chariot had red horses, the second had
black horses, the third had white horses, and the fourth was drawn by
dappled or gray horses. It is important to note that the apostle John also saw
four horses of the same color in the book of Revelation. A quick look at
Revelation 6 may give us a greater understanding of what these horses
Concerning the red horse of Revelation 6:4 we read:
Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was
given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay
each other. To him was given a large sword.
The red horse here symbolized war and bloodshed.
The black horse of Revelation 6:5-6 seems to represent famine:
When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living
creature say, ‘Come!’ I looked, and there before me was a black
horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I
heard what sounded like a voice among the four living
creatures, saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and
three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the
oil and the wine!’
The white horse in Revelation 6:2 was a horse of conquest and vengeance:
I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held
a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a
conqueror bent on conquest.
The final horse was a dappled horse. John saw a pale horse (Revelation
6:8). The dappled horse was very likely of a grayish tone (pale in color).
This horse represented death and plagues:
I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was
named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They
were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword,
famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
It is quite likely that the horses and chariots Zechariah saw represented the
various judgements of God that were going to fall on the earth. The angel
told Zechariah that these horses were the four spirits of heaven who were
going out from the presence of the Lord (verse 5). These horses and
chariots were the servants of the Lord Almighty. They were beings sent out
of heaven for a very particular purpose. They were His servants to exercise
judgement on the earth.
Each of the horses and chariots were given directions from the Lord. The
black horse was to go to the north, the white horse to the west, and the
dappled horse was to go to the south. Nothing is said here about the red
horse and chariot and the direction that he was to take.
Some see a reference to Israel’s enemies in these verses. Babylon lay to the
north. Egypt was located to the south. To the west lay the coastland where
the Philistines lived. God was going to deal with the enemies of His people.
He was sending His chariots of wrath to defeat them.
As Zechariah watched the chariots, he could see that the horses were
straining to go throughout the earth. They were eager to do the bidding of
the Lord, but they were being restrained for a time. We see in verse 7 that it
was only when the Lord told them to go that they were able to leave to
accomplish their task.
For the moment, the judgement of God was being restrained. The chariots
of God’s judgment were ready to be unleashed from the gates of heaven.
All that was keeping them back was a word from the Lord. How long would
God hold back His judgement? The day was coming when these horses
would hear the word from the Lord and, bursting out of their stalls, they
would rush forward to execute His judgement on the earth.
As the horses raced to their destinations, the Lord spoke to Zechariah. The
horses going to the north gave God’s Spirit rest in that land (verse 8). In
what way was the Spirit of God given rest? Could it be that his Spirit had
no rest until judgement was brought on sin and evil of the land of the north?
This may represent judgement on Babylon, the land that had held His
people in captivity.
After these events, the word of the Lord came again to Zechariah. He was
told to take silver and gold from certain exiles who had returned from
Babylon. He was to go to the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah, where
perhaps they were staying, and collect this offering. With it he was to make
a crown and set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua. This command was
somewhat unusual. The high priest wore a turban, not a crown. A crown
was usually reserved for a king. The placement of a crown on the head of a
priest would have been quite strange. God was communicating something
special through this action.
When he placed the crown on Joshua’s head, Zechariah was to tell Joshua
that God would raise up a man whose name was “the Branch” (verse 12). It
is generally understood that this Branch was the Lord Jesus. Jesus would
not only be a priest, He would also be a king. Joshua would represent the
Messiah who was to come as the Priest-King. Messiah would exercise the
role of priest in that he would draw us to the Father. He would also exercise
a role of king in that He would set up a new kingdom and reign over that
new kingdom.
There are several things we learn about the Branch here. This individual
would “branch out from his place” (verse 12). The place that is referred to
here is Jerusalem. From Jerusalem His name would spread to the far corners
of the earth. This Branch would “build the temple of the LORD” (verse 13).
This temple was not a physical temple. It was a temple made of people, the
church. He would be clothed with majesty and rule on His throne as king.
Not only would He sit on His throne as king but also as priest. The end of
verse 13 tells us that there would be harmony between the two offices.
There would no longer be a king and a priest. Jesus would bring these two
offices together as one. He would become a priestly King.
The crown that Zechariah was to make was to be placed inside the restored
temple in Jerusalem as a reminder of the hope of the Messiah to come who
would become their priest and king.
Verse 15 tells us that those who were far away would contribute to the
building of this temple. If the temple referred to here is the temple that was
built in the days of Zerubbabel and Joshua, this prophecy would have been
fulfilled as men such as Ezra and Nehemiah came from exile in Babylon to
rebuilt it. If the temple referred to here is the spiritual temple that the
“Branch” would build, then we might see this as a reference to people from
every nation that God is using to build the church today.
We learn from this chapter that the Lord was going to send His horses of
judgement to the nations that had oppressed His people. God, however, is
not only a God of judgement but also a God of mercy and grace. He would
also send a Messiah who would reign over His people as a priestly king.
Notice that the chapter ends with the words: “This will happen if you
diligently obey the LORD your God” (verse 15). This needs some
explanation. The Lord had been challenging His people to rebuild the
temple. He had been reminding them that the day was coming when the
Messiah would come to reign in their midst and bring His peace. God’s
people would experience the fulfillment of these promises if they obeyed
the Lord. God would help them to complete the temple, but they were going
to have to set their minds to obey. God was going to send them the Messiah,
but they would have to open their eyes and listen to Him. Certain blessings
depend on our obedience. The Jews, for the most part, rejected the Messiah
who came. In rejecting Him they forfeited the blessing that was theirs in
We too can forfeit by disobedience the blessing God wants to give. There
are blessings God wants us to have, but to receive them we must learn to
live in obedience. God’s people in Zechariah’s day were challenged to live
in obedience and experience the richness of the blessing of God. Otherwise
they would miss out.
For Consideration:
What holds back the judgement of God today?
Have you trusted the Messiah? Do you know that you will be
spared the judgement of the chariots of God?
How is Jesus both priest and king?
What is the connection between obedience and blessing? Can
we miss out on the blessing of God by disobedience?
For Prayer:
Thank the Lord that He is sovereign over sin and evil and that
He will one day judge this world.
Do you know people who have never accepted Jesus as their
priest and king? Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to them.
Ask the Lord to reveal to you any way in which you have
missed His blessing by disobedience.
Read Zechariah 7:1-14
t was in the fourth year of King Darius on the fourth day of the ninth
month that this particular word of the Lord came to Zechariah. This
was the month of Kislev, which commentators estimate this to be
around the first part of our month of December.
This word came to Zechariah when the people of Bethel sent individuals to
seek the will of the Lord. They were wondering whether they should mourn
and fast in the fifth month, as they had done for many years. The fast of the
fifth month was in remembrance of the day the first temple was destroyed.
The people of God had remembered this day throughout their seventy years
of exile. Now that their exile was over and the new temple was being
rebuilt, they were wondering if they should celebrate this fast anymore.
To find an answer to this question, they sent their representatives to the
priests and the prophets (see verse 3). God would often speak to these
individuals and communicate His will for the people. The very fact that the
people were actually seeking the will of the Lord in this matter was a
positive sign. They were concerned about what God wanted for them and
their nation.
It was in this context that the word of the Lord came to Zechariah. God told
him to ask the people of the land and the priests a question regarding the
fast they had kept for those seventy years in exile. The Lord’s question was
this: “When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the
past seventy years, was it really for me that you fasted?” (verse 5).
We have seen that the fast of the fifth month was a remembrance of the
destruction of the temple by the conquering Babylonians. The fast of the
seventh month mentioned in verse 5 was in remembrance of the murder of
Gedaliah, the governor the Babylonians put in control over the people who
were left in Israel during the exile (see Jeremiah 41:2).
It was true that during these months the people had fasted and mourned, but
God was not impressed by these external signs. He saw deep into their
hearts and knew that this fast had nothing to do with Him. The people were
not fasting and mourning because of the sin that brought this devastation.
They were fasting and mourning for themselves. They grieved because they
were not in their land. They grieved because they were being held captive
by the Babylonians. They were not grieving, however, because they had
offended a holy God.
How easy it is for us to fall into the same trap. We may come to worship the
Lord but are we really worshiping Him? Are we singing His praises
because we love to sing or because we love our Saviour? Are we preaching
because we love to preach or because the Lord has burdened our heart with
a word for His people? How much of what we do for the Lord is really
being done for ourselves? God is not fooled by the outward appearance.
In answer to their question about whether they needed to continue to fast
and mourn in the fifth and the seventh months, God responded by
reminding them of the reason for the fast. He began by reminding them of
the words of the prophets who spoke to their ancestors prior to the exile. At
one time the land of Israel was at peace and prosperous. God’s people, at
that time, however, were not in a right relationship with Him. God sent His
prophets to warn them and to show them the way He intended them to live.
Zechariah told those who stood before him that God had intended that they
do the following four things.
Administer Justice
It was the will of God that His people administer justice in the nation.
Justice demanded that each individual be treated with the dignity they
deserved. Whether they were poor or rich, male or female, they were to be
treated with respect and given their rights according to the law of God.
Show Mercy And Compassion
God wanted His people to have mercy and compassion. While justice gives
people what they deserve and what they have a right to receive, mercy
extends its hand to those who do not deserve it. Mercy offers forgiveness
and reaches out in love to those who are unlovely.
Do Not Oppress
God told His people through Zechariah that they were not to oppress the
widows, the fatherless, the foreigners, or the poor. God had these
individuals on His heart. Obviously, these individuals were being cast aside.
Their needs were not being met. They were being used to advance the cause
of those who already had all they needed. The helpless and vulnerable in
the society were being oppressed. God was angry with His people because
of this.
Do Not Think Evil In Your Hearts
Not only were the Israelites not to physically oppress other individuals, but
they were not even to think evil about them in their hearts. Some might say,
“As long as I don’t physically oppress someone, I can think what I want
about them in my heart.” Here God ruled out this possibility. There was no
room for prejudice or bitterness in the heart of God’s people toward one
These were the requirements that God had for His people. Verse 11 tells us
that they refused to listen to the Lord and His prophets. They turned their
backs on God and His word. Their hearts were as hard as flint stone.
Because of this the Lord was angry and would not listen to them (verse 13).
He also let Israel’s enemies conquer them and destroy their temple and city.
This was the reason why the children of Israel had lost their land. This was
the reason their temple had been burned to the ground. It was because of
their sin that their governor Gedaliah was murdered. The only appropriate
reason to fast was in repentance for the sin and rebellion that brought such
judgement of God upon them. They had been fasting because of what they
had lost. God wanted them to fast because of their sin. Their hearts were
broken because they had lost their temple. God wanted their hearts to be
broken because they had driven Him from their presence.
God had often spoken to His people, but they had refused to listen. God
then determined in his heart that He would not listen to them. Instead, He
cast them from His presence. He sent them into exile, to a place where they
were strangers. He stripped them of their land and their homes. All these
things happened because of their sin and rebellion.
What was God telling the people who came to inquire about this fast of the
fifth month? He was telling them that their fast had been hypocritical. They
had been fasting and mourning for their own loss, not for their sin. In
reality, God did not even recognize their fast. Is it possible that what we
think we do for God is really being done for ourselves? Could we be
worshiping God only because of what we are getting out of it? Could we be
praying only to prosper ourselves? Is our relationship with God self-
centered? What a shock it would be for us to come to the end of our lives
and realize that we have not been serving God at all; instead, we have been
serving ourselves. This chapter gives us cause for reflection.
For Consideration:
Is it possible that we have served and worshiped God like the
people of this chapter? Could we be fooling ourselves into
believing that we are worshiping God when in reality we are
only serving our own interests?
Is it possible to be serving ourselves in worship and service
of God? Explain.
What is God really looking for today in His people's worship
and service?
For Prayer:
Ask God to open your eyes to see if you have been serving
Him only for what you can get yourself?
Ask the Lord to help you to serve out of true love and
devotion and not out of selfish motives or ambitions.
Ask God to forgive you for the times your heart was not fully
devoted to seeking Him and His glory.
Read Zechariah 8:1-23
e saw in the last meditation that certain men had come to the
prophet to seek the will of the Lord regarding the practice of
particular fasts. These fasts were in commemoration of the
events that took place at the time of Israel’s exile to the land of Babylon.
In the last chapter, God told His people that their fathers and mothers had
turned from Him so that He had been forced to discipline them for their evil
ways. In chapter 8 the tone changes:
"I am very jealous for Zion; I am burning with jealousy for
her” (verse 1).
It should be understood that these people did not deserve the Lord’s
jealousy for them. In the last chapter, we saw how their actions had not
been pleasing to Him. They had been fasting, but their fasting was only for
themselves. They were not repentant for their sin. Despite this, the Lord had
a deep feeling of jealousy for them. What an incredible thing it is to know
that the Lord is jealous for us and our affection. He longs to bless. He is not
a God who is far off. He wants to be very near.
Through His prophet Zechariah, the Lord told His people that He would
return to the city of Jerusalem and dwell there. It is important for us to note
that God does remove His blessing and presence at times from His people.
There are various reasons for this. Sin is the greatest obstacle to the
presence of God. God removed His presence from the city of Jerusalem and
from His people for a time so that they would understand their need of Him.
When God returned to Jerusalem, the city would be called the “City of
Truth” (verse 3). The mountain on which that city was built would be called
the Holy Mountain because it was where the Lord’s presence was being
manifested. Notice the result of the Lord coming to the city of Jerusalem.
Verse 4 tells us that once again people of a ripe old age would sit in the
streets of Jerusalem. Each of them would have a cane because of their old
age. Old age was considered a sign of blessing in the city of Jerusalem. Had
the blessing of God been removed, they would not have lived long enough
to see their golden years. They would have died in their youth.
As for the youth, the streets would also be filled with young boys and girls
playing. This was a blessing in two ways. First, it meant that the Lord had
blessed the wombs of the women of the land to be able to bear these
children. Second, it meant that the streets were safe enough for these
children to play. If there were dangers in the street, the children would not
be playing on them. Again, this was evidence of the rich blessing of the
The very thought of these blessings was too much for the people to
understand. Having just come out of exile, they could hardly imagine
having prosperity and security in their own land. To imagine that in their
land they would grow old and see their children playing in the streets in
safety and security was almost too much to believe. This may have seemed
too marvelous for the people to imagine, but it was not too difficult for the
Lord to accomplish.
God promised to save His people from the countries around them. He
would deliver them from the oppression they were experiencing. They
would again be His people and He would be faithful toward them (verse 8).
With the promise of such a glorious future secure, the people should have
been motivated in obedience to the task at hand—completing the work of
rebuilding the temple. God spoke specifically to those who had seen the
foundation of this new temple laid. Through Zechariah the Lord challenged
these people to take courage and be strong so that the temple of the Lord
would be completed. God reminded them in verse 10 of a recent time when
He had disciplined them for ceasing work on the reconstruction. At that
time there was no money in the land. In those days they could not go to
work in safety. The enemy surrounded them. They did not get along with
their neighbours. The blessing of God had been removed from their
presence, and they were left to themselves. The remembrance of those days
was very real in the minds of the people to whom Zechariah spoke.
God reminded them, however, that those days were passed. Now God
promised to deal with them as He did in the past when they were a glorious
nation. His blessing would again return to the land (verse 11). The seed
would grow in the ground. The vine would yield its fruit. The ground would
produce crops. The heavens would be opened to them so that the dew of
God’s blessing would again cover their land. God would give these things
as an inheritance to His people who had returned from exile.
They had been an object of cursing to the nations around them. Now they
would become a blessing. They were not to be afraid. They were to take
courage and persevere in the work God had called them to do. God
reminded them in verse 14 that just as He had determined to bring disaster
on them because of their sin, now He determined to bring blessing on them
(verses 14-15). They were to take courage and be strong because God
promised to be with them and bless them.
Notice that this blessing came with a requirement. If they were to continue
to experience this blessing, they were going to have to live in obedience to a
fourfold requirement.
Speak The Truth To One Another
Honesty and sincerity of character were essential if they wanted to continue
to experience the rich blessing of God. They could not receive from God
what they were not willing to give to their neighbours. Lying, deception,
and hypocrisy were to be banished from among them.
Render True Judgment
They were to be honest not only in what they spoke to each other but also in
their testimonies in their courts of justice. Truth and justice were to prevail
in the land. Evil was to be destroyed. The rich and the poor were to be
given the same treatment. Everyone in the land was to be treated fairly.
Do Not Plot Evil Against Your Neighbour
They were to deal with their neighbours in love and respect. They were to
seek the good of their neighbours and never be the cause of their harm.
Do Not Love To Swear Falsely
They were to be individuals who kept their word. They were to do what
they said. They were to live in such a way that people could trust their
Notice that God was very concerned about how His people treated each
other. His blessing would continue as long as they were living in harmony
with each other. God would not pour out His blessing on those who refused
to bless His children. Broken relationships in the body of Christ can hinder
the flow of God’s blessing. We need to be very careful in our dealings with
our brothers and sisters in Christ. To dishonour them is to dishonour God
and ultimately to remove ourselves from His blessing.
In verse 19 the Lord finally answered the question that the people had asked
him in chapter 7. They had asked if they were to continue to fast in the
various months, as they had during their exile. The fourth month was when
the walls of the city were broken down. The fifth month was when the
temple was burned. The seventh month was when their governor Gedaliah
was murdered. The people had been commemorating these days by fasting
and mourning. The Lord declared that their fasts should become joyous
celebrations. They no longer needed to remember the bitterness of exile.
They needed to celebrate God’s goodness, truth, and peace who had given
them victory over these tragedies.
The Lord told His people that the days were coming when people would
invite each other to seek the Lord God. People of powerful nations would
come to Jerusalem to seek the Lord. People from all languages and nations
would take hold of a Jew by the hem of his garment and say: “Let us go up
with you because we have heard that God is with you” (see verse 23).
Notice how the nations beg the Jews to have the privilege of coming with
them to meet their God. The Jews wouldn’t have to beg the nations to come.
The nations would come to them.
It is important for us to see here that there is no greater witness than that of
the presence of God. When God’s presence is evident in the life of a church
and especially in the lives of those who attend that church, the world is
attracted to what they see. One of the greatest things we can do to
evangelize the world around us is to live in such a way that the presence of
God in clearly visible in everything we do.
What a wonderful blessing is promised here to God’s people. They had
suffered tremendously under the discipline of God in the past, but they were
going to experience His rich blessing. God was going to do a work that they
would find almost impossible to believe. He would reveal His presence to
them in such a way that the nations would see and seek after the God they
served. What an encouragement this would be to his people at this
discouraging point in their history.
Could God do the same thing in our day? Could God do a work in our midst
that we would have a difficult time believing? Has God changed in His
desire for His people? Is it not possible that He wants to do the same today?
For Consideration:
Do you think that God experiences jealousy for His people
today? What causes that jealousy?
What keeps the blessing of God from your church or your
personal life today?
What evidence of God’s blessing can be seen in your life,
church, or society today?
How has God turned your mourning into joy and celebration?
Can we expect God to do great things among us? What are
the requirements?
For Prayer:
Thank God for the work He wants to do in your life today.
Ask the Lord to reveal to you the obstacles that stand
between you and this blessing.
Ask God to reveal His presence in your life and in your
church so that people would know that God is with you and
come to Him.
Thank the Lord that though we do not deserve it, He loves us
with a jealous love.
Read Zechariah 9:1-17
echariah 9 begins with a word spoken to the regions of Hadrach,
Damascus, and Hamath. These cities were located in the nation of
Syria. The Lord was against the land of Hadrach, and God’s word
would come to rest on the city of Damascus. When God’s word came to rest
on a place, it brought with it conviction and judgement. That word of
judgement would spread throughout the region of Syria and conquer it.
Verse 1 tells us that all eyes were on the Lord. God was going to do
something. His people waited in silence for His hand to move. Syria would
know His wrath.
Zechariah spoke next to the region of Tyre, which was a great commercial
centre. This city had built great strongholds. She had within her walls many
who were very skilled. Through the use of these skills, they had made the
city very powerful and influential. They heaped silver and gold like dirt on
the street. Tyre was a very wealthy and prosperous city, but the Lord would
take away her possessions. He would destroy her power on the sea and
consume her by fire (verse 4).
As powerful as Tyre was, she would be destroyed and her wealth would
perish with her. She had everything she could ever want in this world, but
she was not right with God. Because she was not right with God, she would
The Philistines were addressed in verses 5-7. The great Philistine city of
Ashkelon would have cause for fear. She would be deserted. Gaza would
writhe in agony. She would lose her king. The city of Ekron’s hope would
wither away. Foreigners would one day occupy Ashdod. The pride of the
Philistines would be cut off because God would come to judge.
Verse 7 tells us that God would take the blood from their mouths. The
children of God were forbidden to eat blood. These Philistines were unclean
before God, but God would remove this uncleanness from them. The
forbidden and unclean food would be removed from between their teeth.
God would judge and cleanse this nation, and those who remained would
belong to God and become leaders in Judah.
The Philistines were compared to the Jebusites (see verse 7). The Jebusites
were the inhabitants of the region of Jerusalem. David conquered them and
built the city of Jerusalem in that region. Commentators tell us that David
did not cast these inhabitants out of the region. The Philistines would be
conquered by God but not completely destroyed. They would one day bow
the knee to Him and surrender to His purposes. They would one day be
counted among God’s people.
God was going to do a work among these nations. He would cleanse them
and move among them. From these enemies of Israel, God would draw out
a remnant and make them His. He could have destroyed them completely,
but in love He reached down and brought them to Himself. How thankful
we need to be today that God is a God of unmerited favour.
As for His own people, the Israelites, God had not forsaken them. He
promised in verse 8 to defend them from the forces that came their way.
The oppressor would not be allowed to overrun His people because God
would keep watch over them.
In verse 9 God called the daughters of Zion to rejoice. The daughters of
Jerusalem were to shout aloud. The day was coming when their king would
come. He would come in righteousness. His reign would be a reign of
righteousness. He would come with salvation from their enemies but
particularly salvation from the consequences of sin and separation from
God. He would be a gentle and humble king. He was described here as
coming on a donkey, a humble and peaceful animal.
Commentators tell us that it was not unusual for an ancient king or a prince
to ride on a donkey. The significance of the donkey is that it was an animal
of peace. When the Bible speaks of the Lord coming on a horse, it is usually
to exercise judgment. The donkey here is in contrast to the war horse. This
king who would come to them would be a king of peace. Verse 10 tells us
that He would take away the chariot from Ephraim and the war horses from
Jerusalem. He would break the battle bow and proclaim peace to the
nations. His rule would be from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of
the earth.
This chapter is a clear reference to the Lord Jesus. He came to extend His
reign of peace to the far corners of the earth. Each and every day Christ’s
spiritual kingdom is expanding. People from every nation and tribe are
bowing the knee to Him as their Lord and Savior. We are seeing a spiritual
fulfillment of this wonderful prophecy in our day. We are part of the
fulfillment of this prophecy.
Attention now shifts in verse 11 to the Israelites. God’s intention was to do
a wonderful thing through them. Through them He would extend His reign
to the ends of the earth. He would not forget them or the covenant He had
made with them. He would take them out of the watery pit and restore them
to Himself. God would not forget what He had promised to Abraham.
He called His people who were still in exile to return to the fortress (verse
12). The fortress is a reference to the city of Jerusalem where the Lord was
going to reveal His presence in power. A call went out for them to return to
their homeland to experience the rich blessings of God. God promised them
a double portion of blessings. God was not blind to their suffering. He
would bring a double blessing to them.
The presence of God would be very evident in their midst. God tells us that
He would bend Judah like a bow and fill it with Ephraim. The picture here
is of Judah being a bow in the hands of the Lord and Ephraim being His
arrow. His arrow would be aimed at his enemies to destroy them. In this
particular case, Greece was seen as the enemy (verse 13). God would use
His people like a sword in His hand to conquer and bring peace.
God’s people would be powerful in His hands. God would appear over
them. His blessing would be on them. His arrows would flash like lightning.
His trumpet would sound and He would march in the storm. There is a
sense here of the awesome presence of God as He moved with His people.
They would become a powerful and amazing people because He was in
their midst.
The Lord God would shield them. With Him at their side, they would
overcome their enemies with slingshots (verse 15). This was the weapon
that David used to overcome Goliath. While the whole army feared this
giant, David went in the name of the Lord and conquered with a stone from
a brook. Small things become big in the hands of God. In their God they
would drink and roar as with wine and be full like the bowl used for
sprinkling the altar. This bowl at the altar was full of blood. Wine gives
greater boldness. The picture here was of Israel advancing with all boldness
into battle. They were mighty and powerful. They returned full of blood
like the overflowing bowl at the altar. They were mighty, bold, and
victorious because God was with them.
The Lord God would save His people. They were His flock and He was
their shepherd (verse 16). He would gather them together like jewels for His
crown. They would sparkle and shine for Him. Like a king proudly displays
the jewels on His crown, so the Lord would proudly display His children to
the world. What a picture. How He delights in His people, who are the
jewels in His crown. You are one of those jewels and I am one too.
Listen to what God said about those jewels on his crown in verse 17: “How
attractive and beautiful they will be.” How did those jewels get to be so
attractive? They had to go through the fire of affliction and suffering. They
were tested in the furnace of trial. Their suffering made them stronger and
more beautiful. Under their God the grain and new wine of His blessing
would make them thrive.
We understand from this that God had a wonderful plan for His people.
They would be tried and tested, but it was only to make them more
beautiful. They were to become jewels for the crown of the Lord. In Him
they would be powerful. In Him they would be shielded and protected. God
had a wonderful plan and purpose for them, as He does for all of us. Our
trials will only make us better and more beautiful.
For Consideration:
Notice how the Lord said that He would do a work of grace
even in the lives of the enemies of His people. Who are the
enemies today? Can God do a work in their lives?
God’s people are called to rejoice and shout for joy in verse
9. What reasons do we have as believers to shout for joy?
God’s people were strong in Him, but His presence was not
always manifested with such power. What kept God from
manifesting His power in them? What keeps us from
experiencing that power today?
What comfort do you take from the fact that you are a jewel
in the crown of God?
For Prayer:
Thank the Lord for the promise that in Him we are strong.
Ask God to help you to remain faithful to Him.
Are there people you know who need to see a powerful work
of God in their lives? Ask God to reveal Himself to them.
Thank God that He considers us to be jewels in His crown.
Thank Him for the trials that made you into the jewel you are
Read Zechariah 10:1-12
aving reminded His people in the last chapter that they were like
jewels in His crown, the Lord challenged them to ask Him for the
spring rains. The spring rain was necessary to assure that there
would be a good harvest. The spring rain should be understood here to be a
symbol of the blessing the Lord wanted to pour out on His people. God
wanted His people to ask Him for these spring rain blessings.
How often we have believed deep in our hearts that we have to struggle to
convince God to pour out His blessing on us. This verse is a real challenge
to this way of thinking. God is calling us to ask Him for the spring rain. He
wants to pour out His blessing. He is more willing to pour out His blessing
on us than we are to receive that blessing.
Notice also in verse 1 that the Lord makes the storm clouds and gives
showers of rain to people and the plants of the field to everyone. God is the
source of all blessings. He is willing to dispense these blessings to whoever
will ask Him for them. Notice that He gives the plants of the field to
everyone. You may not feel worthy, but God is willing to give. We will not
receive if we do not ask (James 4:2).
God’s people were unfaithful to Him. They had idols but these idols could
not speak to them. They had diviners who saw visions and dreams, but
these were lying visions and false dreams. They gave vain comfort to the
people of God. God’s people were left wandering like sheep without a
shepherd (verse 2).
God knew what was happening to His people, and it grieved His heart. In
verse 3 he told His people that His anger was going to burn against these
false shepherds. He would punish the leaders of His people who were not
taking seriously their role as shepherds. How seriously we need to take this
role as leaders of God’s flock. Not to care for His flock is to invite the wrath
of God upon us. God cares deeply for the sheep He has entrusted into our
care. He will hold us accountable for their lives.
Notice in verse 3 that because the shepherds were not caring for their sheep,
God would care for them Himself. The remainder of this chapter speaks
about the blessings the Lord promised to pour out on His people as their
Great Shepherd. Let’s examine these blessings one by one.
I Will Make Them Like Proud War Horses (Verse
God promised that as their shepherd He would make His people like proud
war horses. These horses were not afraid of the battle. They were filled with
courage. They charged into the battle with strength and boldness. This is
what the Lord was going to do for His people. He was going to fill them
with courage to face the struggle before them. He would make them strong
for the battle.
Is this not the role of the shepherd? Is it not our responsibility as shepherds
of God’s people to fill them with courage and to equip them to face the
battle before them? The sheep need the courage of the Lord to stand against
the enemy each day. As shepherds, it is our responsibility to build that
courage in them.
From Judah Will Come A Corner Stone (Verses 4-
God promised also in verse 4 that from Judah would come the cornerstone,
the tent peg, the battle bow, and every ruler. What does each of these
objects represent?
The cornerstone was considered to be one of the most important stones in
the building. It was the stone from which the whole foundation was
measured. Jesus is compared to a cornerstone (1 Peter 2:6). Jesus, the
Messiah and hope of the world would come from their land.
The cornerstone was a stone from which all other foundation stones were
measured It represented the firmness and strength of the foundation. God
was interested in building a people who would be strong and solid.
The tent peg is what kept the tent from blowing away in the storm. The tent
peg was a symbol of perseverance and endurance. When the storm raged,
these pegs remained strong and dependable. As the Good Shepherd, God
was going to produce sheep that were dependable. His desire was to make
them strong and persevering. He was not interested in a people who were
going to fall prey to every wind. He wanted a people who would be
anchored firmly, a people who would remain true no matter what happened,
and a people who could withstand the storms of life.
The battle bow was a symbol of the battle. The battle was for the
courageous. God was interested in producing a people who were warriors.
He was interested in a people who would stand up against the enemy and
fight. He wanted a strong and courageous people who would not run away
the moment the enemy appeared.
Notice also that the Lord wanted to produce rulers from these sheep. He
wanted to produce individuals who could lead His people. Once again, is
this not the responsibility of the shepherd? Is it not our responsibility to
nurture the sheep God has entrusted to our care that out of them come stable
cornerstones in the body of Christ? Individuals who, like tent pegs, stand
firm when the winds of opposition rage around them, people who, like the
battle bow, are equipped to face the enemy, people who themselves are
leaders. What an awesome responsibility the shepherd has.
God reminded His people in verse 5 that under His leadership as the Good
Shepherd they would be like mighty warriors. He would produce a people
who would go out to the battle and trample the muddy streets. Because the
Lord was with them, they would fight and overcome the enemy horsemen.
They would be a conquering and victorious people.
I Will Strengthen The House Of Judah (Verse 6)
The Lord would strengthen the house of Judah. The house of Joseph would
be saved. God would do this because He had compassion on them. For
some time they had been in exile. They had been under the heavy hand of
God’s discipline. But they had been forgiven. God would be their God and
draw close to them. In those days, those who saw them would find it hard to
believe that there ever was a distance between them and their God. They
would be reconciled to God. Communion with Him would be restored. God
would again hear and answer their cries.
Ephraim Will Become Mighty (Verse 7)
In those days the Lord would so bless the Ephraimites (symbol of His
people as a whole) that they would become mighty men. Their hearts would
be lifted up in joy and thankfulness to God. There would be joy and
rejoicing in the land again as God moved in power and blessing. Their
hearts would rejoice in the Lord.
I Will Gather Them In (Verses 8-10)
The time of exile was over. The Good Shepherd would redeem them from
the hand of their enemies. He would restore them to the full blessing they
once knew in him. His call went out to them to return to Him and be
restored to fellowship. He would bring them out of the lands of their
bondage. From Egypt and Assyria, all who had been exiled from their land
were being summoned to return. Verse 10 tells us that those who returned
would be so plentiful that there would be no room for them. The blessing of
the Lord would be so great that the land itself would not be able to contain
The Surging Sea Shall Be Subdued (Verse 11)
The day was coming when the surging seas would be subsided. This sea
was a symbol of the struggle and oppression God’s people had been under.
This was due to the Egyptian and Assyrian domination. This sea of
opposition would dry up. In its place would be the spring rains of God’s
blessing. God would judge both Egypt and Assyria, who had been
responsible for this oppression.
I Will Strengthen Them In The Lord (Verse 12)
Finally God promised that His sheep would be strengthened through the
Lord. They would again be strong in Him and walk in His ways.
The spring rains were about to fall. God wanted to do a wonderful thing in
their midst. We return to the first verse. God challenged His people simply
to ask Him for these blessing. We have seen all that God wanted to do
among His people. Could it be that God wants to do the same today? Could
it be that all that stands between that blessing and us is our willingness to
ask and receive it from His hands?
For Consideration:
Do you think that the Lord wants to pour out on His people
today the blessing outlined in this section?
What do you think stands between us and these blessings?
What does this passage teach us about the role of spiritual
leaders today?
What does this passage teach us about the desire that God has
for us as His people?
If you are a pastor or spiritual leader take a moment to
examine what God wanted for His people. Is this your goal
and commitment as well?
For Prayer:
Take a moment to pray for your spiritual leaders. If you are a
spiritual leader, ask the Lord to help you to be a faithful
shepherd as outlined in this passage.
Do you have struggles you are going through right now? Ask
the Lord to make you like a “cornerstone and tent peg.”
Thank the Lord that He does desire to bless you and shape
you into a clean vessel for His use.
Read Zechariah 11:1-17
n chapter 10 we saw the wonderful promises God had for His people.
He promised that He would come to shepherd them. He promised that
He would pour out His spring rain on them. They would be strong and
powerful again. In chapter 11, however, the tone changes.
The prophecy recorded in chapter 11 began with wailing. Lebanon was
called to open her doors so that the fire of God’s judgement could come on
them. The pine trees of the land were commanded to wail because the cedar
trees had fallen. If the stately cedar tree had fallen, how long would it be
before the lowly pine tree fell? The oaks of Bashan too were to wail
because the dense forest had been cut down. The shepherds of the land
wailed because the rich pasture lands had been destroyed and there was no
place to pasture the sheep. Even the lions felt this devastation as they roared
in what used to be the lush thickets of Judah. These thickets too had been
The picture painted for us here is one of absolute devastation. Something
had swept through the land and laid it waste. This was cause for deep pain
and anguish on the part of the people of God. We might wonder what has
caused such devastation in the land that had been promised so much
blessing in chapter 10. The remainder of the chapter seems to describe for
us the cause of this devastation.
In verse 4 a call went out to pasture the flock marked for slaughter. We get a
picture here of what was happening in the land. God had been watching
what was taking place. In this verse the Lord paints a picture of buyers and
sellers of sheep. In reality He is speaking about rich and influential people
who were oppressing the poor in the land. Notice how He speaks of buyers
slaughtering sheep and not being called to account for their actions. Those
selling the sheep praised the Lord because they were made rich from selling
the poor. Even the shepherds did not care for the sheep. From this we
understand that the poor of the land were being oppressed and used by the
rich to further their cause. God was angry with this.
In verse 6 God declared that He would no longer have pity on the land.
Instead, He would hand it over to the nations. These nations would oppress
His people, and the Lord would not rescue them.
Zechariah was called to care for his people at a time when the Lord had
turned His back on them because of their sin. He was called to go to those
who had been marked for destruction. Though they had been marked out for
destruction because of their sin, God still called out to them. He sent His
servant to minister to them. In obedience to the word of the Lord, the
prophet Zechariah cared for the flock that was under the discipline of the
Lord. He reached out to them and ministered to them in the name of the
Notice in verse 7 that Zechariah pastured these sheep with two staffs. The
first staff was called Favour; the second staff was called Union. The first
staff demonstrates the favour and grace of God on His people. Even though
they were marked out for destruction, God sent His servant to care for them.
In doing this He showed them His favour. Zechariah was to remember that
the people among whom he ministered were a people God favoured. He
was to treat them with the respect they deserved as the chosen people of
God even though they did not deserve it.
The second staff was a staff called Union. The prophet’s responsibility was
to build up these people and unite them with God and their brothers and
sisters. Remember that one of the issues God had with His people was that
they were mistreating the poor and oppressing each other. This not only
brought division between the people of God but also broke the bond
between God and His people. Zechariah’s responsibility was to restore the
unity between God’s people. In doing this he would also restore their
relationship with God.
Verse 8 tells us that in one month Zechariah got rid of three shepherds. We
are not told who these shepherds were. It may be that the prophet Zechariah
got rid of the spiritual leaders spoken about in chapter 10 who were not
taking care of the people of God.
Notice in verse 8 that the flock grew weary of Zechariah as their shepherd.
They did not accept him and his ministry. Zechariah in many ways
represented the ministry of the Lord God to His people Israel. He came as a
Good Shepherd to care for them. He ministered to them, but His people
refused Him as their Shepherd.
The result in verse 9 was that Zechariah said:
“I will not be your shepherd. Let the dying die and let the
perishing perish. Let those who are left eat one anothers
Because they rejected him as shepherd, Zechariah was forced to leave them.
This is what would happen in the life of the Good Shepherd, Jesus. The
Lord Jesus came to offer life to His people, but they rejected Him.
Zechariah symbolized the Lord God and the work of His Son by this act of
shepherding the people of Israel.
Zechariah took his staff called Favour and broke it. This symbolized the end
of the Lord’s favour and shepherding care He had provided for His people.
As their Shepherd, the Lord had protected them from their enemies and kept
them safe. Now, because they had rejected Him, they would have to face
their enemy.
In verse 12 Zechariah asked the people for his wages as their shepherd. This
was the act of someone who was settling an account before leaving on the
final day of work. It is interesting that the people weighed out for him thirty
pieces of silver as his wage. Zechariah was told to take this money and
“throw it to the potter.” These potters were often in the temple making
pottery jars for temple use.
The act of throwing these thirty pieces of silver to the potter prophesied an
event in the life of the Lord Jesus. Matthew 27 recounts the story of the
betrayal of the Lord Jesus by Judas. For thirty pieces of silver, Judas
betrayed the Lord Jesus and sold Him to the Jewish leaders. He later felt
remorse for this decision and took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them
to the priests in the temple. Not knowing what to do with this dirty money,
the priests bought the potters field.
In verse 14 Zechariah also broke the second staff called Union. He had
already broken the staff of God’s favour. By the breaking of this second
staff, God spoke of what would happen in the land of Israel. There would be
a breaking down of the union of “brotherhood between Judah and Israel.”
The passage is not clear how this disunity would take place.
Zechariah prophesied that the day would come when God’s people would
be handed over to a foolish shepherd (see verse 16). This shepherd would
not care for the lost. He would not seek the young or heal the injured or
even feed the healthy; instead, the sheep would be his meat. They would be
treated cruelly, having their hoofs torn off to satisfy his appetite. It is
uncertain who this shepherd is. It may, however, refer to the Romans who
would rule over and treat the Jews with great contempt in the years to come,
just prior to the coming of the Lord Jesus.
Whoever this evil shepherd was, he would be punished in the end. Because
he did not care for the flock, he would meet his end. His sword would be
struck from his hand and his arm would be withered. His power would be
taken from him. His right eye would be blinded. God would triumph over
this evil shepherd in the end. God’s people would be misled by a false
shepherd because they turned from their true shepherd. In God’s grace,
however, He would not forget them. That day would come when God
would break the arm of this deceiving shepherd and restore His people.
It is a terrible thing to reject the only hope we have. Right here in this Old
Testament passage, we read about how the Jewish people who had been
promised so much would reject the Lord Jesus. What blessing could have
been theirs, but they turned their back on it. While for a time, the rods of
favour and union have been broken, there will yet be a reunion. God will
not forget His people. Maybe like the people of Zechariah’s day, you too
have wandered dangerously from the Lord. Today He is willing to restore
you to that place of blessing if you will come to Him. Don’t reject such a
wonderful offer.
For Consideration:
What do we learn here about the wrath of God? Will God
punish sin? Is there hope for those who have fallen under His
divine judgement?
Is there an end to the pleading of God? Is there a time when
the Lord will stop pleading and make His judgement final?
What comfort do you take from the fact that the rejection of
the Lord Jesus was prophesied in such detail?
What do we learn in this passage about the grace and
compassion of the Lord God?
For Prayer:
Thank the Lord that He opened your eyes to the reality of the
Lord Jesus and His work as a Good Shepherd.
Thank God that He knows all things and that even the
rejection of Jesus was prophesied before it happened. Thank
Him that nothing takes Him by surprise.
Thank the Lord for His wonderful grace to those who have
for a long time turned from Him.
Read Zechariah 12:1-13
hapter 11 ended on a fairly negative tone. The children of Israel
would reject the coming Messiah. Because they turned their backs
on Him, God would turn from them for a time. Chapter 12
continues on this same theme. We see here, however, that God will not
abandon His people, forever.
A word from the Lord came to Zechariah concerning Israel in verse 1. God
introduced Himself as the Lord who stretched out the heavens and founded
the earth. He formed the spirit of mankind and is the Creator and Sustainer
of life. This is an awesome God who speaks here. Nothing can stand against
Him and His purposes. What He has determined will ultimately happen.
This awesome God spoke through His servant Zechariah:
“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the
surrounding peoples reeling” (verse 2).
How was this going to happen? Notice in verse two that it seems to be
connected with the nations besieging Judah and Jerusalem.
The people of Zechariah’s day had returned from their exile in Babylon.
They remained in their land, but they would be dominated by surrounding
nations. Historically, the Greeks and the Romans would invade the land of
Israel and oppress the people of God. By the time the Lord Jesus came to
this earth, the land of Israel was under Roman domination.
The phrase “on that day” is repeated at least six times in this chapter. This
chapter seems to be devoted to the description of the days when the land of
Israel was under the domination of these foreign powers. Verse 3 tells us
that on that day when the nations of the earth were gathered against the
children of Israel, God would make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All who
tried to move it would be injured. While God does not promise freedom
from trial and difficulty for His people, He does promise to keep them. For
a time they were disciplined, but God would not completely abandon them.
He still had a purpose for them.
In those days of oppression by the enemy nations, God would strike the
horses with panic and the enemy riders with madness (see verse 4). God
would blind the horses of the nations so that they could not overcome His
people. In the day of Abraham, the men of Sodom and Gomorrah tried to
force their way into the home of Lot (see Genesis 19). On that day the angel
of the Lord struck these men with blindness so that they could not
overcome Lot and his family. This is what Zechariah said would happen to
the enemies of God’s people.
What an encouragement it is for us to see what the Lord would do for His
people. It is true that they had rejected the Messiah. They were being
judged by God and under His discipline. Despite this, however, they were
still cared for and protected by God. He disciplined them, but He did not
abandon them. Do you have a loved one who is in this situation? Have they
wandered away from the Lord? There is encouragement here for us. God
will not abandon them. He will watch over them and keep them.
The day was coming when the Lord would return to Israel. They would
know that He was among them (see verse 5). On that day the Lord would
make the leaders of Judah like a fire pot in a woodpile. They would burn
brightly, consuming the nations around them. Like a flaming torch among
the sheaves of grain, they would consume their enemies. Those who came
to oppress them would be destroyed in the fire of God’s vengeance.
Jerusalem would remain intact. Though she suffered much, God would not
allow her to be removed. He would be faithful to His covenant with them.
Verse 7 tells us that on the day when the Lord delivered His people, He
would deliver the dwellings of Judah first so that the people of the house of
David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem would not conclude that they were
more important to God than the people of Judah. God would treat His
people fairly. Like a father who loves all his children, God would not play
favorites with Jerusalem. The countryside of Judah would be defended by
God as well as those who lived in the great city of Jerusalem. The
unfortified cities of Judah would be as victorious as the fortified city of
Jerusalem with all her forces. In this deliverance no human force would
receive the glory. The weak and defenseless would be delivered as well as
the powerful and strong. God would be no respecter of persons.
In verse 8 the Lord promised to shield those who lived in Jerusalem and
strengthen them so that even the feeblest among them would be like David.
David was a mighty warrior. On that day God would make all His people
like David the mighty warrior. Their enemies would not be able to stand
against them. The house of David would be like God, with the Angel of the
Lord going before them. They would be like God in the sense that He was
in their midst. The Angel of God was going before them to bless and to
strengthen them. To fight against Israel would be like fighting against God.
No one would be able to stand against them. Verse 9 tells us that on that day
God would destroy all the nations that attacked Jerusalem. Yes, they had
rejected their Messiah, but God had not rejected them. He still had a
purpose. They were still special in his eyes.
The day was coming when God would pour out a gracious spirit on His
people (see verse 10). He would do a powerful spiritual work in their midst.
God promised through Zechariah to pour out on the house of David a spirit
of grace and supplication. God would shower them with His grace so that
they would receive the benefits of His forgiveness and mercy. He would
also put within them a spirit of supplication. Their hearts would be moved
to cry out to God again. How we need to see that same spirit being poured
out on our society today. Notice the result of this outpouring.
Verse 10 tells us that they would look on Him whom they had pierced and
mourn for Him like one would mourn for their only child who had died.
Who is the one they had pierced? This was none other than the Lord Jesus.
God’s Spirit would so move among His people that they would be broken
because of what they had done in putting the Lord Jesus on the cross. Have
you felt that grief? Do you realize that it was for your sins that the Lord
Jesus had to suffer and die? When God pours out His Spirit, there is a new
recognition of the Lord Jesus and His work. There is a sense of repentance
and grief for our sin. This is what God was going to do for His people.
Verse 11 tells us that on the day that God poured out His Spirit, the weeping
in Jerusalem would be very great. They would weep like the weeping of
Hadad Rimmon. There is some debate about the identity of Hadad Rimmon.
Some see it as a location in the region of Megiddo. If this is the case, there
is evidence that in this area many false gods were worshiped. Could this be
a reference to the sound of mourning that could be heard in this area as the
worshipers called out to their false gods? A second interpretation would see
Hadad Rimmon as the fertility god Tammuz of the Babylonians. Others see
this as a reference to the national mourning for righteous King Josiah who
died in Megiddo (2 Chronicles 35:20-24). Whichever interpretation is
correct, the idea here is that there would be much mourning in the region of
Jerusalem. God’s people would weep because of the spirit of repentance
that He would put within them. God would move them to tears for their sin
of rejecting the One they had pierced.
Notice in verses 12 and 13 that the Lord would move in revival throughout
the entire nation of His people. Each clan would mourn by itself. There is
something powerful happening here. People throughout Israel were being
brought to repentance individually. There were no big meetings. There was
no chance of people getting caught up in the emotions of the moment. Each
clan was being touched independently of the others. God’s Spirit was
moving and touching each person individually. We can only imagine the
power of this wonderful work of the Spirit. From this we have a sense that
God will still move among His people, the Jews, to bring them to an
awareness of His provision through Christ Jesus, the One they pierced.
Be encouraged by this passage. Could it be that the day is coming when
God will pour out His presence on your community as well? Will the day
come when your community will know this spirit of grace and supplication?
Could it be that you too will see the Spirit of the Lord move on you,
bringing you the victories you have long sought? There is cause for
rejoicing in this chapter.
For Consideration:
What promise do we have here for those who wander from
the Lord?
What comfort do you find in this passage as you face the
struggles and difficulties that are before you?
Have you experienced this spirit of grace and supplication?
What would characterize the person who has received this
spirit from the Lord?
What do we learn about the purpose God has for His own
people the Jews?
For Prayer:
Thank God that even though we have often turned our backs
on the Lord, He has remained faithful.
Ask the Lord to pour out His spirit of grace and supplication
on us again so that we may see the Lord Jesus afresh.
Thank the Lord that He does not abandon His children
Read Zechariah 13:1-9
n the last chapter, we saw how the Lord promised to do a mighty work
in the life of His people Israel. He would pour out His Spirit on them
and they would mourn for the One they had pierced. The prophecy
continued with this theme in Chapter 13.
The day was coming when a fountain would be opened to the house of
David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Verse 1 tells us that the purpose of
that fountain was to cleanse from sin and impurity. It appears that God had
yet a powerful work to do in the life of the Jewish nation. The day would
come when the fountain of God’s blessing, renewal, and forgiveness would
flow in Jerusalem. God would visit His people in power.
In those days the Lord would banish the names of the idols from their land.
The work of God would be such that His people would turn from their idols
and seek His face alone. They would no longer remember their foreign gods
and idols. False prophets and a spirit of impurity would be removed from
the land.
Notice the extent of this cleansing in the land in verse 3. If a false prophet
stood up to speak, even his own father and mother would say: “You must
die.” Because he prophesied lies in the name of the Lord, even his own
parents would kill him. This was in accordance with the law of God as
recorded in Deuteronomy 13:6-9:
“If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife
you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying,
‘Let us go and worship other gods’ (gods that neither you nor
your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you,
whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), do
not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare
him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your
hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the
hands of all the people.”
It is hard to imagine a time when the people of God would be so in tune
with Him that nothing could stand between them and their God. They
would willingly turn their backs on their own children to seek God and His
honour in their midst. Nothing was to come between them and their God. In
our day, we allow sin to remain in our land and our lives. Pastors are
sometimes afraid that if they speak out against certain sins, they will lose
members of their congregations. We fear that people may turn from us if we
rebuke sin. Often we simply turn our heads and look the other way.
Zechariah speaks of a day, however, when there would be such a deep sense
of the presence of the Lord that the believers would not allow anything to
stand between them and their God (not even their own children). Such
would be the awesome sense of the presence of the Lord in their midst.
On that day the false prophets would be ashamed of their false prophetic
visions (verse 4). They would not put on their prophetic garments. They
would not want anyone to know that they were prophets. They would tell
people that they were farmers and that they had been farmers from the time
of their youth. If asked about the wounds on their body, they would say that
they had received these wounds at the home of a friend. In reality, however,
these wounds were very likely self-inflicted. The false prophets of the day,
like the prophets of Baal in the days of Elijah, would often cut themselves
in order to get closer to their demonic gods. We have a clear example of this
in 1 Kings 18:27-28:
“At noon Elijah began to taunt them. ‘Shout louder!’ he said.
‘Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or
traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.’ So they
shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears,
as was their custom, until their blood flowed.”
Here in Zechariah, when the false prophet was asked to account for his self-
afflicted wounds, he would lie to protect his life—such would be the fear of
the Lord in the land.
Can you imagine a time in your land when the unbelievers would be so
ashamed of their sin that they would do anything to keep it from being
known? Can you imagine a society where the entertainment industry would
be so ashamed of the content of its lewd movies and films that it would take
its name off them for fear that they would be discovered for having
produced such evil? We can only pray that the Lord will move in such
power as He promised here.
How would all this take place? It would not take place in the way the
people of Israel would expect. In verses 7-9 we catch a glimpse of the
incredible plan of God for the salvation and renewal of His people.
In verse 7 Zechariah turned his attention from the false prophets to a
shepherd. The prophecy began with a call to a sword. “Awake, O sword,”
cried the Lord God. What was the purpose of this sword? The sword was to
strike a shepherd. Notice in particular what was said about this shepherd.
Verse 7 described him as “my shepherd.” He was also described as one
“who is close to me.” This cannot go without notice. The Lord tells us that
the shepherd that was going to be struck was a shepherd who was close to
God. God called Him his shepherd. This tells us about the character of the
shepherd that was going to be struck with the sword.
Notice that when the shepherd was stuck, the sheep would be scattered.
Jesus took this very passage and applied it to His disciples in Mark 14:27:
“You will all fall away,” Jesus told them, “for it is written: ‘I
will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’”
On the day that they came to arrest the Lord Jesus, His disciples deserted
Him and fled (see Matthew 26:56). The prophet Zechariah prophesied that
this would happen many years prior to this.
Verse 7 also tells us that the hand of the Lord would be turned against His
little ones. All the apostles were persecuted. The early Jewish church knew
the impact of this when the enemy was unleashed against them (James 1:1).
Persecution broke out against the church as Satan unleashed his evil on
Verses 8 and 9 show us the impact of this unleashing of evil on the earth
after the crucifixion of the Good Shepherd. Two thirds of the land would be
struck down and perish and only one third would remain. This final third
would themselves be put through the fire and refined like silver and gold.
The history of the Jewish people has indeed shown us that they have
certainly had to go through trial and refining. Nations have risen up against
them. Many Jews have perished. God has not abandoned them, however.
There is still a remnant that He holds for Himself. After His people were
refined, God would answer them. He would call them His people, and they
would call Him their God.
In the beginning of this chapter, we saw that God was going to raise up a
fountain that would flow and bring cleansing to the land. Idols would be
cast aside. False prophets would be banished and ashamed of their evil
words. All this would take place through the death of a Great Shepherd who
would come. This shepherd was the Lord Jesus. His death, like a fountain,
would ultimately cleanse the land of Israel. His death would bring new hope
for the people of God. His death would transform their society. It would
bridge the gap between God and His covenant people.
From this side of the cross, we see the transforming power of the
crucifixion of the Lord Jesus. Our lives have been changed. We have had
victory over our idols and sins. The fountain of His blood has washed us
and cleansed us of our evil. Back in the days of Zechariah, some five
hundred years before Christ, this prophecy was given to the people of God.
This fountain is flowing today and wherever it goes it brings cleansing and
forgiveness. One day we trust it will cleanse the nation of Israel. Have you
been cleansed by it?
For Consideration:
What encouragement do you receive from the fact that the
crucifixion of the Lord Jesus was so clearly prophesied so
many years before it happened? List some of the events
prophesied by Zechariah that came true in the life of Jesus.
How willing are you to deal with every known sin in your
What difference has the blood of Christ made in your life and
the lives of those around you?
For Prayer:
Thank God for the work He promised to do in the life of His
Ask the Lord to move in power in your life and the life of
your church.
Ask God to help you to be serious about the sin and evil
around you. Ask Him to give you His heart when it comes to
sin and rebellion. Ask Him to forgive you for the times you
have accepted sin and have not been repulsed by it.
Thank the Lord for the death of the Lord Jesus, which sets us
free from the power of sin in our lives. Thank Him that He
revealed this so clearly through the prophet Zechariah.
Read Zechariah 14:1-21
n chapter 13 that Lord promised that He would send a wonderful
revival to His people. Before that day, however, there would be
difficult times. In verse 1 we read that there was a day coming when
plunder would be divided among them. The New Kings James Version
translates this slightly differently and gives us a good general sense of what
the verse is telling us: “Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, and your
spoil will be divided in your midst” (Zechariah 14:1).
The sense here is that the enemy would come in and take spoils of war from
the people of God. They would watch the enemy divide up the spoil before
their very eyes. In that day the Lord would gather all the nations against the
city of Jerusalem. They would fight against it and capture it. The houses of
the city would be ransacked, and the women would be raped. Half the city
would go into exile while the other half remained in the ruined city (verse
The Lord would not leave them in this situation, however. Zechariah tells us
in verse 3 that the Lord would go out and fight these nations. We are left
wondering why the Lord would allow the nations to come against His
people in the first place. Why wouldn’t He simply protect them from the
enemy? Obviously, it was His desire to show them something very
God will sometimes allow us to suffer in order to show us that He is bigger
than suffering and pain. We very often do not understand the power of God
until we have seen the power of the enemy. Sometimes the Lord lets us see
the power of the enemy in order to show us His even greater power. What is
encouraging here is that the Lord rises up to fight for His people. He will
not forget His own. His timing is not the same as ours. We may have to wait
for that deliverance. We may be stretched in our faith and patience, but God
will not forget us. He will rise up to fight on our behalf.
On the day that the Lord would fight for His people, Zechariah tells us that
the Lord’s feet would stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem
(verse 4). The result of this would be that the mountain would split in two,
forming a great valley. Half the mountain would move to the north and half
would move to the south. This is very difficult for us to imagine. What is
happening here?
The apostle John had a vision of a period of great tribulation on the entire
earth. In Revelation 16 we read an account that resembles what we see here
in Zechariah. Listen to what the apostle John saw in his vision as recorded
in Revelation 16:16-20:
“Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in
Hebrew is called Armageddon. The seventh angel poured out
his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice
from the throne, saying, ‘It is done!’ Then there came flashes of
lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake.
No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on
earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into
three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God
remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with
the wine of the fury of his wrath. Every island fled away and the
mountains could not be found.”
There are several significant details in this prophecy of John that we should
not miss. John told his readers that the nations would gather together
against the Lord (Revelation 16:14). When they came, the Lord would
move in power and defend His people. John reminds us that there would be
an earthquake like nothing that we have ever seen on the earth. The result of
this earthquake was that the city of Jerusalem would be divided into three
parts and the mountains and the islands would disappear. Could it be that
what the prophet Zechariah prophesied is the same as what John the apostle
saw in His vision?
If Revelation 16 and Zechariah 14 speak of the same events, we should
understand here that Zechariah was prophesying of a time that is yet to
come. God’s people would still have to go through much. The nations of the
earth would one day rise up against the people of Israel. God would come to
their rescue with great physical signs.
The reason for the splitting of the Mount of Olives is described for us in
verse 5. This newly formed valley would be the means of escape for the
people of God. They would escape through this valley in haste, as they did
when they fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah (Amos 1:1).
When His people had escaped, the Lord would come with His holy ones
(angels). He would come as a warrior to destroy the enemies of His people.
What is clear is that God would first make sure that His people were safe
before He come to exercise His judgment.
There is a very powerful lesson here. God was willing to move the
mountain to set His people free. Nothing would stand in the way. When
things seemed impossible, God not only will part the water, as he did in the
days of Moses, but he will also move the mountains that stand in His way.
Whatever your trial is today, you can be sure that the Lord is able to break
through and give you victory and a means of escape.
Not only would the Mount of Olives be split, but also we see that on that
day there would be no light, no cold, and no frost. Verse 7 tells us that there
would be daylight all the time. Does it strike you as odd that verse 6 says
that there would be no light and verse 7 tells us that it would be daylight all
the time? How could it be daylight all the time if there was no light?
Could it be that the light referred to in verse 6 was the light of the sun and
the stars and the light of verse 7 was from another source? Isaiah the
prophet spoke of a time when the Lord Himself would be the light. We see
this in Isaiah 60:19-20:
The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the
brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your
everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Your sun
will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the
LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow
will end.
The book of Revelation also tells us that in the Holy City of heaven there
will be no more sun because the glory of the Lord would light the city
(Revelation 22:5).
Verse 9 tells us that in those days the Lord would be king over the whole
earth. He would rule over a world that would honour Him alone. All other
gods would be removed from the land. He would be the light of this world.
His glory would light up the streets. Living water would flow from
Jerusalem (verse 8). This living water was a symbol of salvation and
Verse 10 tells us that the region surrounding Jerusalem would be leveled
like the plain of Arabah. This seems to correspond with what Zechariah told
us in verse 4 about the Mount of Olives splitting. Revelation 16:20 also tells
us that the mountains and the islands would disappear in the presence of the
great God of glory.
It should be mentioned here that the city of Jerusalem was noted for the
mountains that surrounded the city. These mountains provided a natural
defense for the city. In those days, however, there would be no need for this
natural protection. God would be their protector. He would also remove all
their enemies. The city of Jerusalem would be inhabited and never again be
destroyed. It would be secure. God would protect His people.
As for the nations, however, their situation was very different. The enemies
of Jerusalem would suffer the wrath of God. Listen to the judgement against
them in verse 12. Zechariah tells us that their flesh would rot while they
were still standing on their feet. Their eyes would rot in their sockets. Their
tongues would rot in their mouths.
Again, it is interesting to compare what Zechariah prophesied here with
what the apostle John saw in Revelation 16:8-11:
The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun
was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared
by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had
control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and
glorify him. The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of
the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. Men
gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven
because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to
repent of what they had done.
Do these two men speak of the same event? What is clear is that at the end
of time, the enemies of God will be dealt with in all severity. They will be
inflicted with great and deadly wounds.
The days of the end times prophesied here would be days of tremendous
panic and fear (see verse 13). In their fright, people would attack each other.
There would be wars and battles, even as the Lord Jesus Himself
prophesied (Matthew 24:6).
Verses 14-16 speak of a great battle where the enemies rise up against
Jerusalem. Again, this corresponds with the teaching of Revelation 16. John
tells us of a great battle in which the enemies of God come together to make
war against God and His people. Zechariah prophesied that in that day,
Judah would be called to defend the city of Jerusalem. They would band
together to fend off the attack of the enemy. The result of this would be that
the wealth of the nations would be collected. Great quantities of gold, silver,
and clothing would be amassed. We are told in verse 15 that the plague that
struck the men and women of the land (verse 12) would also strike the
horses, mules, camels, donkeys, and all the animals of the land.
In verse 16 we see that the survivors from the nations that attacked
Jerusalem would go up year after year to worship the Lord. They would
confess Him as Lord and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. They would
see His power and bow the knee before Him as Lord. Notice that these
nations celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles (verse 16).
The Feast of Tabernacles (sometimes called the Feast of Booths) was
celebrated each year as a reminder of Israel’s time in the wilderness. During
this time the children of Israel left their homes and lived in tents or booths
made from branches. They did this in remembrance of how they lived in the
wilderness. This feast was celebrated immediately after the harvest. It is
unclear why the nations would celebrate this festival. Suffice it to say that
they remembered God’s great blessing through this celebration of His
goodness. During this Feast of Tabernacles the people had to humble
themselves to live in tents made of branches, but they still feasted and
celebrated the goodness and bounty of God. The undeserving sinner feasted
on the riches of the bounty of God. The picture here is of the nations
remembering where they came from but at the same time feasting on the
goodness and mercy of God.
Verses 17-19 remind us that if anyone did not go up to worship the Lord in
Jerusalem, they would have no rain. If Egypt did not go up to worship the
Lord God of Israel, God would send His plagues on her. Some
commentators feel that the reason that Egypt is singled out here is because
she did not depend on the rain for her agriculture but rather on the Nile
River. She could not expect to escape this judgment of God just because she
didn’t depend on the rain. She too would be punished.
In the days to come, said Zechariah, the words “HOLY TO THE LORD”
would be inscribed on the bells of the horses (verse 20). The cooking pots
in the Lord’s house would be like the sacred bowls in front of the altar.
Everything in Jerusalem, even the most common utensils, would be used in
service to the Lord Almighty. There would be no Canaanite in the house of
the Lord Almighty, only those who gave themselves fully to the Lord God
of Israel. Here the term Canaanite represented anyone morally or spiritually
The cleansing of the land would be so thorough that nothing would be left
that was not holy to the Lord. Everything would be dedicated to Him and
His service. The distinction between the clean and the unclean would not be
necessary. Sin would be dealt with once and for all. Nothing sinful or
defiled would again enter the city. Once again let’s compare what Zechariah
teaches us here to what the apostle John tells us in Revelation 21:25-27:
On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night
there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it.
Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does
what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are
written in the Lamb’s book of life.
The Lord is going to put an end to evil and sin. The day is coming when He
will manifest His triumph over all the earth. While there are still difficult
times coming for the people of God, we can be assured of the outcome. God
will reign. There is a bright future for God's people.
For Consideration:
What encouragement do you receive from this chapter in
regards to God providing a means of escape for you in your
time of trouble?
This section of Scripture speaks of a great cleansing of the
earth. What things does God need to cleanse in our land
What encouragement do we receive in this passage regarding
ultimate victory of the Lord over sin and evil?
How does this chapter encourage us to move forward in faith
even when we face difficulties and hardship around us? What
is the promise of this passage for us?
What does Zechariah teach us about the days to come? How
is his teaching similar to that of the apostle John in the book
of Revelation?
For Prayer:
Thank the Lord for the promise that the day is coming when
He will conquer all His enemies.
Thank the Lord that He does provide a way of escape for us
in our times of trouble.
Ask God to open the eyes of those around you to the reality
of what is going to happen in the end times.
Ask the Lord to strengthen you to face any opposition that
might come your way.
he only reference to Malachi, the author of this prophecy, is found
in this book. His name means “messenger.” It is generally
understood that he lived after the return of God’s people from
exile. The references in the book to the temple and its service reveal that the
worship of God had been restored by his time. This would place him close
to the New Testament period as the last of the Old Testament prophets.
A quick look at the book shows us something of the condition of the faith of
God’s people in the days of Malachi. Remember that the Jews had returned
from seventy years of exile because of their sin. The lessons learned in exile
and later through the preaching of Haggai and Zechariah were quickly
The days in which Malachi prophesied were days of spiritual decline and
compromise. God’s people questioned His love for them (1:2). They saw
their worship and obligation to God as a burden (1:13) and believed it to be
futile to serve God (3:14). This resulted in compromised worship and
service. The people brought blemished sacrifices to the Lord, keeping the
best for themselves. These offerings were accepted by the priests (1:6-9).
The priests no longer taught the truth of God and many Israelites stumbled
into sin as a result (2:7). The faith of God’s people was further
compromised as they began to marry pagan unbelievers (2:10). Marriage
vows were no longer respected and unfaithfulness in marriage became more
common. This resulted in God’s blessing being removed from the land
(2:14). We have reference to sorcery, defrauding labourers of their wages,
oppression of widows and injustice in Malachi 3:5. Malachi speaks harshly
to the people of his day in 3:6-12 about robbing God by not giving Him
their tithes. As the Old Testament period draws to a close, we see a people
who were burdened with the worship of God. They were going through the
rituals but their heart was far from Him. It was to these people that Malachi
Malachi spoke of a prophet who would come to prepare the way for the
Lord (4:5-6). He calls that prophet Elijah. In Luke 1:11-17 the angel of the
Lord came to Zechariah and told him he would have a son who would go
before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare his people for
the coming of the Lord God. That child would be John the Baptist who
announced the coming of the Lord Jesus. Malachi points a people burdened
and weary of worship to the Lord Jesus who would come to restore their
Importance Of The Book For Today:
The days of Malachi were days of spiritual compromise. God’s people
needed to be revived. They had lost sight of the love of God and His
blessing, exchanging it instead for heartless traditions. Their faith was no
longer a delight but a burden. Malachi’s message challenged their apathy
and indifference and called them to examine their faith. His prophecy
challenges us in our day to examine our relationship with God. How easy it
is for us to fall into a heartless tradition and the preaching of doctrine and
fail to remember the God who delights in us.
The book of Malachi reveals the heart of God for a passionate people who
love Him with all their heart. It grieved God to see a people burdened by
the worship of His name. It broke His heart to see a people no longer
willing to give Him the best they had. The worship and service of the Lord
God ought to be a great privilege and delight. This is the heart of God in
this book. He is looking for men and women who will again learn to rejoice
in His love and celebrate His presence and goodness.
Read Malachi 1:1-14
his is the word of the Lord through the prophet Malachi. There is
some debate concerning the person of Malachi. The name means
“messenger.” There is no other reference to this particular
individual in the rest of Scripture. This has led some commentators to
wonder if this was his real name. Could it be that he chose simply to call
himself “the messenger,” preferring to remain anonymous?
It is believed that Malachi lived in the days after the Israelites returned from
the Babylonian exile. Because the sacrificial system seems to be well
established in this book, it is believed that the temple had been rebuilt and
the sacrificial system renewed. The purpose of this prophecy seems to have
been to confront the Israelites with their unfaithfulness and urge them to
pursue holiness and true worship as required by God’s law.
Malachi began his message in verse 2 by reminding his people of the love
of God toward them. God’s people did not recognize this love, however.
“How have you loved us?” they asked. It seems incredible that this people,
who had recently returned from exile, already had forgotten their God and
His tender expressions of love toward them.
Malachi reminded his people of how God had chosen Jacob their father. He
loved Jacob and made his descendants into a great nation. God’s blessing
was on them. He had not shown such love and kindness to Jacob’s brother,
Esau. Where were Esau’s descendants (the Edomites)? As the children of
Israel looked around them, it was evident that the Edomites were living in a
wasteland. Israel, on the other hand, was being tremendously blessed by
God. They had returned from their exile and rebuilt their land. Edom had
not experiencing this same blessing. God had singled them out as a people
for His special blessing. God’s people needed to be reminded of this in the
days of Malachi.
The Edomites recognized their poverty. They were a proud people,
however, and claimed that they would rebuild their ruined land. Through
Malachi the Lord told the Edomites that this would never happen. They
would never become a people like Israel. Edom might rebuild, but God
would demolish. They would live under the wrath of God.
How easy it is for us to forget what the Lord has done in us. The people of
Israel had failed to see the blessing of the Lord God in their lives. How
about you? Are you aware of what the Lord is doing in you? Have you
forgotten where He has taken you from? Evidence of the blessing of the
Lord is all around. When you are tempted to wonder if God really loves
you, open your eyes and look at the wonderful things He has been doing.
When we open our eyes, our hearts will overflow with thanksgiving to God.
Instead of wondering if God loved them, God’s people should have been
praising Him for His wonderful care (see verse 5).
What is amazing about this whole chapter is the fact that some fifty of sixty
years (according to historians) after the return from exile, the people of God
were already returning to their former ways. Not only were they
questioning the love of God for them but there were other problems in the
land as well. Listen to what the Lord said in verse 6:
A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If I am a
father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the
respect due me?
In particular, the priests of the land were guilty of showing contempt for the
name of the Lord (verse 6). The amazing thing about this, however, was the
fact the priests did not understand how they were showing this contempt for
God. “How have we been showing contempt for you?” they asked.
The Lord reminded them of what they had been doing. These priests had
been placing defiled food on the altar. They were bringing blind, crippled,
and diseased animals to sacrifice to the Lord. The Law of Moses was clear
on this point: only spotless and unblemished animals could be sacrificed in
worship to the Lord. Somehow, these priests came to believe that God
would accept second best. They were offering what was left over after they
took the best for themselves.
God challenged His people to give these same animals to their governor.
Would the governor be pleased with them? If the governor would consider
it an insult to be presented with the worst of the flock, why did the people
think the Lord would favourably receive them?
What a challenge this is to us today as well. Are we guilty of offering to the
Lord our second best? Do we give Him what is left over after we have taken
all we need for ourselves? The Father gave us His Son, and the Son gave
His life for us. How can we offer to God anything but our best?
The call went out for the people of God to repent and cry out to God for
forgiveness (verse 9). Not only was giving God their leftovers an insult, but
it was a sin that needed to be confessed. We don’t often see things in this
way. When we refuse to give God the best we have, we are guilty of sinning
against Him. We pat ourselves on the back because we have given
something to the Lord. We can give to God and still insult Him. The quality
of the gift reflects what we feel toward God. What does your giving reveal
about how you feel toward God? Is He the God we give our leftovers to or
is He the God who deserves the best of our efforts and resources?
God took no pleasure in these defiled offerings. “Oh that one of you would
shut the temple doors,” He cried in verse 10. He did not want any more
insincere offerings. It was better to stop all pretense of worship than to
continue in hypocrisy. Could it be that this is how the Lord sees some of the
worship services of our day? When He looks down on us, does His heart
rejoice at the wonderful gifts of praise and thanksgiving we are offering
Him? Does He see individuals who praise Him with their lips but whose
minds are far away? Do we blaspheme Him by our pretense of worship?
Does He wish that some churches would close their doors in order to
prevent more hypocrisy?
The name of the Lord is great and awesome. That name is to be lifted high
and honoured throughout the earth. These people, however, had profaned it.
They did so by saying that the table of the Lord was defiled and that the
worship of God was a burden. There was no joy in the service of the Lord
anymore. People came to worship out of duty and obligation but not out of
love for the Lord. In so doing, they treated the worship of God with
contempt. How this grieved the Lord.
Verse 13 tells us that the Lord would not accept their diseased animals. He
cursed anyone who vowed to give the best of his flock but chose instead to
offer the diseased and crippled. God’s name was to be feared. His people
were not to dishonor Him by offering what was unacceptable in His sight.
We see from this chapter how quickly things deteriorated in Israel after their
return from exile. Very soon after they returned, the people of God again
fell into sin. The worship of God became a burden. They became more
concerned about themselves than they were for the things of God.
For us the challenge of this passage is to examine ourselves before the
Lord. Do we offer Him the best we have? Are we more concerned about the
advancement of His kingdom than our own cause? Has the worship of this
great and awesome God become a burden and drudgery to us? How we
need to see a mighty move of His Spirit to cleanse us and equip us to serve
Him as the awesome and mighty God He is.
For Consideration:
Is there evidence in our land today of a condition similar to
the one that Malachi was describing?
Have you ever been guilty of giving God your second best or
your leftovers?
Take a moment to consider your own worship of God. Do
you come to Him with joy and delight, or have you found
yourselves feeling that worship was a burden to you?
In what way do our gifts to God reflect our opinion of Him?
For Prayer:
Ask God to forgive you for the times you have not given your
best to Him.
Ask the Lord to enable you to be more willing to give Him
the best you have.
Ask God to move in you, bringing renewal and zeal for Him
and the worship of His name.
Read Malachi 2:1-16
od had been calling His people to respect and honour Him as an
awesome and almighty God. That particular challenge went out
not only to the people of the land but to the priests in particular.
Malachi addresses the priests here:
“If you do not listen and if you do not set your heart to honor
my name…I will send a curse upon you and I will curse your
blessings” (verse 2).
These powerful words communicated the intensity of the message the Lord
wanted to get across to His people. If they did not listen to this message,
they could expect the curse of God to fall on them.
Notice in particular that the Lord told them that He would curse their
blessings. The Lord has certainly richly blessed us as His children. Maybe
God has blessed you with physical riches. How long would it take for these
riches to become a curse in your life? How many people have been led
astray by riches? How many people have seen their faith diminish as they
got caught up in the pull of money and possessions? They end up very
unhappy people while those around them with almost nothing rejoice in the
little they do have.
How do we keep our blessings from becoming a curse? Malachi reminds us
in verse 2 that we can do this by setting our hearts to honour the Lord and
place Him as the highest priority in our lives. We recognize Him as the
giver of all blessings and thank Him. We also commit ourselves to using the
blessings He has given us for His honour and glory. When our hearts are
committed to seeking Him in this way, our blessing remains fresh. If we do
not commit ourselves to honouring Him through these blessings, they will
quickly become a curse for us. If we want our blessings to remain blessings,
we need to keep them in their proper place. We must never let them take
God’s place in our life. We must always use them for His glory and honour.
In this passage we have a case where the priests of the land had been
blessed by God with a wonderful privilege and position. They were using
that position and privilege for themselves and their own glory, not the
Lord’s. The result was that these blessings were quickly becoming a curse
in their lives.
The disregard of the priests for the honour of the Lord had lingering
implications in their lives and the lives of their descendants. God told them
that He would rebuke their descendants because of their sin. The curse of
God would not only affect the priest but their children as well. When you as
a father or mother sin and turn your back on God, your children will suffer
for it as well. They will in turn influence their children. The impact of our
sin and godless example to our children can go on for generations.
Not only would their seed be negatively affected but also these disobedient
priests would be put to shame. God told them that he would spread the offal
of their sacrifices on their faces and they would be carried off with it. The
offal was the internal waste of the sacrificial animal that had to be taken out
of the city and burned. This offal was filthy. This was how the Lord saw the
priests. They were as unclean as the dung and guts of the animals they
slaughtered. The priests were an unclean offense to the Lord.
When these things happened, they would know that what the prophet
Malachi said was from the Lord. This was the test of the true prophet. If
what he said came to pass, it was from the Lord. The problem in this case,
however, was that it was too late for these priests. The judgment had
already fallen.
In verses 5-7 the Lord tells us something about the role of the priest. In
sharing this, the Lord is showing the priest what they ought to have been
doing but had failed to do. Let’s look at this in some detail.
God Made His Covenant With Him (Verse 5)
God had entered a special covenant with the priest. He was set apart to
administer God’s covenant of peace and life. He was to lead God’s people
into life and peace with their Creator. What an honour and privilege this
was. He was God’s special instrument. His life was to be devoted to this
cause. Nothing was to keep Him from being true to His calling. As the
Lord’s specially chosen instrument, the priest represented God in
everything he did. He had been set apart by a special arrangement with
God. If you have been called of God into full time ministry, remember the
seriousness of that calling. God Himself has set you apart for a particular
purpose. How important it is that we be faithful to that call.
The Priest Was Called To Reverence (Verse 5)
As a representative of God, the priest was called to a life of reverence for
God’s name. He was to stand in awe of the Lord’s holy name. He was to
take his role seriously. He served an awesome and holy God. His life and
words were to reflect his deep respect and reverence for the Lord he served.
While every believer is to reverence God in this way, certainly His chosen
servants are to especially live in that reverence and respect. If you are a
Christian leader, people need to see this reverence for God in your every
word and action.
True Instruction Was To Be In His Mouth (Verse
The priest was to know the truth of the Word of God and proclaim that
truth. When he stood up to speak, he was to be careful to speak the truth. He
was not to speak his own mind but the word God gave him. Sometimes that
truth would not be accepted. At times the truth of God is hard for people to
hear. The priest was not to dilute truth to make it more acceptable. When
the prophets spoke, some of them were stoned and killed. That was the cost
of speaking truth. The priest too was to be willing to die for the truth God
was asking him to proclaim. He was not to fear what people might say but
to fight for truth.
He Was To Walk With God (Verse 6)
Not only was the priest to speak the truth but he was also to live the truth
out in his daily walk. The priest was to walk with the Lord in peace and
uprightness. This was only possible if he was living in obedience to God
and His Word. You cannot walk in peace with God if you are not living in
obedience. The priest was to demonstrate to those he served what it meant
to live for God.
He Was To Turn Many From Sin (Verse 6)
Verse 6 tells us that as a priest he was to turn many from sin. Like the
shepherd who went after the sheep who had gone astray, the priest was to
do his utmost to keep those under his authority from falling prey to the
attacks and temptations of the enemy. When he saw sheep wandering, he
was to go after them. This required diligence on the part of the priest. God
would hold him accountable to watch out for the sheep and to be sure that
they were not being overtaken by sin and the temptations of the evil one.
His Lips Were To Possess Knowledge (Verse 7)
The lips of the priest should have possessed knowledge. Every priest was to
know the law of God and impart that knowledge to others. When his people
did not know what to do, they could go to the priest for guidance and
instruction. The priest would teach them what the Lord required.
He Was The Messenger Of The Lord Almighty
(Verse 7)
The priest was to be the messenger of God to his people. He was to share
those things God put on his heart. He was to be a source of guidance and
direction for the people who did not know what to do or where to turn. He
was to share the heart of God with his people. He was to bless and
encourage them with the word of the Lord and challenge and rebuke them
too when it was necessary.
The priests in the day of Malachi, however, had turned from their
responsibilities. Their false interpretation of the laws of Moses had caused
many people to stumble and fall into sin and rebellion against God. The
priests violated the covenant God had made with their father Levi when He
set him and his descendants apart for the spiritual care of His people (see
verse 8). Because of this, God caused them to be despised in the eyes of the
people. The people had no respect for these priests who had nothing to
offer. The negligent priests had succeeded in teaching the people to take the
Word of God lightly. These priests showed partiality with the law of God
and judged in ways that suited their own needs and desires. People saw
their hypocrisy and no longer respected them as spiritual leaders. The
people began to wonder why they even needed priests.
The result of this lack of spiritual leadership could be seen in the condition
of the nation as a whole. Verse 10 addressed the problem of intermarriage
with foreign idol-worshipers. God called His people to recognize that, as a
people, they had one Father and one God, who had separated them for
Himself and made them a unique nation. Israel was special in His eyes.
God’s people, however, did not respect this relationship. Instead, they began
to marry people who worshiped foreign gods. By so doing they were
bringing into Israel those who bowed the knee to idols (Deuteronomy 7:3-
6). This practice was blasphemous and showed great disrespect for God’s
name. The person who did these things was to be “cut off” from the tents of
Jacob (verse 12). These blasphemers were not to be allowed the privilege of
calling themselves children of God if they were not willing to stand for Him
and honour His name in this matter. The priests appeared to be unconcerned
about these things.
God had something else against His priests. It appears from verse 13 that
they were flooding the altar with tears. They were weeping and wailing
because the Lord did not seem to be paying attention to their offerings.
They grieved greatly over this but failed to understand why God was so
God told them why His blessing was not on them in verse 14. It was
because they had been unfaithful to the wife of their youth. God reminded
them that as husband and wife they were one flesh and spirit. As such they
were to produce a godly offspring. They were to give to their children a
heritage of the fear of God so that the next generation would continue in
His ways.
These priests, however, had not been faithful to their wives. They were
guilty of adultery with other women. The unfaithfulness of these priests to
their wives not only brought the curse of God on their ministries but also
drove the presence of God from them. It set a bad example for their children
and turned them from the ways of God as well. These unholy priests
grieved God’s Spirit. God no longer answered their prayers, and so these
priests were powerless.
We cannot underestimate the importance of these verses. The blessing of
God was stripped from these priests because they were not taking their role
of husband and father seriously. Our relationship with our wife and family
has a direct impact on our spiritual life. It is important that we deal with this
matter. The priests were expected to be men who cared for their family and
were true and faithful not only to the Word but also to their wives.
It is not the will of God that we neglect our family. It is His sincere desire
that we be faithful to the wife of our youth and produce with her a godly
offspring that will continue to honour His name in the generations to come
(verse 15).
God called the priests to guard themselves in the area of their marriage.
That same caution goes out today. You can be sure that the enemy knows
how to tempt Christian leaders. How many have already fallen in this area
of immorality and unfaithfulness? How devastating it is to the work of God
when a pastor or Christian leader falls into a sexual sin. Be sure that Satan
will tempt you in this area. God called the priest to guard his spirit. Notice
the use of the word spirit here. Not only were the priests to keep themselves
from physically committing the sin of adultery but also they were to guard
their minds. This is where it all started. The priests were to recognize the
temptation that was before them and to put a hedge around their minds for
protection from the evil and immoral influences that abounded around
them. We too would do well to guard our minds. The word guard is an
active word. It means that you will have to actually do something about
keeping your mind pure, lest you fall into temptation.
God reminded His priests in verse 16 that He hates divorce. This meant that
priests were to take their commitment to their wife seriously. They were to
work out their problems and deal with whatever might be compromising or
destructive to the marriage covenant.
God told His people in verse 16 that He hates a man covering himself with
violence. The violence in this context is the violence of divorcing a wife. To
divorce is to break one’s relationship and covenant. In the culture of the day
it was to cast a wife aside and leave her ashamed, disgraced and without
provision. This is like covering one’s garment with the blood of death.
Malachi challenged the priests to be honest and pure before the Lord God.
The prophet rebuked them because they were not living as God’s servants
ought to live. They were dishonouring God in their hearts and lives. God
called the priests to return to Him. He called out to them to realize who they
were and who they represented. What an awesome privilege we have to be
the Lord’s servants. That privilege, however, comes with a great obligation.
May God grant that we would be servants who honour Him in all we do.
For Consideration:
Have you ever seen your blessings becoming a curse?
How do we keep our blessings from becoming a curse?
What do we learn from this passage about the role of the
priest (pastor)?
What does God have to say here about the importance of the
family and the husband/wife relationship? What impact does
this have on our ministry?
What do we learn in this passage about the importance of
guarding the mind?
Take a moment to examine yourself in light of the
qualifications of the priest mentioned in this passage. Are
there any areas of your life where you fall short?
For Prayer:
Are you married? Ask the Lord to help you to honour Him in
your marriage.
Pray for your pastor as He seeks to exercise the role the Lord
has given him. Ask that God would help him to be faithful in
that role.
Ask God to show you if there is any area of your life (spoken
about in this chapter) that you need to confess and make
Ask the Lord to give you grace to guard your mind and keep
you from the temptations that abound around you.
Read Malachi 2:17-4:6
od had been challenging His people with their sins. In the last
chapter, we saw how the Lord spoke particularly to the priests
who, as the representatives of God, were sadly lacking in their
responsibilities and devotion to Him.
It had not taken the people long to turn their backs on God. Commentators
believe that only fifty or sixty years had passed since the return from exile.
Already, God’s people had fallen short of His standard. Here in Malachi
2:17 we see how the people had been wearying the Lord with their words.
The Israelites did not even have a sense of right or wrong. The priests had
not taught them the truth. They had not snatched the Israelites away from
the flames of their evil ways. The people were saying that God accepted
those who did evil. They had lost all sense of God’s standards. The result
was that injustice abounded in the land.
The question was being asked: “Where is the God of justice?” (2:17).
Things were not very good in the land. People began to question whether
God was really in control of things. Was evil going to take over?
Are there not times when we begin to ask these questions as well? There are
times when it seems that the blessing of the Lord is removed from the land
and evil begins to take over. Injustice prevails and we fail to see God and
His justice. This seems to be what was happening in Israel in the days of
God had not abandoned Israel. The day was coming when He would move
in power. Justice would again prevail. On that day, God would send a
messenger to prepare the way for this revelation of His justice (3:1). When
that messenger appeared, the Lord, whom they were seeking, would come
suddenly to His holy temple.
It is important that we understand what was being said here. The day was
coming when God would send a messenger to prepare the way for the
coming of the One who would bring justice to His temple. There can be no
doubt about the interpretation of this verse. The Lord Jesus interpreted this
for us in the Gospel of Matthew. Speaking about John the Baptist, Jesus
stated in Matthew 11:10:
“This is the one about whom it is written: ‘I will send my
messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before
If John the Baptist was the messenger God would send, then the Lord Jesus
was the one who would come to dwell in their midst and bring justice.
Notice in Malachi 3:1 that the Lord was described as the messenger of the
covenant whom they desired. The people of God had for many years been
seeking the Messiah. It had been prophesied that this Messiah would bring
with Him a new covenant. The old covenant had only proved that humanity
was incapable of serving God as required. It was time for God to show them
another way. Jesus would come with a new covenant. Under this new
covenant, God’s people would experience forgiveness and grace. They
would be empowered by His Holy Spirit to serve and live in a new way.
The day of Messiah’s coming, however, would not be as the people of God
expected. “Who can endure the day of His coming,” asked Malachi (3:2).
Messiah would come like a refiners fire and a launderers soap. The
coming of the Messiah was for the purpose of dealing with the sins of His
people. He would not come to pat them on the back and tell them they were
doing a wonderful job. He would come to confront them with their sin and
evil ways. He would purify them of their contamination. He would wash
them of their uncleanness and refine them in His fire. This would be an
intense experience for many.
Notice in Malachi 3:3 that this purifying would take place among the
Levites. As God’s representatives, they were guilty before God. They stood
in the service of God, but they were unclean before Him. God would refine
them like gold and silver. When the Lord Jesus came to this earth, He
would speak harsh words to the religious leaders of His day. He often
condemned them for their hypocrisy and ungodliness. These were not
words the leaders of that day wanted to hear. In the end, they would kill
Jesus because He exposed their sin and evil.
The Lord promised in verse 3 that He would refine the Levites and re-
establish worship. Once again, offerings would be brought to the Lord in
righteousness. Judah’s offerings would once again be acceptable. This
would not be easy, however. For this to happen, the sin of the land and the
leaders would have to be exposed. God needed refine them and burn out the
evil before their offerings could again be acceptable to Him.
Jesus came to refine and purify. Paul, writing to the Ephesians, reminded
them of the ministry of the Lord Jesus for the church:
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and
gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the
washing with water through the word, and to present her to
himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any
other blemish, but holy and blameless (Ephesians 5:25-27).
The desire of the Lord Jesus is to make us holy and present us before the
Father without spot or wrinkle. That process of refining is not always easy
for us to accept. As He refines us, there are many things that come to the
surface. Sins are exposed that we would rather hide and forget. Evil
attitudes and thoughts, broken relationships and sinful habits are
challenged. It is the desire of the Lord not only to save us from our sins but
also to deliver us from their hold in our lives on a daily basis.
Notice in Malachi 3:5 some of the sins that were being exposed in the land
of Israel: sorcery, adultery, and perjury, those who defrauded labourers,
those who oppressed widows and orphans and deprived foreigners of
justice. These were the sins found in their midst. God saw these sins. The
refiners fire was bringing these impurities to the surface and burning away
these evils in the land.
Notice in Malachi 3:6 how Malachi told the people that it was only because
the Lord did not change that the people were not destroyed. He had made a
promise to their fathers and He would not go back on that promise. He
would be faithful and true to His word and spare their descendants as He
had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
In Malachi 3:7 the challenge went out for the people to return to the Lord. If
they returned to Him, then He would return to them. If the people refused to
listen to the word of the Lord, they would miss the blessings He offered. If
they were obedient, His blessing would be on them. Maybe you are
wondering why the Lord is not more real to you. Could it be that you need
to learn the truth that Malachi teaches us here. Maybe the reason the Lord is
not more real to you is because you need to return to Him in a certain area
of your life. Could it be that you are unwilling to surrender a particular sin?
Could it be that you are holding on to something that needs to be
surrendered to the Lord before His blessings can be released? “Return to
me, says the Lord, and I will return to you.”
The people of God in the days of Malachi could not understand what God
was saying to them. They asked, “How are we to return?” (3:7) They were
blinded to the ways in which they had fallen short of God’s standard.
Maybe this was because the priest had not clearly taught them the truth. In
response, God reminded them of two particular sins that they needed to deal
with immediately.
In Malachi 3:8 God spoke to them about their tithe. He accused His people
of robbing Him. The people could not understand what God was telling
them. They saw their money as their own. They went to work and earned
their living and felt that they had a right to do with it as they pleased. God
reminded them, however, that the tithe of their money was not theirs to do
with as they pleased. The tithe belonged to God. God’s people could not
keep this for themselves.
God challenged them to put Him to the test (3:10). He called them to bring
their tithes into the temple as the Law of Moses stated. He challenges them
to examine the results in their lives.
Notice what God promised to those who were obedient in this matter of
giving: “See if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out
much blessing” (3:10). He promised a blessing so big that they would not
be able to contain it. He promised to prevent the pests from devouring their
crops. Their vines would not drop fruit to the ground before their time. The
nations around them would call them blessed when they saw the provision
of the Lord on their lives. Their land would be a delightful land to live in
We get the distinct impression that the Lord God wanted to pour out this
blessing on His people. One of the things that seemed to hinder this was
their disobedience in this matter of the tithe. It is not that God needed their
money. God wanted His people to be involved with Him in the
advancement of His kingdom on this earth. The same principle applies to
other areas of our lives as well and not just the area of our finances. God
expects us to give of ourselves for the sake of His kingdom. God addressed
the issue of their tithe because it was a particular problem for them but we
should not limit our giving to only money. God calls us to offer ourselves in
every way as instruments for His service.
There was another area of sin that needed to be exposed. The Lord accused
His people of speaking harsh things against Him (see 3:13). Again, God’s
people did not understand what He meant by this. “What have we said
against you?” they asked. God reminded them of how they had said that it
was futile to serve God. They had also said: “What did we gain by carrying
out His requirements and going about like mourners before the LORD
Almighty?” (3:14) These questions reflected the general state of faith in the
land. The Israelites carried out their spiritual duties with a sense of
obligation and not out of love for God. Their spiritual lives were dry and
their hearts were far from God.
Notice in Malachi 3:15 that they were calling the arrogant and proud
blessed. They looked around them and saw how the evildoers seemed to be
getting away with sin. They saw individuals who challenged God and were
not immediately judged. All these things caused them to wonder where God
was. Because of this, they began to ask themselves whether there was
indeed any reason to be faithful to God. What profit was there for them in
serving God when even the evildoer seemed to prosper?
Again, we see the condition of the spiritual lives of God’s people. Could it
be that God was putting them to the test? Could it be that He wanted to see
who would serve Him and who wouldn’t? Would they serve God when
doing evil brought prosperity? Would they serve God if He did not seem to
punish evil immediately? What was their motivation for serving God?
Would they serve Him when everything was going bad? Could it be that the
Lord allowed evil to prosper for a time to see who would serve Him out of
As Malachi spoke this word to the people of God, there were some who
were genuinely touched. They listened to what the Lord was saying through
the prophet. They gathered together and spoke to each other about the sins
and shortcomings of their nation. God saw their repentant hearts and wrote
their names in His “scroll of remembrance” (3:16). The individuals who
repented would be remembered in the day the Lord made up His “treasured
possession” (3:17). God’s grace would be extended to them even as “a man
spares his son who serves him.” God would look on these individuals with
favour and blessing. On the day He came to gather His people to Himself,
there would be a clear distinction made between those who were righteous
and those who were evil and between those who served God and those who
did not. Justice would prevail in the end.
The people of God had been wondering what profit there was in serving
God?” The Lord answered this question in chapter 4. On the day that He
come to gather His children, they would see what profit there was in living
for Him. It is true that there are times when we may not see the difference
between those who love the Lord and those who do not. There are times
when it seems that evil people are blessed and live with less stress and
turmoil than the righteous. In the end, however, God will make a distinction
between those who were His and those who were not. God would ultimately
separate the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:31-46).
Chapter 4 of Malachi ends with a very clear warning. The day was coming
when God would burn like a furnace in judgement. The distinction would
be made between the righteous and the wicked. All the arrogant and every
evildoer would be like stubble. They would be destroyed by the fire of
God’s judgement and wrath (4:1). So complete would be this destruction
that not a single evil root or branch would remain. God would thoroughly
cleanse the land and judge the sinner. While we have not seen the complete
fulfillment of this prophecy we can be sure that the day is coming when
God will cleanse this earth of sin and evil. He has yet a wonderful work of
cleansing to do.
As for those who revered His name, the sun of righteousness would rise
with healing on His wings (4:2). A new day of blessing and healing was
coming for those who loved the Lord. They would be healed from the
effects of sin and enter the presence of their Lord. They were pictured here
as calves that had been locked up in the stall. When the door opened, they
ran out and leaped for joy in their newly found freedom. They would be set
free from the bondage of this earth. Joy and blessing would be their portion.
In those days, those who belong to God will be a victorious people. They
will trample down the wicked. The wicked, who seem to prosper, will
become like ashes beneath the feet of the righteous (4:3). Until that day, the
believer was called to live in obedience to God and His Word (4:4). They
were not to give up serving Him even if things did not seem to be going
their way. God would reward them in the end.
Malachi gave the people of God a sign of the coming of the Lord. He told
them that the Lord would send his servant Elijah before the dreadful day of
the Lord (4:5). Jesus identified this Elijah as John the Baptist in Matthew
For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if
you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.
The Lord promised that when He came, He would restore the peace and
harmony God intended. He would restore the fathers to the children and the
children to the fathers. The impact of His reign would be felt in homes and
families. As the hearts of the fathers were broken by the power of God, they
would in turn give themselves to their families. As God reached out and
touched the hearts of the children of the land, they would return to their
fathers and live in respect and obedience again. God’s grace and love would
span the generations.
Malachi concluded with a warning. If his people refused this work of the
Lord through the Messiah, their land would be struck with a curse. The fact
of the matter is that anyone who has not accepted the Lord Jesus as Savior
is under that curse. Only by surrendering to Christ and His refining work in
our lives can we know freedom from the curse of God.
Sin will be judged. God will be true to His character and Word. You may
not see it yet, but the day is coming when God will judge the world.
Malachi made it clear to us that the Lord Jesus is the only answer to human
need. He alone can forgive and cleanse us of the effects of our sin. What a
fitting introduction to the New Testament.
For Consideration:
What things need to be refined in your life today? Are you
willing to let the Lord God refine you and reveal the sins you
need to confess?
What is your motivation for serving the Lord? Would you
serve Him if doing so seemed only to bring more suffering in
this life?
Is there evidence of the curse of God on your land today?
Could it be that the reason for this is that we are not living in
obedience to the Lord and His Word?
Are you convinced that your name is written in that book of
remembrance? When the Lord comes, are you sure to be part
of His “treasured possession?”
What do we learn in this passage about the Lord Jesus and
His work?
For Prayer:
Ask the Lord to reveal to you any sins that keep His blessing
from you, your church or your land.
Thank God for the victory and joy that we have in the Lord
Thank God for the promise of restored peace and harmony
through Jesus Christ.
Do you have a brother or sister you have trouble loving. Ask
the Lord to restore that relationship and give you peace.
Light To My Path Book Distribution
Light To My Path Book Distribution (LTMP) is a
book writing and distribution ministry reaching
out to needy Christian workers in Asia, Latin
America, and Africa. Many Christian workers in
developing countries do not have the resources
necessary to obtain Bible training or purchase
Bible study materials for their ministries and
personal encouragement.
F. Wayne Mac Leod is a member of Action
International Ministries and has been writing
these books with a goal to distribute them freely or at cost price to needy
pastors and Christian workers around the world. To date tens of thousands
of books are being used in preaching, teaching, evangelism and
encouragement of local believers in over sixty countries. Books are now
been translated into a variety of languages. The goal is to make them
available to as many believers as possible.
The ministry of LTMP is a faith based ministry and we trust the Lord for
the resources necessary to distribute the books for the encouragement and
strengthening of believers around the world. Would you pray that the Lord
would open doors for the translation and further distribution of these books?
For more information about Light To My Path visit our website at