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Chapter 1
Select Verse:
Verse 1
The gospel begins with a purpose statement. Here in Luke 1:1-4 the author explains why he wrote the book. Note first that the idea of writing a record about the life of Jesus Christ was not unique to Luke. According to him, many people had “undertaken to compile a narrative” of the things that had taken place in those days. The life of Jesus and what He did and taught was so spectacular that people believed it needed to be recorded for posterity. While we are blessed to have such a record, understand that it is of utmost importance that we be able to have confidence in the accuracy of what was written. People write from different perspectives and not everyone has their facts straight. Imagine what the account would look like if it was written by one of Jesus’ enemies or someone who did not understand His teaching. Not just anyone could write a true and accurate account of Jesus’ life and teachings. The fact that many had undertaken to write such a narrative was part of Luke’s motivation. He wanted people to know the truth and not just people’s opinions.
Verse 2
Note Luke’s sources for the facts about the life of Jesus here – “Those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses.” Luke is committed to not taking second-hand information. He wanted to speak to those who had witnessed the events themselves and heard the words of Jesus spoken with His voice.
Notice secondly that he received his information about the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus through “ministers of the word.” These ministers of the word were apostles and prophets who had proven themselves to be men of honour and integrity and whose reputations were without question. These ministers had witnessed the works of Jesus personally and heard Him teach.
Luke tells us that the source of his information about Jesus was men of absolute integrity who were with the Lord, heard His teaching and witnessed His miracles.
Verse 3
Note that Luke’s gospel was not quickly written. Luke carefully followed the life of Christ and His teaching “for some time” before committing it to writing.
Observe also the care Luke took in examining the facts of his narrative. The Greek phrase used here is: “παρηκολουθηκοτι ανωθεν πασιν ακριβως,” which can be translated as “following closely (side by side) from the beginning all (the whole) diligently (accuratly).” The words used here show us how careful Luke was about the details he reported.
Next, it was Luke’s passion to write an “orderly account.” The word “orderly” is καθεξη̃ς (kathexḗs) and refers to a series of events connected in a specific order. Luke’s precision here is to be admired. He not only wants to get the events correct but sees it as important to get the order of these events right as well.
Finally, note that he mentions the name of Theophilus here. The Greek word Θεόφιλος (Theóphilos) means “lover of God.” There is much debate over the identity of this individual. Some observe that Luke addresses him as “most excellent Theophilus” here. Such an address was generally reserved for important officials. Consider the following examples in the Book of Acts:
(26) “Claudius Lysias, to his Excellency the governor Felix, greetings. – Acts 23:26 ESV
(2) And when he had been summoned, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying: “Since through you we enjoy much peace, and since by your foresight, most excellent Felix, reforms are being made for this nation, – Acts 24:2 ESV
(25) But Paul said, “I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but I am speaking true and rational words. – Acts 26:25 ESV
In each of these cases the phrase “most excellent” is used to refer to a government official of high ranking. It is possible, therefore, that Luke wrote this account for an important official of that time.
Other commentators focus on the meaning of the name Theophilus (lover of God) and interpret it to be a general reference to believers.
Whether the account was written for a high official or all believers, we have it as an official and carefully researched narrative of the life of Jesus Christ.
Verse 4
Luke’s goal in writing this book was that Theophilus would have a carefully researched and accurate account of Jesus’ life so that he could be certain of the things he had been taught. Understand here that stories about Jesus were likely circulating through the various communities of that day. It is quite possible that not all of those stories were accurate. The New Testament Scriptures were not compiled at that time. What Luke wrote was an official and authoritative account of proven events and teachings of Jesus that were beyond dispute. Theophilus could consult Luke’s account if he wanted to confirm the accuracy of any event or teaching attributed to Jesus.
Verse 5
Luke begins his account of Jesus’ life in the days of Herod, king of Judea. Herod was not a Jew but a foreigner sent by Rome to govern the region of Judea. These were days of political turmoil with Rome asserting its authority over the Jews in that region.
At this time, Zechariah served as a priest. King David, according to 1 Chronicles 24, organized the priests of his day into divisions with a schedule and duty assigned to each. Zechariah was in the division of Abijah. His wife was Elizabeth, a descendant of Aaron the High Priest.
Verse 6
Luke tells us two things about Zechariah and Elizabeth, his wife here.
First, they were righteous before God. The Greek word δίκαιος (díkaios) speaks about a person who conforms to rules and regulations and is in good standing before God.
Luke explains this in his second statement about them when he says that they “walked blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord.” Zechariah and Elizabeth lived faithfully according to the Jewish laws and were devoted to God and committed to walking in His ways.
Verse 7
We learn here that Zechariah and Elizabeth were “advanced in years” but had never had a child. The reason for this was that Elizabeth was barren. For some reason, she had never been able to conceive.
Not being able to have a child would have been a burden for this couple. It was important in those days for a wife to bear a child and carry on the family line. From a human perspective, now, however, the chance of this happening is quite remote.
Verse 8
Luke takes us to a particular time in Zechariah’s life here. His priestly division was scheduled for duty at the temple and he was serving in that capacity.
Verse 9
In those days it was the custom to assign the priest’s responsibilities by casting lots. The practice was quite common in those days.
When the disciples wanted to replace Judas they did so by casting lots:
(24) And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen (25) to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.” (26) And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. – Acts 1:24-26 ESV
When Joshua divided the land of Israel among the various tribes he cast lots to determine which tribe would inherit each section of land:
(8) So the men arose and went, and Joshua charged those who went to write the description of the land, saying, “Go up and down in the land and write a description and return to me. And I will cast lots for you here before the LORD in Shiloh.” (9) So the men went and passed up and down in the land and wrote in a book a description of it by towns in seven divisions. Then they came to Joshua to the camp at Shiloh (10), and Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the LORD. And there Joshua apportioned the land to the people of Israel, to each his portion. – Joshua 18:8-10 ESV
It was the clear understanding that by casting lots, they were leaving the decision to the Lord:
(33) The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD. – Proverbs 16:33 ESV
In the mind of Zechariah, when the lot was cast for him to burn incense, he was doing so in the purpose and will of God at that time.
Verse 10
Incense in the Bible is often a symbol of prayer.
(2) Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice! – Psalms 141:2 ESV
(3) And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, (4) and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel. – Revelation 8:3-4 ESV
Luke tells us that as Zechariah burned incense before the Lord, worshippers gathered in the temple courtyard to pray. The symbol was accompanied by the reality. Prayers rose to God with the incense in the courtyard that day.
Verse 11
As Zechariah burned incense, he noticed a figure standing at the right side of the altar. This would have taken him by surprise, for no one would interrupt the sacred responsibility given to him that day. Nor could just anyone approach that altar. Luke tells us, however, that the figure that presented himself to Zechariah was no human being, but an angel.
Verse 12
Note Zechariah’s response to the presence of the angel at the right side of the altar of incense. Luke tells us that he was troubled. The word ταράσσω (tarássō) speaks of agitation or emotional disturbance. This disturbance quickly led to fear. The word fear is φόβος (phóbos) and speaks of terror, or deep reverence and respect.
Zechariah understood that he was in the presence of something greater than himself and pulled back in terror and respect, uncertain of what was going to happen.
Verse 13
Note Zechariah’s response to the presence of the angel at the right side of the altar of incense. Luke tells us that he was troubled. The word ταράσσω (tarássō) speaks of agitation or emotional disturbance. This disturbance quickly led to fear. The word fear is φόβος (phóbos) and speaks of terror, or deep reverence and respect.
Zechariah understood that he was in the presence of something greater than himself and pulled back in terror and respect, uncertain of what was going to happen.
Verse 14
The angel who appeared to Zechariah at the altar of incense shared with him two details about the birth of their son John.
First, their son would bring them joy and gladness. This would not only be because he was the answer to their prayer, but because of the life he would live. Remember that according to Luke 1:6, Zechariah and Elizabeth were “righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord.” This couple loved the Lord and their great passion in life was to serve and honour Him. We can only imagine what joy it would bring them to watch their only son, grow up to have that same passion.
Second, the angel told Zechariah that the birth of his son would cause many people to rejoice. He would go on to explain the reason for this in the next verse.
Verse 15
In verse 14 the angel told Zechariah that many would rejoice in the birth of their son John. He now shares the first reason for this rejoicing — “He will be great before the Lord.” God had a special purpose for their son John. He was born with a calling on his life. The angel will tell Zechariah something about that calling in verse 16.
Because John had a special calling, the angel told his father that John was not to drink wine or strong drink. This was a commitment John kept all his life. Consider what Jesus said about him in Luke 7:33:
(33) For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ – Luke 7:33 ESV
Many commentators see here a reference to the fact that John may have been raised as a Nazirite. A Nazirite was an individual under a special vow of separation before God for a specific purpose. That vow required the individual to live a certain lifestyle. They were obliged to separate themselves from wine and strong drink, from any grape juice or grapes in any form (Numbers 6:3,4). A Nazirite was not to shave their head or cut their hair until the time of their vow was completed (Numbers 6:5). Finally, the individual under a Nazirite vow was not to go near a dead body but remain pure before the Lord at all times (Numbers 6:6-7).
Observe also that the angel told Zechariah that this child, John, would be filled with the Holy Spirit even in his mother’s womb. God’s hand was upon this child even before he was born, filling him with His Holy Spirit and calling him to a particular role. His parents were to understand the importance of this role and raise him as a Nazirite, separated for the Lord and that purpose.
Verse 16
Zechariah and Elizabeth’s son John, according to the angel, would “turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.” Note several details in these words here.
First, John would turn “many” to their God. The idea here is that his ministry was one of some significance and he would reach a multitude of people.
Second, observe that his role would be to the “children of Israel.” God called John to minister to his people, the Jews.
Finally, note that he would turn these Jews to “the Lord their God.” John would point his people to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He would reveal the purpose of the God of Israel through His Son Jesus.
Verse 17
Finally, the angel told Zechariah that his son would go before him in the power of Elijah. This statement brings us back to the very last verse of the Old Testament which reads:
(5) “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. (6) And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” – Malachi 4:5-6 ESV
This passage was very familiar to the Jews of Zechariah’s day. They understood that the promised Messiah would be preceded by a great prophet like Elijah, who would minister in the power of the Spirit and usher in the days of the Messiah.
What the angel was telling Zechariah was that his son would be the prophet foretold by Malachi. He would be anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do three things:
First, he would be empowered to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. He would restore the basic foundational structures of society as the lives of fathers and mothers were restored to a right relationship with God.
Second, John would bring the disobedient under the wisdom of the just. The word just here is δίκαιος (díkaios) and refers to those who are righteous or conformed to the rules and regulations of society or, more particularly, of God. John’s ministry would have an impact on those who wandered from God. He would see many repent of this sin and disobedience and be restored to God and a right relationship with Him.
Finally, John would prepare a people for the Lord God. This was the role Malachi prophesied. The one who went before the Messiah would turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, “lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction” (Malachi 4:6, ESV). John would prepare people to receive the Messiah. He would call them to repent of their sin lest this Messiah, upon His arrival, devour them because of their evil ways.
Verse 18
The words of the angel were quite clear. Zechariah and Elizabeth were to have a male child who would be called and filled with the Holy Spirit from birth to accomplish a vital ministry for the Lord God. The presence of the angel in itself was a miraculous encounter that inspired fear in Zechariah. Note, however, that, even though Zechariah was “righteous” and walked “blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord” (verse 6), his human wisdom and understanding still stood in the way. He questioned the angel about this matter in the words: “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.”
The word “know” does not express simply an intellectual understanding of the matter but the experience of it as well. In other words, Zechariah is not just saying, “How can I understand what you are telling me is true?” but also, “How can I ever experience this reality in my life.” He expresses his doubt about the truth of the angel’s words by saying, “For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.” In other words, we are too old to have a child. It is medically impossible.
Verse 19
The angel addresses Zechariah’s doubt by identifying himself.
First, the angel tells Zechariah his name — “I am Gabriel.” The name was not unknown to Zechariah as a priest. In the book of Daniel, we read how this same angel was sent to reveal the meaning of Daniel’s vision to him:
(15) When I, Daniel, had seen the vision, I sought to understand it. And behold, there stood before me one having the appearance of a man. (16) And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai, and it called, “Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.” – Daniel 8:15-16 ESV
The identity of this angel carried weight. He was an important angel of God. Zechariah had no reason to doubt his word.
Second, Gabriel told Zechariah that he stood in the presence of God. That is to say, he stood before God as His servant in the very courtyards of heaven. He told Zechariah that he had just come from the presence of God to convey the message he had just given him.
Third, Gabriel reassured Zechariah that he was sent from God to bring him this good news. The promise he shared was from God.
Verse 20
If the reassurances of verse 19 were not enough for Zechariah, the angel gives him a sign from God to confirm the authenticity of the promise made. Gabriel tells Zechariah that he would not be able to speak until the day the promise was fulfilled. There is a double purpose for this sign.
First, the sign was intended to reassure Zechariah of the promise of God. God would be true to His word. Every day, Zechariah tried to communicate unsuccessfully with his voice; he was reminded of this promise of God for a son.
Second, the sign was intended as a rebuke. Note the words, “because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time.” Zechariah’s disbelief was addressed through his inability to speak for these months. He was given cause to reflect on how he did not trust the words of the angel from God. He was reminded of his worldly way of thinking and how he questioned the power of God to do the impossible. How easy it is to measure God according to worldly standards. What is impossible with man is possible with God:
(26) But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26 ESV
Verse 21
While Zechariah was communicating with the angel, worshippers standing outside in the courtyard began to wonder why he was delayed in returning to them. Access to the holy place where the altar of incense was located was forbidden to the ordinary worshipper. They could not go into this part of the temple to check on him, so they stood outside, wondering what was taking him longer than usual to burn the incense.
Verse 22
The answer to their question about why Zechariah was delayed came when he finally appeared from the holy place and was unable to speak. All he could do was make signs to those present. The worshippers assumed that Zechariah had seen a vision from God while he was burning incense. They did not understand the nature of the vision, but saw its impact on their priest.
Verse 23
Zechariah remained at the temple until his time of service had come to an end. Each priestly division had a specified time of service at the temple. They would remain there until that time was completed and they were relieved by the next scheduled division. When Zechariah’s time was over, he returned to his home, where he met a very perplexed wife, confused by his inability to speak and share the encounter he had with the angel.
Verse 24
As promised, Elizabeth, in her old age, conceived and became pregnant. Note her response to this pregnancy — “For five months, she kept herself hidden.” The idea seems to be that she kept this matter to herself and avoided public appearances.
Elizabeth was an old lady at this time and it would be quite exceptional to see a woman of this age in such a condition. It may be possible that Elizabeth was trying to avoid all that gossip that may have circulated in the community.
I wonder if part of Elizabeth’s desire to hide herself was to protect the child in her womb. Did she reduce her duties to care for this child and ensure his health?
While we can only speculate as to the reason for hiding herself, we can be assured that both parents saw this pregnancy as a blessing from God in their old age.
Verse 25
While Elizabeth hid herself during the first five months of her pregnancy, we can be assured that it was not out of shame. Note what she says here.
First, observe the phrase, “Thus the Lord has done for me.” There was no question in Elizabeth’s mind that the child in her womb was from God.
Second, note the words, “He looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.” If there was any shame for Elizabeth, it was in the fact that, prior to this time, she had not been able to bear a child. That shame and reproach was now removed. God had “looked on” her and removed that shame by giving her a son.
Verse 26
Verse 24 tells us that Elizabeth hid herself for five months. This was about to change when the sixth month of her pregnancy arrived. It was the angel Gabriel who announced to Zechariah that his wife, Elizabeth, would conceive (verse 19). Gabriel returns with a second message. This time, however, he went to the city of Nazareth with his word from God.
Verse 27
Gabriel was sent to a young virgin, engaged to be married to a man by the name of Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. Note three important details here.
First, Mary was a virgin. Consider this in light of the prophecy of Isaiah who said:
(14) Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. – Isaiah 7:14 ESV
The prophecy of the Old Testament indicated that the Messiah would be born of a virgin. Mary fulfilled this qualification.
Second, note that Joseph was a descendant of David. It was the understanding of the people of Jesus’ day that the Messiah would come from this line:
(42) Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David, and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was?” – John 7:42 ESV
Third, observe that the angel Gabriel went into Galilee to bring his message. Consider this in light of Isaiah’s prophecy about Galilee here:
(1) But there will be no gloom for her who was in anguish. In the former time he brought into contempt the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the latter time he has made glorious the way of the sea, the land beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations. (2) The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. – Isaiah 9:1-2 ESV
Isaiah prophesied that the region of Galilee would see a great light. That light would be in the person of the prophesied Messiah.
It is not without reason, therefore, that Gabriel went to a virgin from the line of David who lived in Galilee. All of this was prophesied long before it took place. Gabriel is sent to announce that the prophecy is about to be fulfilled.
Verse 28
The angel Gabriel went to Nazareth in Galilee to a virgin who was engaged to be married to Joseph, a descendant of King David. Upon arrival, he greeted her, saying, “Greetings, O favoured one, the Lord is with you!”
Note first that the angel called Mary a favoured one. The word used here is χαριτόω (charitóō) and speaks about someone who is highly honoured. We can only imagine what a young girl from a simple family thought about this. To see an angel was in itself an overwhelming experience. To hear an angel from God speak of you as being highly honoured would have been more than Mary would have been able to understand.
Note also the phrase, “The Lord is with you.” Now there was a general sense in which we all experience the presence of the Lord. This, however, is not what we are speaking about here. The presence of the Lord the angel spoke about was a special presence for a particular purpose. Mary likely understood this when the angel spoke to her that day. God had, for some reason, singled her out for His purpose. We can only imagine how overwhelming these words must have been for this simple virgin of Nazareth.
The King James Version adds the phrase, “Blessed art thou among women.” These words are not found in every early Greek manuscript and, therefore, are omitted in some English translations. The words are nonetheless very true. Mary was blessed in a very special way and would have the privilege of being the chosen mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah.
Verse 29
Note Mary’s response to the presence and words of the angel Gabriel.
First, she was “greatly troubled at the saying.” While the presence of the angel would have disturbed Mary, it was the words and message he brought her that were the source of her agitation and turmoil.
Second, Mary “tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be.” The word translated discern here is διαλογίζομαι (dialogízomai) and refers to giving consideration to or deliberating in one’s mind. The words the angel spoke were confusing to Mary. She did not know what he was speaking about or what he meant by calling her favoured. She began to reason in her mind what he might be speaking about and what God could have for her to do. She had no idea of God’s purpose at this moment.
Verse 30
Understanding Mary’s confusion, Gabriel clarifies his message. Note two details here in this verse.
First, observe the words, “Do not be afraid Mary.” The angel Gabriel called Mary by her name. This may have taken her by surprise, for she had never met him before, nor did she likely know his name.
Second, note that Mary was afraid. She quite possibly understood Gabriel to be a heavenly being and being alone in his presence would have been frightening for her.
To calm these fears, the angel Gabriel explains the message he had come to bring. He begins by telling her that she has found favour with God. The word favour is χάρις (cháris) meaning grace. The opposite of grace is merit. Merit is a reward given to those who have earned it. Grace is given without consideration of merit. You cannot earn grace. It is given to the undeserving.
Mary likely lived a righteous life and loved the Lord, but so did many other girls in her country. It was not because she was better than other girls her age that she was chosen and favoured by God. She did not earn the right to be the mother of Jesus; she was given that favour as a result of the unexplainable and undeserved grace of God, who chose her above all other girls to be the mother of our Lord.
Verse 31
Gabriel explains to Mary the purpose of God for her life. He told her that she would conceive and bear a son. She was to call his name Jesus. The name Jesus comes from the Hebrew יְהוֹשׁוּעַ (yehôšûa) meaning “the Lord delivers.” At this point, Mary likely did not fully understand the significance of that name.
Verse 32
Gabriel tells Mary three things about the child that would be born to her in this verse.
First, Mary’s child would be “great.” The word μέγας (mégas) can describe something great in size, value, importance, power or dignity. Her son would surpass all other children in all these ways.
Second, Mary’s Son would be called the “Son of the Most High.” Understand here that those who belong to the Lord Jesus are sons and daughters of God. This, however, is not what the angel is telling Mary. Jesus would be the Son of God. Joseph would not be Jesus’ father. While a sexual relationship is required for a woman to get pregnant, this is not what happened to Mary. In her case, God placed the child in her womb through extraordinary means without sacrificing Mary’s virginity. God is the Father of Jesus not because He created Him, but because He placed the pre-existing Jesus in Mary’s womb to be born as a man in the line of David.
Third, Jesus would be given “the throne of his father David.” Observe the phrase, “his father David.” From a legal perspective, Jesus was born into a family that had a direct line to David. This was important in that the Messiah was prophesied to be from this line.
Note that Jesus would be given the “throne of His father David.” We know that Jesus did not take this throne as the political king of Israel, ruling over a physical kingdom. Listen to what Jesus said about His kingdom when asked about it by Pilate in John 18:
(33) So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” … (36) Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” – John 18:33,36 ESV
The kingdom Jesus established was not a political kingdom but a heavenly and spiritual one. His kingdom is in the hearts of men and women who bow their knees in surrender to His Lordship in their lives.
Verse 33
Note what Gabriel had to say about the kingdom of the Lord Jesus, Mary’s son.
First, Gabriel told Mary that Jesus would reign over the house of Jacob. In Mary’s mind, the reference to the house of David would be to the Jewish people who were descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Admittedly, the Jews have rejected Him as their king but that does not mean that He has given up on them. He is still their king, whether they recognize Him or not. Scripture seems to indicate that He has yet a work to do in them as His people.
We should also understand the words of Gabriel in light of what Paul said in Galatians 3:
(7) Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham. (8) And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “In you shall all the nations be blessed.” (9) So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. – Galatians 3:7-9 ESV
The reign of Jesus over the house of Jacob is worldwide and not just of the Jewish nation. As Paul said to the Galatians: “Those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham.”
Finally, Gabriel told Mary that the reign of Jesus would be forever without end. No power on earth or hell would overpower this reign. Mary’s son would vanquish sin, death and the power of Satan. He will reign throughout all eternity.
We can only imagine how difficult these words would have been for Mary, as a young virgin to understand. She would wondered at the great responsibility and honour that had been entrusted to her as a young girl.
Verse 34
Note Mary’s response to Gabriel’s message from God: “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” Understand here that Mary was engaged to be married and it would have been logical for her to assume that the angel was speaking about after her marriage to Joseph when they had her first child. This does not seem to be Mary’s thought process, however. Somehow she understood that the words Gabriel brought were not going to be delayed and that she would become pregnant very soon. This perplexed her because she was unmarried and had never had a sexual relationship with a man and did not plan on doing so until she was married to Joseph sometime in the future.
Verse 35
The angel Gabriel explains to Mary how she would conceive and become pregnant in the words: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.”
Note first that the Holy Spirit would come upon her. Throughout the Bible, we have records of how the Holy Spirit would fall upon individuals to empower them in some way for service.
Ezekiel 11:5 shows us how the Spirit of the Lord fell on Ezekiel and gave him words to speak to the people:
(5) And the Spirit of the LORD fell upon me, and he said to me, “Say, Thus says the LORD: So you think, O house of Israel. For I know the things that come into your mind. – Ezekiel 11:5 ESV
The Spirit fell upon Samson and gave him extraordinary strength to tear a lion to pieces:
(5) Then Samson went down with his father and mother to Timnah, and they came to the vineyards of Timnah. And behold, a young lion came toward him roaring. (6) Then the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon him, and although he had nothing in his hand, he tore the lion in pieces as one tears a young goat. But he did not tell his father or his mother what he had done. – Judges 14:5-6 ESV
The prophet Samuel told Saul that when the Spirit of the Lord fell on him, he would change him into a new man:
(6) Then the Spirit of the LORD will rush upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. – 1 Samuel 10:6 ESV
The Spirit of the Lord fell upon Cyrus of Persia and stirred him to proclaim freedom for the Israelites:
(22) Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: – 2 Chronicles 36:22 ESV
This is what Mary is experiencing here. The Spirit of God fell upon her, and bypassing the normal means of pregnancy, planted the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ in her womb, anointing her to be the mother of our Lord.
Secondly, note the phrase: “The power of the Most High will overshadow you.” The Greek word ἐπισκιάζω (episkiázō) means to cast a shadow over. The shadow here is the presence and power of God. Imagine an individual in the hot sun of the desert thirsty and overcome by the heat. There before this individual is a great tree with long stretching branches casting a shadow over the hot sand of the desert. Under this shade, the traveller finds rest and reprieve from the scorching and life-threatening heat of the sun. There were difficult times for Mary ahead. The responsibility she was to carry could not be taken lightly. What a comfort it would be to know that God would overshadow her wherever she went. That shadow would protect and keep her as she carried this pregnancy through to the end.
Gabriel tells Mary that because this child was from God, he would be called holy. That is to say, he had been set apart by God and for His purpose. He was no ordinary child. He was not conceived by ordinary means but miraculously through the work of the Holy Spirit and would be called the Son of God.
In those days it would be much harder to understand what took place when Mary conceived and bore a child. In our day, doctors can implant an embryo into the womb of a mother by a medical intervention. It should not be difficult to understand how God, the author of life, was fully able to do the same.
Verse 36
Gabriel had another important revelation for Mary that day. He told her that her relative Elizabeth, who had been unable to conceive all her life, had now conceived a son in her old age and was six months pregnant. This news would have been very surprising for Mary but it would also have confirmed the miraculous power of God. In Elizabeth, Mary would have support and encouragement as together they carried a miraculous child in their wombs.
Verse 37
We must understand the phrase: “For nothing will be impossible with God” in the context of what the angel had just revealed to Mary. Gabriel told her that she would conceive and bear a son. Mary did not understand how this could be since she had never had a sexual relationship with a man. The angel told her that Elizabeth, who had been barren all her life, was now pregnant in her old age. This demonstrated the power of God to do the impossible. God could cause Elizabeth to become pregnant by normal means even when she was past the point of ever being fertile again. God could also put a child in the womb of a virgin who had never had a sexual relationship with a man. Nothing was impossible for God.
Verse 38
Observe Mary’s response to the message from God through Gabriel.
First, Mary declares: “I am the servant of the Lord.” This was not just a statement of fact but a commitment on Mary’s part to be His servant. She willingly surrenders to God as Her Lord and Master.
Second, Mary accepts the particular role God gave her in the words: “Let it be to me according to your word.” There was no discussion with Joseph here. She did not ask for time to consult her parents. This was a matter between her and God, and that day, she said “yes” to God and His purpose. She did not know the implications of that decision, but that was not her concern at the present. God wanted her and she surrendered to Him and agreed to be His servant.
Having delivered his message and received Mary’s response, Gabriel left her.
Verse 39
We are not told how long it was after receiving word from Gabriel that Mary left Nazareth to go to “a town in Judah.” We understand from verse 40 that she went to see Elizabeth. Luke tells us here that Mary “went with haste.” She would have been anxious to see Elizabeth and have someone to talk to and identify with at this point in her life.
Verse 56 tells us that Mary would stay with Elizebeth for three months. The angel told Mary in Luke 1:36 that Elizabeth was six months pregnant. This means that Mary was present when Elizabeth was in her ninth month of pregnancy. Luke 1:56-57 seems to infer that Mary left before Elizabeth gave birth to her son John. If this is the case, Mary must have left Nazareth immediately after the angel spoke to her.
Verse 40
Mary left Nazareth “with haste” to see Elizabeth. We are not told if she communicated anything to her parents or Joseph about the angel and his message. They were not the ones in whom she would confide and process this calling on her life. God provided her with a woman who was going through a similar situation. In Elizabeth, Mary would find an understanding ear. Elizabeth had also experienced a miraculous conception. I can only imagine the conversations that took place in those days as Mary and Elizabeth ate and worked together around the house.
Verse 41
Luke tells us that when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, two things happened.
First, the baby in her womb lept. This was not normal. To understand what is happening here we need to see this event in light of what the angel told Elizabeth’s husband Zechariah about this child:
(15) for he will be great before the Lord. And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb. – Luke 1:15 ESV
Elizabeth’s son would be “filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb.” It was the Spirit of God in this child that lept when he heard the sound of Mary’s voice. The Spirit of God responded to the presence of the Saviour in Mary.
Second, Luke tells us that when the child lept in her womb, Elizabeth was also filled with the the Holy Spirit. This confirms what took place that day. As the Spirit of God moved in the child in her womb, He also welled up in Elizabeth his mother. She became very aware of the presence of God when Mary stepped into her house.
Verse 42
When Mary greeted her, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. The idea here is that the Holy Spirit came upon her and she became aware of His empowering. Notice what took place when the Spirit came upon her. Elizabeth “exclaimed with a loud cry.” The word used here is ἀναφωνέω (anaphōnéō) which comes from the word “aná,” which in this case refers to intensity, and “phōnéō,” meaning to cry out. In other words, Elizabeth cried out with intensity. Note the words she spoke with such intensity.
Empowered by the Spirit of God, Elizabeth declared Mary to be blessed among women. This blessing was the result of God having chosen her to be the instrument through which His Son would come into this world.
Elizabeth also declared, through the Spirit, that the fruit of Mary’s womb was blessed by God the Father. Understand that the blessing of God was on Elizabeth’s child as well, Elizabeth recognizes, however, that the fruit of Mary’s womb surpassed her child. The blessing Elizabeth speaks about here is not just upon the child but also the work He had come to do. The child in Mary’s womb had a very special role to play and through Him, the whole world would be blessed.
Understand here that Elizabeth had no way of knowing about Mary’s pregnancy at this point. Verse 41 infers that she made this declaration as soon as she heard Mary’s greeting. The Spirit of God revealed these things to Elizabeth. His words would have been a further confirmation to Mary that God was in her pregnancy.
Verse 43
In verse 42 Elizabeth declared both Mary and the child in her womb to be blessed. Note here that not only does the Spirit of God reveal to Elizabeth that Mary was pregnant, but He also reveals the identity of this child in her womb – He was Elizabeth’s Lord.
Elizabeth is overwhelmed by the fact that God would grant her the privilege of welcoming the “mother of her Lord,” into her home. Understand that the only way Elizabeth could have known this detail was because it was revealed to her by the Spirit of God who filled her.
We can only imagine how surprised Elizabeth would have been at this revelation of the Spirit and the privilege she had been given to take Mary into her home. Consider this for a moment.
We understand from Luke 1:19 that Zechariah, Elizabeth’s husband, met the angel Gabriel when he was offering the burnt offering before the Lord. Gabriel announced to him that his wife Elizabeth would have a child in her old age (Luke 1:13) and that this child would “make ready for the Lord a people prepared” (Luke 1:17). This same angel spoke to Mary, announcing that she too would have a child (Luke 1:26). Zechariah understood perfectly what Mary had experienced when Gabriel appeared to her with his announcement. He would see in Mary the fulfillment of Gabriel’s words about his son.
Elizabeth experienced a miraculous pregnancy announced by the angel Gabriel. She understood what it was like to experience the kind of miracle Mary was experiencing in her body. There would be no questions about how this pregnancy had taken place from this couple. They would understand Mary’s situation perfectly. Elizabeth and Zechariah were given the tremendous privilege of taking young Mary into their home and ministering to her with all her questions at this time. They understood what she was going through like no one else, for they, too, were going through the very same thing. For the first three months of her pregnancy, Mary was supported and strengthened by this couple. We can only imagine how she also strengthened and encouraged Zechariah and Elizabeth as well.
Verse 44
Speaking to Mary, Elizabeth, declared that when she heard the sound of her greeting, the baby in her womb leaped for joy. Notice two details here.
First, the sound of Mary’s greeting caused Elizabeth’s baby to leap in her womb. In Luke 1:15, the angel Gabriel told Zechariah that his son would be filled with the Spirit “even from his mother’s womb.” The Spirit of God moved this child at the sound of Mary’s voice and overflowed in Elizabeth, announcing that Mary was pregnant with the Lord (see verses 41-43).
Second, observe that the child in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy. Elizabeth knew this because that joy apparently overflowed into her. The Spirit of God filled her unborn child with this joy in the presence of the Saviour.
These events would have confirmed to Mary and Zechariah the words of the angel Gabriel about their child. They would also have confirmed that Mary’s child was the one he was to introduce as the Messiah.
Verse 45
In Luke 1:42, Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaimed that Mary was blessed among women because she had been chosen to be the mother of our Lord. Here, in verse 45, she once again blesses her, this time for a different reason. Elizabeth pronounced a blessing on Mary because she believed that what the Lord told her through the angel would happen just as He said. Understand here that Gabriel’s words defied logic and everything Mary understood about conception and pregnancy. Never before had a virgin conceived without knowing a man. Mary, however, accepted what the angel told her and trusted that God was able to do what He promised. Her faith in God and His Word brought blessing. Do you want to know such a blessing in your life? Trust God and what He says. Step out in faith and watch Him work.
Verse 46
Mary had just arrived at the home of Elizabeth and Zechariah. Upon entering the home and greeting her relatives, Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, declared her to be the mother of our Lord. We can only imagine how overwhelming and encouraging this must have been for Mary. God confirmed what He had declared through the angel Gabriel in the words of Elizabeth. In the next ten verses, we see Mary’s response as a young woman to the blessing of that first encounter with Elizabeth and her Spirit-filled words.
Mary begins here with the words, “My soul magnifies the Lord.” The word used here is μεγαλύνω (megalúnō) which means to make great or to praise. It is important to see these words of Mary in their context. God had given her the wonderful privilege of being the mother of our Lord. She had been chosen above all other women to know this blessing. I have met people who have known the hand of God in their lives, and they begin to think that there must be something in them that made God choose them above all other people. They become puffed up with pride and expect people to look up to them and see them as important. This is not Mary’s response. Her first response was to magnify or enlarge the name of her God. She did not focus on herself or recognize any special goodness in herself. All she sees is the amazing grace of God that would choose her. She praised Him. She gave Him all the glory.
Verse 47
Not only does Mary magnify the name of the Lord (verse 46) but note here that her spirit rejoiced in God her Saviour. Understand that the responsibility before her was a serious one. Many people would not understand what had happened to her. Her testimony about the Spirit of God making her pregnant would have been blasphemous in their minds. Her pregnancy outside of marriage would have been a social taboo and contrary to the command of God. If Joseph was not the father, she would have been seen as unfaithful. Even Joseph would have struggled to understand or accept her explanation of how she became pregnant. These were difficult matters to address, yet the Lord God gave her joy.
A spirit that rejoices in God is a spirit that is in tune with Him and walking in His purpose. The fact that Mary experiences such joy demonstrates that she had not been unfaithful or disobedient to the command of the Lord. The presence of God’s joy filled her heart as she faced the struggles before her.
Verse 48
Mary magnified the name of the Lord and was filled with joy because He had looked at her and given her such a privilege.
Note here how Mary describes herself and her condition in the words, “He has looked on the humble estate of His servant.” The word translated “humble estate” is ταπείνωσις “tapeínōsis” and speaks of something lowly or vile. Mary has no sense of self-importance here. She was from a poor background and had nothing worthy of attention. She is amazed that the Lord God would consider her to be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Note also that she describes herself as a servant. The word she uses here is δούλη (doúlē) which is a female bondservant obligated to a master. Bondservants were of low social status. Mary sees herself at the bottom of the social ladder.
Despite her poor estate and servant status, Mary knew that generations to come would call her blessed. She believed that her Son would accomplish great things and she would be honoured and blessed as his mother. She recognized the immense privilege she had received from God to be the mother of His Son. I suppose she was also somewhat baffled that God should choose such a humble and poor servant to be the mother of our Lord.
Verse 49
In contrast to her “humble estate” (verse 48), the Lord God was mighty. The word δυνατός (dunatós) speaks of one who is able and strong. This was a God to whom nothing was impossible. He could do everything He said He would. Nothing could stand against Him or hinder His purpose.
This mighty God, according to Mary, had done great things for her. The word translated as “great things” is μεγαλει̃ος (megaleíos) and can refer to miracles or to things that exceed the normal events of life. Mary was aware of God’s spectacular power and ability.
Note that the “great things” God did were, according to Mary, “for me.” She was aware of the hand of God upon her to accomplish miraculous things. I am assuming that if we were to open our eyes, we might also see these miraculous interventions of God in our lives as well.
Not only was God a mighty God, but Mary describes Him also as holy. The word ἁˊγιος (hágios) refers to something that is set apart from this earth and its defilements. As a holy God, He is pure and separated from sin. Mary understood that everything God did was good, right and pure.
Verse 50
In verse 49 Mary speaks of God as mighty and holy. These qualities separate Him from us as human beings. We are limited in ability and sinful in nature. Note, however, that Mary adds another quality that opens His heart to us. She tells us here that God is also merciful.
The word ἐˊλεος (éleos) speaks of compassion, and pity that is moved to respond to what it sees. While we may feel compassion or pity for someone and do nothing, mercy cannot remain inactive. It responds to the needs around it in acts of love and generosity.
Mary describes a God who is moved to respond to those who fear Him. The word φοβέω (phobéō) used in this sense carries the meaning of reverence and devotion. Mary is telling us that God’s mercy is extended to those who revere and commit themselves to Him. Note that this mercy of God extends from one generation to another. The God whose mercy saved me from sin is the same God who will deal with my children who wander from the path. The mercy of God was not just for Mary and her day, but for us as well. God does not change. He was and will always extend His merciful hand to those who love Him.
Verse 51
The God Mary describes here is a God of strength and might. Note, however, that He showed this strength to His people. The words, “He has shown strength,” show us that Mary is not just quoting from a theological textbook. She knows these things to be true personally. She goes on to describe how God showed His strength.
God showed His strength by scattering the “proud in the thoughts of their hearts.” God knew the thoughts of the proud, and though they puffed themselves up and achieved great power and authority, he scattered them, and their efforts came to nothing.
Consider, for example, those who built the tower of Babel in an attempt to make a name for themselves. God scattered them and their efforts amounted to nothing (see Genesis 11).
Consider what God did to King Herod in Acts 12:21-23 when he allowed people to declare him to be a god:
(21) On an appointed day Herod put on his royal robes, took his seat upon the throne, and delivered an oration to them. (22) And the people were shouting, “The voice of a god, and not of a man!” (23) Immediately, an angel of the Lord struck him down because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and breathed his last. – Acts 12:21-23 ESV
In an instant, God humbled the proud Herod and took his life.
Writing in Psalm 2, the psalmist declares:
(2) The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying, (3) “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.” (4) He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. (5) Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying, (6) “As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” – Psalms 2:2-6 ESV
The mighty God of heaven laughs at the kings and rulers of this world who make their proud claims. He speaks to them in His fury and they are brought low.
Mary describes a mighty God who can bring down the most powerful forces of this earth.
Verse 52
Mary’s God was a sovereign God who removed the mighty from their thrones but exalted those who were humble and poor.
Throughout the history of this world, we have seen great leaders fall. Those who reached the pinnacle of their power have been stripped of their thrones in an instant.
We have also seen how God has taken the humble and lifted them to achieve great things. Mary could not explain the sovereign choices of God, but she experienced personally how God had taken her from her “humble estate” and lifted her to be the mother of our Lord.
In her mind, it was not those who were great in their minds who were truly great but those God elevated for His purpose.
Verse 53
Mary goes on to describe God as a God of mercy and compassion. She illustrates this by reminding us that He “filled the hungry with good things.” She would have heard how God fed His people with manna as they wandered through the wilderness on the way to the promised land. As a young woman of humble estate, Mary would likely have seen how God provided her family with all they needed. More specifically, however, she was very much aware of how God had chosen her, a young woman of no social standing, to be the mother of our Lord.
While God took note of the poor and needy, notice how Mary tells us that “he has sent the rich away empty.” We should not assume from this that God is against the rich. King David, a very rich man, is described as a man after God’s heart (see 1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22).
The rich Mary speaks about here are those who have all they need but greedily seek more. They have not shared what they have with those in need or used it for the glory of God. Instead, they have used their possessions for themselves and to gain social standing in their community. Those who have looked down on the poor and needy, find themselves in the same situation as God does to them what they have done to others. Mary describes a God of justice and impartiality.
Verse 54
Continuing on this theme of mercy, Mary illustrates her point by pointing to the nation of Israel. She tells us here that God helped “His servant Israel in remembrance of His mercy.” Consider what Mary has to say here in light of the words God spoke to His people through Moses in Deuteronomy 7:
(7) It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the LORD set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples, – Deuteronomy 7:7 ESV
God reminds His people here that they were small compared to other nations around them. He did not choose them because of their size or greatness but because He is a God of mercy who looks with compassion on the poor and needy.
Consider also the words of God through Moses in Deuteronomy 9:
(4) “Do not say in your heart, after the LORD your God has thrust them out before you, ‘It is because of my righteousness that the LORD has brought me in to possess this land,’ whereas it is because of the wickedness of these nations that the LORD is driving them out before you. (5) Not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart are you going in to possess their land, but because of the wickedness of these nations the LORD your God is driving them out from before you, and that he may confirm the word that the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. – Deuteronomy 9:4-5 ESV
God made it clear to His people that He did not choose them because they were righteous. We see from the history of Israel that they often wandered from God and His purpose.
According to Mary, God chose Israel to remind them of His mercy. He wanted to demonstrate to the world that He was a God of mercy, compassion and forgiveness. We see how God chose a small and rebellious nation to be His children and we are encouraged. We understand that if He chose Israel, then He is willing also to show compassion to me in my sin.
Verse 55
As Mary concludes her words to Elizabeth, she directs us to the promise God made to Abraham. He was a relatively unknown man, married to a woman who could not bear children. It was to this man and his barren wife that God made a great promise. Consider what took place when the Lord spoke to Abraham in Genesis 18:
(10) The LORD said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife shall have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent door behind him. (11) Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years. The way of women had ceased to be with Sarah. (12) So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I am worn out, and my lord is old, shall I have pleasure?” – Genesis 18:10-12 ESV
Genesis 18 tells us that Sarah was an old woman, well past the time when she could bear children. God told her, however, that she would give birth to a male child. God would go on to tell Abraham that his innumerable offspring would be a blessing to the entire world:
(17) I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies, (18) and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” – Genesis 22:17-18 ESV
Writing about this, the apostle Paul told the Galatians that the promise of God to Abraham was of a Saviour who would come to save them of their sin:
(8) And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “In you shall all the nations be blessed.” – Galatians 3:8 ESV
There are a few points we need to see here in this verse.
First, these final words of Mary come in the context of her reflection on God’s mercy. She illustrates the wonderful mercy of God by telling the story of how God took a relatively unknown man with a barren wife and gave them a child whose offspring would impact the world.
Second, note the similarity of Abraham’s story with that of Elizabeth and Zechariah. Like Abraham, God announced to Zechariah that he would have a son in his old age. Like Elizabeth, Sarah also was beyond the years of childbearing but was given a child through God’s miraculous mercy.
Third, consider also how God promised a child to Abraham and Sarah whose offspring would bless the world. Paul tells us in Galatians 3:8 that this offspring would be the Lord Jesus, the child Mary carried in her womb when she spoke these words.
God’s promises from the time of Abraham were seeing their complete fulfillment in Mary, Elizabeth and Zechariah that day. Through Abraham and His offspring, God would raise a Messiah who would reign forever throughout all eternity over a people He redeemed at the cost of His life.
Verse 56
Luke does not tell us what took place during the three months that Mary stayed with Elizabeth and Zechariah. I am sure that there were many things Zechariah would have liked to communicate in those days but remember that he was unable to speak. We can only imagine the conversations between Elizabeth and Mary. I am sure that Mary also would have been a great support to Elizabeth in her duties around the house in those days. By the time Mary left, Elizabeth would have been nine months pregnant. It is uncertain whether Elizabeth’s child had been born before Mary left.
Understand also that by this time, Mary would return to her hometown to face the rumours and confusion about her pregnancy. While Elizabeth’s community would be rejoicing in the birth of a son to her in her old age, Mary’s community would be confused by her pregnancy outside of wedlock.
Verse 57
The day finally came when Elizabeth, bore a child in her old age. Note that she gave birth to a son. This is what the angel told Zechariah, and was a fulfillment of the promise of God. This confirmation would have assured the couple that the prophecy about their child was also true (see Luke 1:13-17).
Verse 58
News about the birth of a son to Elizabeth in her old age travelled throughout the community. Luke tells us that when neighbours and relatives heard “that the Lord had shown great mercy” on Elizabeth, they rejoiced with her.
Note the phrase “the Lord had shown great mercy to her.” There was no question in the minds of the neighbours that Elizabeth’s pregnancy was from the Lord and a great act of mercy on His part. They understood the miraculous nature of this birth. They saw in it the merciful hand of God on a woman who, for all her life, had never been able to conceive or bear a child.
Verse 59
As was the custom, Elizabeth and Zechariah brought their child to be circumcised on the eighth day. Male children were officially given their names at the time of circumcision. The first-born child was traditionally called after his father.
Note that those performing the circumcision and naming of the child, following the tradition of the day, were going to call him Zechariah, after his father. The name Zechariah means, “the Lord remembers.” The angel Gabriel, however, had told Zechariah in Luke 1:13 that they were to call their son John which means “Jehovah is gracious.”
The challenge for Zechariah here was whether he would follow the tradition of the day or go against that tradition and listen to the words of the angel and call their son John.
Verse 60
The naming of Elizabeth and Zechariah’s son took place at his circumcision. It was customary for the first-born to bear the name of the father but the angel Gabriel told Zechariah that he was to name the child John. Remember that Zechariah could not speak because he did not initially believe the words of Gabriel, the angel sent from God to announce the birth of his son (see Luke 1:20). When the time came to name their child, those performing the circumcision were going to name him Zechariah after his father but Elizabeth stopped them and told them that they were going to call him John. Zechariah had communicated this to his wife and she now speaks on his behalf, in obedience to the word of the angel. They willingly disregarded the tradition of the day to be obedient to the word of the Lord.
Verse 61
Those performing the circumcision and naming of the child were confused by his parent’s decision to call their young boy, John. They challenge them on this, reminding them that none of their relatives were called by this name. Once again Elizabeth and Zechariah are forced to decide between the traditions of their day and the word of the Lord.
I have met people who just do what is expected of them and ignore the direction of the Lord. Traditions can often be confused with the word or purpose of the Lord but they are not always the same. In this case, God was asking John’s parents to go against their tradition in the naming of their child.
Verse 62
Uncertain as to whether to take Elizabeth’s words seriously, those performing the circumcision and naming of the child turned to the father for confirmation.
Notice how Luke tells us that they “made signs to his father inquiring what he wanted him to be called.” The phrase is somewhat confusing and might be understood in one of two ways.
First, remember that Zechariah and Elizabeth were in their old age when they gave birth to their son. This old age may have taken away Zechariah’s hearing and so those performing the circumcision and naming of his child needed to make signs to be understood.
Second, it also may be possible that Zechariah’s hearing was fine, but those questioning him did not know how to speak to someone who was mute. They made signs in an attempt to communicate not taking into account that his hearing may have been fine. The false assumption may have been that if they could not hear him, then he could not hear them.
However we understand these signs and gestures, those questioning Zechariah were seeking his confirmation of his wife’s words about disregarding tradition and calling their child John.
Verse 63
In response to their gestures and questions about the name of his son, Zechariah asked for a writing tablet. Because he could not speak, he wrote his response to them. On that tablet, he wrote: “His name is John.”
Zechariah chose to obey the words of the Lord and disregarding the tradition of the day, did as the angel Gabriel had told him to do.
Notice the response of those present that day — “And they all wondered.” The word used here is θαυμάζω (thaumázō). It refers to something astonishing. This break in tradition was an uncommon occurrence. Those present were astonished and confused about the decision both parents made that day.
Verse 64
Zechariah could not have known the impact of his decision to call his son, John. Luke tells us that immediately after writing, “His name is John,” on the tablet, Zechariah’s mouth was opened and his tongue loosed. He was able to speak again.
The decision about what to call his son may have been a small decision compared to many in Zechariah’s life but it was just as important. We are left to wonder what would have happened had he followed tradition and ignored the word of the Lord in the naming of his son. Would Zechariah have remained mute for the rest of his life?
Obedience brought healing. Notice how Zechariah broke out in words of blessing to God. His heart was filled with joy for this son and the healing he had received for his obedience.
There have been times in my life when I have experienced deep blessings because of obedience to what would be considered small things in the eyes of this world. God’s purpose for John did not hang on his name. God could have accomplished His purpose through him even if his name was not John. What a difference obedience made in the life of his father, however. He stood up against the tradition of the day and chose God’s purpose. That made all the difference in his life. It also set the tone for the life of his son by giving him an example to follow – absolute obedience in everything even if it goes against the accepted norms of society.
Verse 65
When Zechariah obeyed the word of the angel and was healed, fear came to all their neighbours. Zechariah’s obedience to the Lord brought great personal benefit to himself but the miracle that took place in his life went beyond any personal benefit he received. People in his neighbourhood saw a practical demonstration of the power of God in his healing. They knew that God had moved among them to bring this healing. The name of the Lord was honoured in the decision of Zechariah and Elizabeth to name their child John. Word of what took place that day spread throughout the hill country of Judea. People began to speak about Zechariah’s healing, the son born to them in their old age and their break with tradition.
Luke tells us that “fear” came on their neighbours. The word φόβος (phóbos) speaks of reverence, respect, honour or even terror. That fear was toward the God of Israel who had moved among them in such a way.
Zechariah and Elizabeth’s obedience had a powerful impact on their community and brought a deeper respect and reverence for the God of Israel. We are left to wonder what our absolute obedience to God in even small things could do for our society today.
Verse 66
Note one more impact of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s obedience to the angel here. Those who heard about the miraculous birth of John and the miracle that had accompanied it, asked the question: “What then will this child be?” The events surrounding the birth of John pointed people to his ministry. John’s reputation as a miracle child given to his parents in their old age, and the prophecy about him prepared the people to listen to what he would tell them about the Lord Jesus. Luke tells us that those who heard about John laid up the things they heard in their heart. That is to say, they remembered them and awaited their fulfillment. They understood that the hand of the Lord was on this child for a special purpose.
God asked Zechariah and Elizabeth to be the parents of a special child. God miraculously worked through their absolute obedience and submission, demonstrating His presence on that child and preparing the community for the day when his purpose would be revealed.
Verse 67
We discovered that when Zechariah wrote, “His name is John,” on the writing tablet in obedience to the word of the Lord through the angel Gabriel, his mouth was opened and he began to praise the Lord (Luke 1:64). Luke recounts the words of Zechariah that day as he explodes in praise and thanksgiving to God for his son and the purpose of God through him. Understand that neighbours and community members did not know the significance of John’s birth. The miracle of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, the birth of John and the healing of Zechariah needed explanation. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Zechariah brings this explanation. Luke calls the words of Zechariah a prophecy. That is to say, they were the words of God through him to bring clarity to what had just happened. The word of the Lord accompanies the signs the poeple saw that day.
Verse 68
Zechariah begins his prophecy with a word of praise. He blesses the Lord God of Israel because He had visited and redeemed His people.
This visitation came in part through the angel Gabriel announcing the birth of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s son John. Remember also, however, that Zechariah and Elizabeth had spent the last three months with Mary the mother of Jesus.
God had visited His people not only in the person of his angel Gabriel but also in the birth of Zechariah’s son John and the miracles that accompanied his birth. More specifically, however, the visitation of God came through the child in Mary’s womb, whom Zechariah knew to be the promised Messiah come to save His people from their sin.
Zechariah declared that God had come to redeem His people. The word λύτρωσις (lútrōsis) used here speaks of paying a ransom to release a person from bondage. This was the work the child in Mary’s womb would do. He would pay the penalty for our sins and release us from the guilt of sin and death.
Verse 69
Zechariah informs his people that God had raised a horn of salvation in the house of David.
The Jews of that day understood that the Messiah would come through the line of David. Zechariah declared that this child had been born.
Note here the phrase “horn of salvation.” For an animal, the horn is a weapon. Imagine a bull chasing you with his horn pointed directly at you. That horn is a symbol of power and strength, and something to be feared. Imagine now that this powerful horn is pointed at your enemy sin and death. What can stand against this horn of salvation. It crushes sin and demolishes death. Nothing can stand against this weapon intent on rescuing us from our enemy.
The horn here, according to Zechariah, is a person. That person was the Lord Jesus Christ who alone can conquer sin and the grave, breaking its bondage and restoring us to a right relationship with the Father. Note that this horn of salvation is “for us.” God sent His son to conquer sin and the grave for you and me. Zechariah marvels at this thought.
Verse 70
What Zecharaiah declared about the “horn of salvation” sent by God to deliver us from sin and its consequences was not Zechariah’s words alone. God spoke the same message through his holy prophets on many different occasions.
Consider the words of God in Genesis 3:15 when sin first entered the world:
(15) I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” – Genesis 3:15 ESV
God told Adam and Eve that He would raise a child from their offspring to crush the head of Satan.
Isaiah predicted that a virgin would conceive and bear a child named Immanuel which means “God with us.”
(14) Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. – Isaiah 7:14 ESV
This promised Immanuel would be pierced and crushed for our transgression but bring us healing:
(5) But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. – Isaiah 53:5 ESV
Zechariah’s prophecy about the Messiah was confirmed through the mouths of many other prophets.
Verse 71
The coming of the promised “horn of salvation” was so that we could be saved from our enemies and from the hands of all who hate us. The people of Zechariah’s day understood this in a very practical way. They believed the Messiah would come and give them peace from war on this earth. They expected that He would usher in a time of prosperity and wealth and serve as their earthly king.
The prophecy of Zechariah, however, speak of even greater enemies than people who do not like us. We will certainly have our share of people who hate us as believers, but our greater enemies are sin, Satan and his demonic forces. Jesus sets us free from the consequences of sin. We are released from the curse of eternal separation from God in hell. We are given authority and power over Satan and his legal hold on us. The child in Mary’s womb would bring salvation much greater than the Jews of that day fully understood. This salvation is still available to all who will turn to Jesus today.
Verse 72
Note how the verse begins with the word “to.” This shows us its connection to the previous verse. Zecharaiah declared in verse 71 that God saved His people from their enemies and from the hands of those who hated them. He tells us now the reason God did this. According to Zechariah God saved His people for three reasons. He lists the first two here.
First, God saved His people from their enemies to show “the mercy promised to their fathers.” God made a promise to His people to save them and He would keep that promise because He never broke His Word. He was a God of truth.
Second, God saved His people “to remember his holy covenant.” Because He is a merciful God, He committed Himself to His people to care for them and watch over them. He would never abandon them in their need. He was a God of faithfulness.
Verse 73
The covenant and promise God made with His people went way back to Abraham. Consider what God said to Abraham in Genesis 22:
(15) And the angel of the LORD called to Abraham a second time from heaven (16) and said, “By myself, I have sworn, declares the LORD, because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, (17) I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies, (18) and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” – Genesis 22:15-18 ESV
Many generations have passed, but God has not forgotten His promise. He still cares for Abraham’s descendants and will fulfill the promise made in ways Abraham could never have imagined. God is raising a people from every tribe and nation to be blessed through Abraham.
The apostle Paul declared that the true descendants of Abraham are not just from Israel but “children of the promise.” That is to say, men and women from every nation who have come to faith in Jesus Christ and been born again as a child of God:
(6) But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, (7) and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” (8) This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. – Romans 9:6-8 ESV
The oath God made to Abraham was not just to one nation but to all nations of the earth. People from every tongue would know the Saviour and possess the gate of their enemy (Genesis 22:17). They would enter into the holy covenant sworn to Abraham. The truth and faithfulness of God have been proven from one generation to another as He brings more and more men and women into the covenant made with Abraham so many years ago, giving them victory over Satan and saving them from their sins.
Verse 74
There is one final reason why God has saved us from our enemies. Zechariah declares here that “being delivered from the hand of our enemies,” we “might serve without fear.”
The first point we need to see here is that we are saved to serve our Deliverer. While our salvation is an act of mercy on God’s part given to us when we did not deserve it, He has called all He saved to service and obedience. Those who belong to the Lord and a part of his “holy covenant” (verse 72) are called and equipped to live a holy life as children of God. They are given gifts and callings as his ambassadors to this world. This is a high and noble calling.
Secondly, observe here that we have been delivered from our enemies to serve without fear. We can step out boldly even onto enemy territory because the cross of Jesus Christ has conquered sin, Satan and the grave. We have power to overcome. We have been equipped with God’s Word to guide and His Spirit to empower and lead. Beyond this, however, we need not fear for our own lives. Our salvation has been assured through Jesus Christ’s work on the cross. We do not serve in hope that we might be saved, that has already taken place. The enemy may take our physical body but we will live on in eternity in the presence of our Lord. Zechariah rejoices in such a wonderful salvation.
Verse 75
Notice how we are to serve our Lord, according to Zechariah.
First, we are to serve in holiness. The word used here is ὁσιότης (hosiótēs) and refers to a life in tune with God and His purpose. It is derived from the word “hósios” meaning sacred. The holy person, in this sense, walks according to the Word of God.
Second, we are to serve in righteousness. The word righteousness is δικαιοσύνη (dikaiosúnē) and speaks of justice. Justice demands that we meet the claims and standards required of us to be in a right relationship with another person. Consider, for example, a thief who steals from me. By taking my property, he is now indebted to me and owes what he has taken from me. For justice to be met, that thief must restore what he took and pay for any loss I incurred as a result. Only then can he be again in a right standing before me.
What do I owe God? To what extent has my sin indebted me to Him? How could I ever pay that debt?
For justice to be met in my case, the penalty for my sin needs to be paid and accepted. This is the work of Jesus Christ in my life. He pays the penalty on my behalf. Beyond the payment of sin, however, is the consecration of my life to the one who died for me. I must walk now as one who has been pardoned. I must submit to His Lordship in my life. Righteousness has to do with payment for my sin through Jesus Christ and my commitment now to walk under His Lordship.
Notice, finally, that Zechariah tells us that we are to serve in holiness and righteousness “all our days.” A thief may be fined and put in prison for a few years and then released. The nature of our debt and the claim of God upon our lives will never end. For all our lives, we will be indebted to the mercy of God who saved us from our enemies. Throughout eternity, we will magnify this mercy and grace.
Verse 76
Turning his attention now to his son John, Zechariah speaks a prophetic word about him. Note first that the infant John would be called “the prophet of the Most High.” There is only one person who could be called the Most High. God alone deserves this title, for there is no one higher than Him. Zechariah’s son would declare the word and purpose of the Lord God to His people.
Observe second, that as a prophet of the Most High, John would “go before the Lord to prepare His ways.” When we were missionaries on the island of Mauritius, the prime minister of India came for a visit. Such an important dignitary was treated with special attention. Police officers were sent before his car to ensure that nothing stood in his way, interrupting or delaying his journey. Beyond this, however, were the many people who prepared for his stay in the country. As a prophet, John went before the Lord Jesus, announcing His appearance, declaring Him to be the promised Messiah and introducing Him to the world. He preached a message of repentance and called his people to open their hearts to receive Jesus as the Messiah and accept the work He was about to accomplish on their behalf.
Verse 77
Zechariah prophesied next that his son John, “the prophet of the Most High,” would give the knowledge of salvation and the forgiveness of sin to his people. Consider how this prophecy was fulfilled in John 1:
(29) The next day, he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! – John 1:29 ESV
Notice how John introduces Jesus as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” As his father prophesied, John would give people knowledge of salvation and the forgiveness of sin by pointing them to the sacrificial Lamb, who would be nailed to the cross of Calvary as payment for our sins.
Verse 78
John the Baptist would give his people knowledge of salvation and forgiveness by introducing them to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
As the Lamb of God, Jesus would suffer and die on a cruel cross. He would lay His life down to pay a penalty for sin He did not commit. Why would He be willing to surrender to such suffering and cruelty? Zechariah offers an answer here. He tells us that it was “because of the tender mercy of our God.” Nothing else can explain why Jesus died in my place except that He is a merciful God.
Zechariah prophesied that the “sunrise would visit us from on high” because of the mercy of God. Every day that the sun rises is an act of mercy. We need to understand, however, that there are only so many sunrises we will see in our lifetime before we stand before Almighty God to give an account of our lives.
There is one sunrise that surpasses all others. Zechariah speaks about the revelation of the Son of God to this earth. Like the physical sun, Jesus rose one day and shone His light upon us, bringing the hope of salvation and eternal life. He came from on high as the very Son of God to demonstrate the tender mercy of God for all who would open their heart to Him and His work. Open your heart to Him, consider His work and accept it as your only hope of eternal life.
Verse 79
Jesus Christ, the sunrise of God, came to this world to shine His light of salvation and hope upon all who were sitting in the darkness and hopelessness of sin. Those upon whom Jesus shone the light of salvation were sitting in the shadow of death under the curse and judgement of God. The light of Jesus Christ revealed the way of peace, that had been hidden to those who did not know God. The peace His salvation revealed was a peace with God and a hope of eternal life in His presence.
Zechariah’s very own son, although not the Messiah, would introduce this great Lamb of God to the world. In this Lamb, there was forgiveness, hope and eternal life.
Verse 80
We know nothing about the childhood of John the Baptist, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Luke simply tells us that he grew up and became “strong in spirit.” The idea seems to be that John grew up to become a man strong in the Lord and the power of His Spirit. The Spirit of God was upon John and his heart was in tune with God and His purpose.
Note also here that John would leave public life and go into the wilderness. He separated himself from day-to-day worldly affairs and concerns. It appears that he chose a monastic life and devoted himself to seeking the Lord in isolation and preparation for the day God would call him to announce the appearance of His Son.
Chapter 2
Select Verse:
Verse 1
Luke tells us that in those days, Caesar Augustus sent out a decree that the Roman world was to be registered. Caesar Augustus reigned over the Roman Empire from about 27 BC to AD 14. The registration was for taxation purposes. Israel, being under Roman domination at this time, was forced to register and pay taxes to Rome.
Verse 2
Luke, whose commitment is to historical accuracy (see Luke 1:1-4), tells us that the registration of Roman subjects under Caesar Augustus took place when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge has this to say about Quirinus:
Κυρήνιος Kurḗnios; Quirinus (Lk 2:2) which refers to Publius Sulpitius Quirinus, a Roman Senator of an obscure family raised to the highest honors by Augustus. He was sent as governor or proconsul to Syria, first from 4 B.C. (the year of Jesus Christ’s birth) to 1 B.C., and again in A.D. 6-11. During his first governorship, the first taxing or enrollment occurred, which necessitated the visit of Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem. The second census took place A.D. 6 and is mentioned by Luke in Ac 5:37 and by Josephus. – (Treasury of Scripture Knowledge”. Cedar Rapids, IA: Laridian, Inc., 2003. Electronic Files © 2003 by Laridian. All rights reserved.)
Luke is quite particular about the historical accuracy of his account here.
Verse 3
Luke tells us that everyone was to be registered in their home town. It appears that each person was to return to the town where they had property. The registration would have required a declaration of property and its value as well as the names of the members of their family.
Verse 4
Luke tells us that Joseph went from Nazareth, where he lived, to Bethlehem, his hometown, to register. Some commentators believe that Joseph must have had property in Bethlehem for him to be required to register there. Luke tells us, however, that he went to Bethlehem, “because he was of the house and lineage of David.” 1 Samuel 20:6 tells us that King David was from the town of Bethlehem. Speaking to Jonathan, David said:
(6) If your father misses me at all, then say, ‘David earnestly asked leave of me to run to Bethlehem his city, for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the clan.’ – 1 Samuel 20:6 ESV
Joseph, as a descendant of David, also lived in Bethlehem. Beyond this obvious understanding of the verse, however, is another more important detail we need to see. The prophet Micah declared:
(2) But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. – Micah 5:2 ESV
A great ruler, whose existence was from the beginning of time, was to be born in Bethlehem, according to Micah. This ruler was the Lord Jesus, the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. The Roman registration forced Joseph to go to Bethlehem at the precise moment Mary was going to give birth to this “ruler in Israel.” While it was certainly an inconvenience for Mary and Joseph to make this trip to Bethlehem, it was in fulfillment of an ancient prophecy.
Verse 5
While it was not necessary for Mary to go to Bethlehem for the registration as Joseph could have provided all the information required. Luke tells us, however, that she did go with him.
While there may be some practical reasons why Mary went with Joseph at this point in her pregnancy, of particular importance in the prophecy of Micah 5:2 stating that Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem. It is uncertain if Mary and Joseph were considering this prophecy at the time, but what is clear is that God was leading them both there in fulfilment of that prophecy.
It is also important to note that a marriage engagement was legally binding and so Joseph would have been required to register Mary as his engaged wife.
Verse 6
As prophesied, it was while Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem that the time came for her to deliver her child. The circumstances were not ideal, but God was in it, and His prophetic promise was about to be fulfilled.
Verse 7
There in Bethlehem, crowded with people and no room in the local hotel for them to stay, Mary gave birth to her child. There was no crib for Him and so they cleaned out an animal feeding trough in the barn where they were staying, wrapped their child up in cloth and laid Him to rest. The Saviour of the world was born in humble circumstances. The very best this world had to offer was beneath His dignity, but He willingly laid aside these earthly privileges because He had not come to be comfortable and admired by the crowd. He came to serve and ultimately to die. He identified with the poorest among us and experienced, from His birth what it meant to suffer want.
Verse 8
Luke draws our attention to a group of shepherds in the region of Bethlehem. They were simple people performing the simple task of caring for sheep out in the field. Luke specifies that it was night. The sheep were likely sleeping at this time of the day. These shepherds were there to protect them from wild animals or bandits who might come and steal the sheep. It was not a glamourous job but a necessary one if the sheep were to be protected.
Verse 9
This night was going to be unlike any other. As the shepherds watched their sheep, an angel of the Lord appeared to them. Seeing an angel would have been overwhelming enough, but note that the glory of the Lord shone around them. The word δόξα (dóxa), in this case, refers to a physical manifestation of the dignity, excellence and holiness of God that appeared in the form of a brilliant light. This manifestation of the Lord’s presence caused the shepherds “great fear.” The word translated as fear is φοβέω (phobéō) and speaks of terror. Coupled with the word “great” here, we see just how afraid these shepherds were. They had been hired to protect the sheep from wild animals and armed thieves but this was something beyond their ability. Who could stand in the presence of such a powerful manifestation of God?
Verse 10
The angel, sensing the shepherd’s fear, tells them they had no reason to be afraid because he had come to bring them good news.
Note first that the news was “of great joy.” This great joy is contrasted here with the great fear the shepherds experienced. What they feared the most brought them the greatest news they could ever have hoped to receive. They found great grace in this powerful manifestation of God. The presence that could have destroyed them came instead to bring them peace and hope.
Observe second that this news was for “all people.” What they heard from the angel was not to be kept to themselves but shared with all who would listen. The angel is commissioning these shepherds to proclaim this “news of great joy” to all people. We have received the news to share it. It cannot be kept to ourselves.
Finally, consider the fact that this good news was shared with ordinary shepherds. Prophets of all ages predicted the coming of the Messiah. The proclamation of His appearance, however, falls on simple people like you and me to whom He has revealed Himself.
Verse 11
What was this news of “great joy?” The angel tells the shepherds that on that very day, a child had been born. Note what the angel tells the shepherds about this special child.
First, he was born in the city of David. The prophet Micah had this to say about Bethlehem, the city of David:
(2) But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. – Micah 5:2 ESV
It was in the city of David that the great leader “from ancient days” was to be born.
Second, observe that the child born that day was “a Saviour.” Admittedly, the Jews often understood this to be a political Saviour but Jesus came to be a Saviour from an even greater enemy, the power of sin and death.
Next, see that this child was Christ. The word “Christ” means anointed one. He came with an anointing of God upon His life. He was called to a particular role and ministry. He came to set us free from sin, Satan and the world. He was God’s chosen and anointed instrument for our salvation.
Finally, this child is Lord. Note the the phrase “who is Christ the Lord.” The little word, “is” shows us that this was not something He would grow into or accomplish by means of His work. He came as Christ and Lord. He was Lord even as a little infant in His mother’s arms. He was ruler from ancient times and that did not cease when He was conceived in His mother’s womb. He was and always will be Christ the Lord.
Verse 12
Having proclaimed that a Saviour had been born, the angel then proceeds to tell the shepherds how they would recognize Him. They would find Him wrapped in swaddling cloth lying in a manger.
The practice of swaddling was common in those days. A child would be tightly wrapped in cloth to imitate the womb and bring a measure of security. It also regulated the temperature of a newborn keeping them warm. It may also have been to protect the child from any harm.
While swaddling was a common practice, what was uncommon was that the swaddled child was placed in a animal feeding trough to sleep. The shepherds would identify the child by His presence in a manger.
There is a powerful contrast between the presence of the angel and the glory of the Lord that caused great fear for the shepherds, and the lowliness of this baby born in a stable and lay to rest in a manger. He was a Saviour for all people. He identified with the poor but knew wealth beyond measure. He lay in a manger tightly wrapped in swaddling bands but His presence filled the world.
Verse 13
Having communicated his message to the shepherds, the angel was joined by what Luke describes as a “multitude of the heavenly hosts.” The idea seems to be that many other angels joined with the one sent to the shepherds. If the shepherds were afraid of this one angel, we can only imagine how they felt in the presence of many. The revelation of this throng of angels to the shepherds demonstrated just how important the message was.
Notice what Luke tells us the angels were doing as they appeared to the shepherds. They were praising God. Angels appear in Scripture for various reasons. They come to bring messages, to protect or to guide. Here, however, their main focus was to worship God for the birth of this child born to Mary.
Why would the host of angels appear to the shepherds? They could have appeared to Mary and Joseph but they didn’t. Mary and Joseph already had an angelic visitation and knew what God was going to do through their Son. The message of the gospel, however, is for shepherds and ordinary people. Listen again to the words the angel spoke to the shepherds that day:
(11) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (12) And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” – Luke 2:11-12 ESV
Note the words “For unto you,” “This will be a sign for you,” and “You will find.” The message was very personal. The angel spoke directly to these shepherds. The child was for them. They would find this child. There is something very extraordinary about the event that took place in the field that evening. God appeared to ordinary people like you and me and personalized the gospel to them. He spared no expense in doing this. He sent a whole host of angels to the shepherds that night. He also sent His only Son to be born as a man and offered that Son to them as their Saviour. That same offer is extended to you and me as well.
Verse 14
Note the words of the angelic throng who publicly praised the Lord that evening.
First, they proclaim: “Glory to God.” The word glory (δόξα, dóxa) speaks of honour and praise. These angels praised the name of the Lord God and declared His honour. This honour is given to God in light of the birth of Jesus Christ His Son. The angels are overcome with praise and thanksgiving for the purpose of God in bringing the offer of salvation to His people.
Observe secondly that this glory was “to God in the highest.” The word “highest” is translated from the Greek word ὑˊψιστος (húpsistos) and is derived from “húpsos,” meaning height. It is quite possible that the reference to “the highest” is to heaven. The word ὑˊψιστος (húpsistos), however, can also be interpreted as elevated or lofty. This has led other commentators to see the phrase “Glory to God in the highest,” to mean “may the most elevated and highest glory be attributed to God, who offered His son for the forgiveness of sin.”
Third, consider the words “and on earth peace.” The word εἰρήνη (eirḗnē) speaks about an absence of war. War should be seen, however, in a very broad sense. While we may not be in a country at war with another, we do experience warfare in various ways. For some, that battle is emotional or physical. They struggle with anxious concerns and problems. The warfare may be spiritual as we deal with the question of sin and our separation from God. Still, others struggle with physical ailments that keep them from knowing the peace of God in their lives. Finally, there are those whose battle is with other people and broken relationships with neighbours or family members. The peace Jesus came to offer touches every aspect of our lives. He comes to restore our relationship with God and each other. He comes to guide us through the battles we have with sin, the flesh and the devil.
Finally, note the phrase “among those with whom He is pleased!” The King James Version translates this phrase as “good will toward men.” The Greek phrase being translated is ἐν ἀνθρώποις εὐδοκίας which literally translated means “in human good-will.” The word “good-will” (εὐδοκία, eudokía) could also be translated as “please,” or “favour.” In other words, “among humans God’s pleasure and favour.” The angels glorify God because He extended His peace and favour to human beings through the birth of His Son Jesus Christ.
Verse 15
Note the response of the shepherds to the angels’ message that night. Luke tells us that when the angels went back to heaven, the shepherds spoke to each other. Clearly, to this point, they had not been communicating. They were fixated on the angels and their message.
When the angels left, however, the shepherds made plans to go to Bethlehem to see what had happened. Understand here that the angel had told them how they would find the child. He would be wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger. We are not told how they found the particular stable where Jesus was born, but the words of the angel narrowed their search. They were looking for a stable with a manger in Bethlehem where a swaddled child lay.
Observe also that the shepherds attribute what they heard from the angels to be truly from the Lord. The phrase, “which the Lord has made known to us” makes this clear.
One thing is certain, the shepherds were not content with words alone. They were compelled in their hearts to find this child. I have met many who are content to know the truth of the gospel but who have never personally met the Saviour. Hearing the gospel and meeting the Saviour are two different matters. Those who hear must also say: “Let us go … and see this thing that … the Lord has made known to us.” Don’t be content with words alone. Go and see for yourself. Prove it to be true not just in words but in reality.
Verse 16
Observe what Luke tells us about the response of the shepherds to the angel’s message in the words, “They went with haste.” What Luke does not tell us is what happened to the sheep. This was not the shepherd’s priority right now. Like the disciples Jesus called at the sea of Galilee, who left their nets and followed Him, so it was with these shepherds. They left their sheep to seek the child.
We are not told how long they had to search for the stable, but according to Luke, they found Jesus just as the angel had told them – “lying in a manger.” Consider this in light of the words of God through Jeremiah the prophet who said:
(13) You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (14) I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile – Jeremiah 29:13-14 ESV
The God who declared His salvation through the angel directed the steps of the shepherds who determined in their hearts to seek His Son. God wants you to find His Son. He declares His salvation to you for that purpose. If you, like these shepherds, determine in your heart to seek Him, He will make Him known to you.
Verse 17
Notice the response of the shepherd when they found the stable where Jesus was born and saw that everything was just as the angel had told them. Luke tells us that they “made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child.” The saying made known to them is found in verses 11-14. The angels told them that they would find the Saviour, Christ the Lord, who had come to bring us peace, lying in a manger in Bethlehem.
Understand something important here. The shepherds did not just repeat the words given to them until they had confirmed the truth of those words. The news of a Saviour was amazing, especially when it came from the angel in such a spectacular manner. The shepherds, however, had to experience the reality of that truth for themselves before they could truly share it. That is what is happening here. These shepherds went and saw out for themselves that what the angel said was true. They met the child and confirmed the message they heard. The words they shared were words of experience and very personal to them. It is one thing to hear the gospel and quite another to meet the Saviour. It is those who meet the Saviour for themselves who truly have something to share.
Verse 18
The testimony of the shepherds caused “all who heard it to wonder.” The word used here is θαυμάζω (thaumázō) and speaks of being struck with admiration, to be astonished or to marvel. When the shepherds shared their story, all who heard what they said were struck with awe and marvelled at what they told them. The story of the angels and the baby lying in a manger amazed those who heard it. This is not to say that they all believed that this child was the Son of God, but they certainly had to admit that the experience the shepherds had was a supernatural one.
These shepherds were simple people. They did not have years of theological education. All they had was the revelation of the angels and their encounter with Jesus. That was all that was required. They simply shared their experience of the Christ and the revelation they had. People all around were struck with admiration at their story and forced to consider that this Jesus might indeed be the promised Messiah.
Verse 19
Note Mary’s response to the events that had taken place. Luke tells us that her response was two-fold.
First, “Mary treasured up all these things.” The word translated as “treasured up” is συντηρέω (suntēréō). It carries the meaning of preserving, keeping safe, or guarding carefully. These memories and stories were very special to Mary. Imagine you had a precious gem worth much to you. What would you do with this treasure? You would keep it in a safe place so that it would not get lost or damaged. This is what Mary is doing. The story of the shepherds and the revelation of the angel to them was something she kept safe in her mind. It was very special to her, and a reminder of the privilege she had been given to raise this child.
Second, Mary “pondered” these things in her heart. The word συμβάλλω (sumbállō) is derived from “sún,” meaning together, and “bállō” meaning to cast. Imagine that you had a jigsaw puzzle with a variety of pieces. These individual pieces need to be put together for the puzzle to make sense. The supernatural stories and events that took place in those days were overwhelming and confusing. Mary gathers the various stories about her child and puts them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As she pondered in her mind, putting piece by piece together, Mary came to a clearer sense of God’s purpose for her life and the life of her child. Like each of us today, Mary did not have all the answers, but piece by piece, God was making that known to her and over time, they began to make more sense.
Verse 20
After their time in Bethlehem, “the shepherds returned.” They returned to their sheep and we hear nothing more of them. Notice, however, how their lives had changed. Luke tells us that they returned glorifying and praising God for all they had heard, seen, and been told. They could not be the same after these events. Their lives would have been forever changed.
I do not doubt that they shared their story many times throughout their lives. We don’t know how many lives were impacted by their testimony or how many people dismissed their story as fanatical. What we do know is that God had a purpose for them and used them to proclaim the birth of His Son, Jesus, to the people of their day. I suspect that this calling followed them to the end of their lives.
Verse 21
Jesus was born into the Jewish faith. His parents were devout Jews. As was the custom of that day, after eight days, Jesus was brought to the priest to be circumcised and named. Mary and Joseph called their child Jesus which means Saviour. The name was prophetic and spoke of the work He had been called to do. This name had been given to Mary by the angel who announced to Mary that she would conceive.
(31) And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. – Luke 1:31 ESV
Verse 22
Leviticus 12 describes the requirements in the Law of Moses concerning the birth of a child. When a woman bore a male child, she would be unclean for seven days (Leviticus 12:1). On the eighth day, she was then to bring her child to the priest for circumcision (Leviticus 12:2). Even after the circumcision of her male child, the woman was unclean. She would remain in this condition for thirty-three days (Leviticus 12:4). During that time she was not to go to the place of worship or touch anything holy (Leviticus 12:4). When her days of purification were over she was to come to the priest with an offering of a one-year-old lamb or if she could not afford a lamb, two turtle doves or two pigeons. These were offered up for her as a sacrifice to complete her purification rites.
Observe also here that on the day of Mary’s purification, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. Understand that Jesus was their firstborn and there were particular regulations concerning a firstborn child in the Law of Moses. Consider what Exodus 13:1,2 tells us about this:
(1) The LORD said to Moses, (2) “Consecrate to me all the firstborn. Whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and of beast is mine.” – Exodus 13:1-2 ESV
Numbers 18:15-16 gives us more detail about this when it says:
(15) Everything that opens the womb of all flesh, whether man or beast, which they offer to the LORD, shall be yours. Nevertheless, the firstborn of man you shall redeem, and the firstborn of unclean animals you shall redeem. (16) And their redemption price (at a month old you shall redeem them) you shall fix at five shekels in silver, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs. – Numbers 18:15-16 ESV
There was a redemption price to be paid for a first child. This was because, when the children of Israel were in Egypt, God spared the firstborn of their families but killed the firstborn of every Egyptian household (see Exodus 12:29-32).
Verse 23
Luke makes it clear that Mary and Joseph presented Jesus to the Lord God because of the regulations of the law of Moses stating that every firstborn was holy to the Lord. The word holy here carries the sense of being set apart for God. The reason for this had to do with the time the angel of death passed over the land of Egypt, slaying every child that was not in a home protected by the blood of the lamb painted on the doorposts (see Exodus 12). From that time forward, firstborn children belonged to the Lord and needed to be redeemed if the parents wanted to keep them for themselves.
Verse 24
While in Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph offered an appropriate sacrifice for Mary’s purification. The law of Moses stated that a woman who gave birth to a child was to offer a one-year-old lamb to the Lord. Recognizing that not every family could afford such a costly sacrifice, however, it made provision for a less costly one for poorer families:
(8) And if she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves or two pigeons, one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering. And the priest shall make atonement for her, and she shall be clean.” – Leviticus 12:6-8 ESV
Mary and Joseph, not having money to offer a one-year-old lamb, brought the offering of “two turtledoves or two young pigeons.” This shows us that our Lord was born into a very simple family and not into wealth.
Verse 25
Luke recounts the story of a man by the name of Simeon who was in Jerusalem when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple. Note three details about Simeon here.
First, he was “righteous and devout.” The word righteous is δίκαιος (díkaios) and refers to something that conforms to what is right and just. Simeon was a man who walked according to the law of God and sought to please God in all that he did.
Simeon was also devout. The word used here is εὐλαβής (eulabḗs). It is derived from the word “eú,” meaning good or right, and “lambánō,” meaning to take. The idea is a person who takes what is good. This taking of good sometimes comes at a high cost. A devout person is willing to pay the price to do what is good, even if he has to give his life in return.
Second, Simeon waited for the consolation of Israel. Consolation is offered to those who are suffering. Consider this in light of the words of Isaiah 40 which predicted the coming Messiah:
(1) Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. (2) Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins. (3) A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. (4) Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. (5) And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” – Isaiah 40:1-5 ESV
These prophetic words spoke of comfort being brought to Israel through the revealed “glory of the Lord” announced by a voice crying in the wilderness. These verses are quoted by John the Baptist in Luke 3:4-6 where Luke tells us that he was the voice crying out in the wilderness, announcing the presence of Jesus, the revealed glory of God.
Simeon’s “consolation of Israel,” was none other than the Lord Jesus who came to set His people free from sin. Simeon was waiting for the Messiah.
Third, observe that the Holy Spirit was on Simeon. In those days the Holy Spirit came upon individuals to equip them for ministry or to give a revelation of some sort. In this case, we will see that one of the roles of the Holy Spirit on Simeon was to reveal and confirm the presence of the Messiah in the person of the baby Jesus.
Verse 26
The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Christ. The word Christ means anointed. In this case, the Lord’s anointed was none other than the promised Messiah who was to come. Simeon knew that he would see the promised Messiah. Verse 25 tells us that he waited in Jerusalem for the “consolation of Israel.”
Verse 27
Luke tells us that Simeon came “in the Spirit into the temple,” on the very hour Jesus’ parents were present. The phrase “in the Spirit” seems to imply that Simeon was being led by the Spirit. The Spirit of God put it on his heart to go to the temple at that moment to meet the Lord Jesus and His parents.
As for Jesus’ parents, they were at the temple in simple obedience to the law of God and its regulations about purification for Mary after the birth of her son. God is orchestrating the circumstances and timing to accomplish His purpose.
Verse 28
Not only did the Spirit of God lead Simeon to the temple at that precise moment, but he drew his attention to the child who had come with Mary and Joseph that day.
Many parents came to the temple with their children. Circumcisions and purifications were common enough in those days. Jesus was no different in appearance than any other child. What was different, however, is what the Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon about Him. This was the person he had been waiting to see.
Nothing but the Spirit of God could have revealed this to Him. We are not told what Simeon expected when God told him that he would not die until he saw the Messiah. Was he looking for a preacher who spoke and did miracles? Was he looking for a great ruler who would lead His people away from Roman domination? We are not told. What we do know, however, is that Simeon did not see miracles or leadership. He saw a baby completely dependent on His parents. He reached out to that child, held Him in his arms, and blessed Him.
Verse 29
Note Simeon’s response to seeing the baby Jesus. He sees a fulfilment of the prophetic word given to him in Luke 1:26:
(26) And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. – Luke 2:26 ESV
Simeon was confident that he had seen the “consolation of Israel” that day. This is what he had longed to see. He was ready now to die in peace for he knew that God had been faithful to His word and sent a Saviour for His people. He did not need to know all the details or see what this child would grow up to become. It was enough that the child had come. Simeon was confident that He would accomplish the purpose of God.
Verse 30
Simeon declares here that he had seen the salvation of God. The salvation of God was a person. He was the sacrificial lamb. He is the penalty paid for my sin. He is my hope of eternal life. Salvation is not so much about what happened to me as it is about Jesus. Our hope, our pardon, our life and our strength to live are all in Him, and without Him, there would be no salvation. Our salvation is, first and foremost, a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot separate what happened to us from Him.
Verse 31
Simeon tells us here that God prepared this salvation in the presence of all people. The word prepare used here is ἑτοιμάζω (hetoimázō) and means to make ready. It is used in Luke 17:8 and speaks of a servant preparing his master’s supper:
(7) “Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and recline at table’? (8) Will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink’? – Luke 17:7-8 ESV
Note how the master tells the servant to prepare supper for him. For that to happen there are a variety of things that need to take place. The meal needs to be cooked, the table needs to be set, its readiness announced and the food served. Simeon understood that like these servants, God had been preparing many years for this event. He had spoken through the prophets, rose up John the Baptist to announce His coming, and chose a young virgin to be the mother. He presented Him to Simeon as the promised Messiah.
God had been preparing for the right moment to send His Son. Simeon understood, however, that this Son was not just a Saviour for the Jewish nation but for “all peoples.” The child presented to Simeon on that day, would be the world’s Saviour. This, again, was something the Holy Spirit had to reveal to Simeon.
Verse 32
Simeon prophesied that the young baby before him would do two things.
First, He would be a “light for revelation to the Gentiles.” Imagine that you walked into a dark room. Because of the darkness, you see nothing and find yourself banging into and tripping over everything. This is what it was like for the Gentiles. They lived in darkness and could not understand or accept the prophetic word spoken about Jesus in ages past. They did not know the salvation of God because they were unable to understand or see the truth. Jesus came as a light to open their eyes so that these revelations would make sense.
Second, this young baby before Simeon would be a glory to the people of Israel. The Saviour of the world was born in Israel. From Israel, the message of salvation would reach the entire world. He would walk on Jewish ground and speak in the Jewish language. He would communicate the truth of salvation to them before any other nation. His greatest act of mercy was accomplished on a Roman cross planted in Jewish soil. What a privilege it was to be the people through whom the Saviour was revealed. What an honour it was to be the chosen people to receive this Messiah. This baby Jesus was Israel’s greatest boast and glory.
Verse 33
What was the response of Mary and Joseph to the word of Simeon that day? Luke tells us that they marvelled at what was said about Him. Understand that the angels had already spoken to Mary and Joseph about these things. Elizabeth declared Mary to be the mother of her Lord. The shepherds also communicated that He would be a Saviour. Jesus’ parents marvelled, not because the news was new to them, but because of how God kept speaking this truth to them by various means. Over and over again the truth about their baby was being confirmed. He was the Son of God. He was the Saviour to come. The parents couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that they should be His guardians and that God was true to His word.
Verse 34
Luke 2:27 tells us that Simeon came to the temple “in the Spirit.” The Holy Spirit revealed to him that the child Jesus was the prophesied Messiah who had come to be the glory of Israel and a light to the Gentiles (see verse 32). Simeon now turns his attention to Mary and speaks a prophetic word to her.
He begins by blessing both Mary and Joseph. This was, in reality, a prayer for the hand of the Lord and His presence to be upon them for good.
Speaking particularly to Mary, Simeon tells her that her child had been appointed for the rise and fall of many in Israel. We should consider this statement in light of what Paul told the Corinthians:
(23) but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, (24) but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. – 1 Corinthians 1:23-24 ESV
Jesus, Mary’s son, would be a controversial figure in Israel. His people struggled to accept Him as the promised Messiah. They rejected Him and crucified Him on a Roman cross. Jesus was a stumbling block for these Jews.
Among His people, however, were some who did accept Him as the Christ. These individuals gave their lives to Him and spread the news of His work and salvation. These sons and daughters of God rose above the persecution and mockery of the Jews, and through them, the message of the gospel reached the ends of the earth, bringing people of all ages and cultures into the kingdom of God.
Note second, that Simeon told Mary that this child had been appointed as a sign that was opposed. These were difficult words for Mary to hear. Jesus was a sign from God. The Greek word used here is σημει̃ον (sēmeíon) and speaks of something that is given as a token or miraculous evidence of God’s purpose. Jesus came as evidence of God’s goodwill and grace. He came as a sign of God’s purpose for salvation and pardon. He came as a sacrificial lamb from the Father as evidence of His willingness to forgive and restore His people to Himself. He was a sign “opposed,” however. The Jews turned their backs on Him and rejected Him as their Messiah and Lord.
Verse 35
Simeon goes on to tell Mary that a sword would pierce her soul. These words appear to be connected to his prediction in verse 34 about Jesus being a sign opposed. The opposition to Jesus would be like a sword piercing her soul. Mary would watch the crowds turn their backs on her son. She would stand by the cross as they mocked Him. We cannot tell how much seeing this would have broken her heart.
Note, however, that this opposition to Jesus would reveal the thoughts of many hearts. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ revealed the sinfulness and hardness of the human heart. God the Father sent His Son to die for the sins of the world, but the world rejected and killed His Son, turning their backs on His offer of forgiveness and pardon.
Verse 36
In the temple that day was a prophetess by the name of Anna, the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher. She had been married only seven years when her husband died. She was now an old woman. She, too, had been strategically placed in the temple that day.
Verse 37
We learn a little more about Anna here. Verse 36 tells us that she had been married for seven years when her husband died. She lived the rest of her life as a widow and never remarried. She was now eighty-four years old.
Note also that, as a widow, she remained in the temple worshipping, fasting and praying night and day. Her life was devoted entirely to the Lord her God.
Verse 38
Luke tells us that Anna was present “that very hour.” She was present when Simeon prophesied about the baby Jesus to Mary and spoke of Him as the promised Messiah.
Seeing Jesus and hearing the words of Simeon, Anna gave thanks to God and spoke about the Christ child to all who were “waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.”
The phrase “all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem,” speaks of those who understood they needed a Saviour. These individuals were waiting for the Messiah to come and establish His kingdom. Anna shared with them that this Messiah had been born.
Verse 39
Luke tells us that Mary and Joseph “performed everything according to the Law of the Lord.” Their sacrifices were made, and Mary had been purified according to the regulations written in the law of Moses.
Upon completion of their spiritual obligations, Mary and Joseph returned from Jerusalem to Nazareth, “their own town.” While Joseph was originally from Bethlehem (see Luke 2:3,4), he and Mary had now made Nazareth their hometown.
Verse 40
We know nothing about the childhood of Jesus Christ. Luke does tell us four things here, however, about Jesus as a child in the home of Mary and Joseph.
First, Jesus grew. That is to say, Jesus went through the normal process of maturing. He experienced growth pains and adjustments. God did not send an adult to this world but a baby who matured like every other child. He moved from absolute dependence on His parents into adulthood and learned from them and His experiences in life.
Second, Jesus became strong. A strong child is a healthy child. Luke is telling us something more than this, however. For Jesus to become strong, He needed first to be weak. As the Son of God, He laid aside His strength to become a man, dependent on His mother and father. He grew in strength as any child would. He knows our weaknesses and can identify with our limitations.
Third, Jesus was filled with wisdom. While His body was like ours, Jesus demonstrated great wisdom and understanding. I am sure that He set Himself apart from other children His age as a result of this wisdom and understanding of life with its problems and trials. Mary and Joseph would have likely noticed this wisdom and seen it as evidence of the hand of God on their child.
Finally, Luke tells us that the favour of God was upon Jesus. Luke does not go into any detail about how this favour was manifested in Jesus’ life. Suffice it to say that there was evidence that the hand of God was upon the life of Jesus protecting, keeping, empowering and giving wisdom.
Verse 41
Luke speaks of an incident that happened in the childhood of Jesus that demonstrates something of the wisdom and favour of God upon His life.
As devout Jews, it was the custom of Mary and Joseph to go each year to Jerusalem for the Passover. Today the route from Nazareth to Jerusalem is about 145 kilometres or 90 miles. Making this trip in those days would have been a significant undertaking for the average family who likely travelled by foot or donkey.
Verse 42
This particular trip from Nazareth to Jerusalem was special. Jesus was now twelve years old. This was the age at which a Jewish male would begin to follow the Jewish traditions and laws as an adult. While to this point, He had only watched His parents observe the religious traditions and customs, this time He would be a full participant.
Verse 43
Luke tells us that when the Passover feast was over, Jesus’ family began their journey back home. Unknown to His parents, Jesus did not go with the crowd that departed the city. He stayed behind.
Understand that there would have been a large crowd in Jerusalem that day. As a twelve-year-old and adult under the law, Jesus had the freedom to move about the crowd. Among them were friends and relatives from Nazareth with whom he would have been spending time. As a child with great wisdom, his parents had no concerns about Him.
Verse 44
Mary and Joseph left Jerusalem after the Passover. Having travelled for a day without seeing Jesus, they began to wonder where He was. Luke tells us that they expected Him to be with their relatives or acquaintances. They began to search among their fellow travellers to find Him.
Verse 45
When Mary and Joseph could not find Jesus among their fellow travellers, they returned to Jerusalem in hopes of finding Him there. We can only imagine the concern these parents had in not being able to find their twelve-year-old son. Remember that they had travelled a day before discovering His absence. It would have taken them another day to return to Jerusalem. They were, however, determined to find Him.
I suppose there are many people like Jesus’ parents in our day who have come to the realization that they have been travelling life’s road but left Jesus behind. Not all of them, however, have the humility to return to Jerusalem to find Him again.
Verse 46
Mary and Joseph did not immediately find Jesus. Luke tells us that it took them three days to locate their son. If it took one day to return to Jerusalem, they would have spent another two days looking for Him in the city. In the end, they found Him in the temple, listening to the instructions of the teachers and asking them questions.
It is easy to assume that because He was the Son of God, Jesus already knew all there was to know about His Father and His ways. This does not seem to be the case. He had to learn about His heavenly Father just as we do. He had to study to know His purpose. This appears to be what Jesus is doing here with the temple teachers.
Verse 47
Note the response of the teachers in the temple to the presence of this twelve-year-old Jesus. Luke tells us that they were amazed at His understanding and answers.
It appears that the teaching in the temple took the form of a question-and-answer style. We saw in verse 46 that Jesus had been asking questions but we discover here that He was also answering questions posed by His teachers.
Jesus’ teachers were amazed at His answers. The word translated “amazed” here is ἐξίστημι (exístēmi). It is derived from “ek,” meaning out, and “hístēmi,” meaning to stand. Together these two words convey the sense of being transported outside of oneself. The teachers could not believe what they were seeing and hearing. What they saw in Jesus was beyond anything they had ever heard before. They were astonished and marvelled at His comprehension of spiritual matters.
Understand that while Jesus had to learn like any other child, the hand of His Father was upon Him giving Him wisdom and understanding beyond that of the normal child His age.
Verse 48
When Mary and Joseph found Jesus they were “astonished.” The Greek word used here is ἐκπλήσσω (ekplḗssō) meaning to be struck by a force or to be knocked senseless. It is quite a powerful word but we should not see it in a negative sense. Mary and Joseph could have been struck with a powerful sense of awe or amazement seeing their son converse in such a way with the top religious leaders of the day. It is possible that Mary and Joseph listened to some of the discussion between Jesus and His teachers.
Eventually, Mary asked Jesus an important question: “Son, why have you treated us so?” The question reflects her deep concern for Him and not knowing where He was for three days. It is also a question about why He did not seem to show any concern for them and their anxiety. She tells Him how distressed they had been about not knowing where He was all this time.
Mary’s question is of great importance. It brought up the matter of Jesus’ obligation to His earthly parents and His priorities in life. It was an immensely practical question, but challenged Jesus to reflect on His calling and purpose on this earth.
Verse 49
Observe Jesus’ answer to Mary’s question in verse 48. Jesus answers by asking Mary two questions.
First, Jesus asked Mary why they had been looking for Him. Initially, the question seems strange as we can understand how any parent would be concerned about finding their missing child. Jesus’ question here, however, is not so much about the natural response of a parent to a missing child as it is specifically about their anxious concern for Him. Mary and Joseph knew that Jesus was the Son of God, chosen to be the Saviour of the world. They understood that the hand of God was upon Him and would keep Him until that purpose was accomplished. Their anxious distress was misplaced. In essence, Jesus seems to be asking: “Why have you become so distressed looking for me? Don’t you know how my Father is keeping and protecting me for His purpose?”
The second question is an extension of the first: “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” Where else would one who was called by God to be the Saviour of the world be but in the presence of His Father, preparing for the work to which He had been called? Jesus understood from an early age the calling of the Father on His life. His whole life was devoted to that purpose, and nothing distracted Him from the task. These questions would have shown Mary and Joseph just how committed Jesus was to the call of God on His life. It revealed that God was speaking to Him and that they were going to have to loosen their grip and let Him do the will of His heavenly Father.
Verse 50
Luke tells us that Mary and Joseph did not understand Jesus’ answer to their question. They were likely so distressed and possibly angry with Him that they were unable to grasp the depth of what He was telling them that day. Many things keep us from hearing what the Lord is saying. Sometimes we need to address our attitudes before we can truly hear what He wants to communicate.
Verse 51
It would be possible to assume that from the time Jesus began to understand the call of the Father on his life, he would have done His own thing. This is not the case. It was the will of the Father that Jesus learned to be submissive and obedient to His parents. Jesus remained in His family and, according to Luke, was “submissive to them.” While Jesus understood He was called, He still needed to learn obedience and submission. What better place could there be for those lessons than in His family? Jesus would begin His ministry at the age of thirty. He would wait another eighteen years before He would see the fulfillment of God’s purpose for His life. He would not only learn submission and obedience but also patience in those days.
As for Mary, she stored up the stories, incidents and words of Jesus in her heart, keeping them like a precious treasure. She would, over the years, put these various pieces together to get a better sense of what God had been preparing for her Son.
Verse 52
From the age of twelve onward, Luke tells us that Jesus increased in wisdom, stature and favour with God and man.
Jesus learned wisdom through His teachers and the things He experienced just like you and me. The word “stature” here is ἡλικία (hēlikía) and refers to maturity. Jesus grew from childhood into adulthood and maturity as an adult. Jesus also matured spiritually and socially. He grew in favour with God as He learned to walk in His purpose. He also grew in favour with people as He demonstrated the character of His Father to them in actions and behaviour.
Chapter 3
Select Verse
Verse 1
Luke moves ahead in time. It is now the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, and Pontius Pilate was then governor of Judea; Herod was the tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip was the tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and finally, Lysania was the tetrarch of Abilene.
The Roman Caesar, as the emperor, held the top position in the nation. In this case, Tiberius, though it appears he was unpopular, provided stability, peace and prosperity for the Roman empire at the time of Christ.
The Roman governor was given charge to administer a particular district in the empire. Pontius Pilate was over the region of Judaea. He is particularly known in the New Testament for his role in the crucifixion of Jesus.
The Roman tetrarch governed one-fourth of the empire. In some cases, he was called a king, as in the case of Herod, who was the tetrarch of Galilee (see Luke 1:5, Mark 5:22, Luke 2:3).
Verse 2
Luke continues to give us the time frame of the chapter by citing that it was during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas.
Note that Luke tells us there were two high priests at this time. This was very unique as it was not the practice of the Jews to have more than one High priest. In its devotional comments on John 18:12-18, Ligonier Ministries has this to say about this dilemma:
Although Caiaphas was the high priest recognized by the Romans, it seems that Annas was still regarded by the Jews as the legitimate holder of the sacred office. The Romans had deposed Annas from the priesthood in AD 15, about fifteen years before Jesus’ trial. But according to Jewish custom, the high priest was high priest for life, so the Jews would have continued to see Annas as the legitimate office holder. (
This explanation seems to explain why Luke speaks here of two high priests in those days.
It was in these unique days that the Lord spoke to John, the son of Zechariah, while he was living in the wilderness. The implication here is that God began to call John into his ministry and sent him from the wilderness to the people of Israel.
Verse 3
Notice the response of John to the Lord speaking to him. He went around the Jordan proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
We must understand what John is doing here. What was the subject of his message? Luke tells us that he proclaimed a baptism of repentance. Let’s consider a few details about this baptism of John.
First, observe what the prophet Malachi prophesied about “Elijah the prophet” who would come before the “great and awesome day of the Lord.”
(5) “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. (6) And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” – Malachi 4:5-6 ESV
Malachi told his people that God would send a prophet like Elijah before the coming of the Lord Jesus. Jesus tells us in Matthew 17:10-13 that this prophet was John the Baptist. Malachi prophesied that John would turn the hearts of the fathers and children toward each other lest the Lord come and strike the land with destruction. In other words, John would call His people to repent and be reconciled with each other before the coming of the Lord. John’s message of a baptism of repentance was prophesied, therefore, by Malachi.
Second, observe that John practiced a baptism of repentance. This baptism is not to be confused with the baptism of Jesus, which would be instituted later. The key component in John’s baptism was repentance and preparation for the coming Messiah. The one being baptized needed to repent of their sin. John preached this message and practiced this baptism in preparation for the coming of the Messiah, lest He come and “strike the land with a decree of utter destruction” – Malachi 4:6 ESV. How disrespectful and blasphemous it would be to receive the Messiah walking in sin and rebellion against the God who sent Him! John prepares the way for the Lord through his baptism.
The Jews were familiar with the use of water for cleaning. The Levitical priests were cleansed, in part, through the sprinkling of water:
(6) “Take the Levites from among the people of Israel and cleanse them. (7) Thus you shall do to them to cleanse them: sprinkle the water of purification upon them, and let them go with a razor over all their body, and wash their clothes and cleanse themselves. – Numbers 8:6-7 ESV
When a person came into contact with a dead body, they were to separate themselves and be unclean for seven days, after which they were to be sprinkled with water, bathe and wash their clothes before they could be clean again.
(19) And the clean person shall sprinkle it on the unclean on the third day and on the seventh day. Thus on the seventh day he shall cleanse him, and he shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water, and at evening he shall be clean. – Numbers 19:19 ESV
The Jews practiced ceremonial cleansing by sprinkling or bathing in water. John called for his people to repent of their sins and be cleansed through the water of baptism. It should be observed here that ceremonial cleansing was not the same as the salvation Jesus came to offer. Many Jews were cleansed by the water of purification but returned to their sin and were not right with God.
Luke goes on to tell us that John’s baptism was for the forgiveness of sins. Once again we must understand two important details here.
First, while John was baptized, he was not the one forgiving sin. John had no authority to forgive sin. People repented before God and received His forgiveness. John baptized them with water to seal them and illustrated what God had done in their lives through their repentance.
Second, forgiveness of sin, in this case, is not the same as the salvation Jesus came to offer. John’s baptism did not save those who came from the penalty of sin, it merely sealed and illustrated the forgiveness and cleansing of God for certain sins.
Many are forgiven, but not all are saved from the penalty of sin. God may forgive a sinner for a particular sin, but that sinner may never become His child and will be separated for all eternity from God. Countless animals were sacrificed in the Old Testament for the forgiveness of particular sins, but the offensive sin nature was not addressed. These same people would come repeatedly for more forgiveness but still end up separated from God because of their sinful nature.
I do not doubt that many of those who were baptized by John genuinely repented of sin, but not all who were baptized would come to know the Saviour John preached. That is why, after preaching a baptism of repentance, John then pointed those baptized by Him to the Lamb of God, who alone could take away the sins of the world.
Verse 4
Luke introduced the reader to John the Baptist in verse 3. He tells us that John was the one Isaiah spoke about when he prophesied in Isaiah 40:3:
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
Matthew tells us a similar thing when he says:
1 In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, 2 “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” – Mt 3:1-2
Mark demonstrates his agreement with both gospel writers when he writes:
4 John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. – Mk 1:4
Matthew, Mark and Luke all agree that John was the voice crying out in the wilderness.
Observe also that John prepared the way for the Lord and made His path straight. John’s proclamation of a baptism of repentance was part of that preparation. He called people to be ready for the promised Messiah by repenting of their sins, being restored in their faith, and walking with Him. When Jesus did appear, John introduced Him to the world as the Lamb of God.
Verse 5
Isaiah prophesied that a “voice” would cry out in the wilderness, preparing the way for the Lord and making His paths straight. This was the work of John the Baptist as he prepared the people for the coming of the Lord Jesus into the world. Isaiah details here what it means to make the path of the Lord straight.
First, to make a path straight is to fill in the valleys. The word Isaiah uses in the original Hebrew, translated here as “fill,” is נָשָׂא (nāśā), which means to lift up. A valley is a low point between the mountains. It is as if the mountains are sagging and do not have the strength to hold up their middle. I suppose we can all identify with what Isaiah is telling us here. Each of us has our weaknesses that need to be strengthened. Though we may have our high points and strengths, we need to be aware of our weaknesses as well. As we prepare for the Lord’s return, the call goes out to us to strengthen what is weak and leave no unguarded place in our lives. Lift up the valleys and fill in the gaps and holes.
Second, to make the path straight means to make low mountains and hills. Pride can be fatal. There are times when we lift ourselves up above God and fail to see our need for Him, His strength, and wisdom. We can take things on without understanding our need for His guidance and blessing. We can think too much of ourselves and our ability. God calls us here to humble ourselves before Him. There is but one Lord and we must submit to Him. There are times when these mountains and hills will to be made low and understand their place.
Third, to make a path straight we need to address the bends and curves. As much as I would like to think that I am focused on the Lord and walking straight toward Him, I find that I am all too often distracted by the world and its temptations. I wander a little here and there and then return to the path set out for me. These distractions can keep us from being productive and fruitful in the service of the Lord. If you take a moment before the Lord to seek Him on this matter, He will show you the things that keep you from the task He has given you to do.
The crookedness in the path not only comes in distractions but also through sin and compromise. Consider the words of Joshua to his people:
(6) Therefore, be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left, (7) that you may not mix with these nations remaining among you or make mention of the names of their gods or swear by them or serve them or bow down to them, (8) but you shall cling to the LORD your God just as you have done to this day. – Joshua 23:6-8 ESV
We must set our eyes on the path before us, not looking to the left or the right.
Fourth, if the path is to be straight, the rough place must become level. The word Luke uses here is λει̃ος (leíos). It could also be translated by the word “smooth.” The idea is that the bumps are levelled out, and the road has a smooth surface. Have you ever met someone who excuses their roughness by saying that it is just who they are? Admittedly, these rough patches are not like the mountains that need to be made low but they are abrasive and difficult to navigate nonetheless. There are things in my life that some may consider small but they are not completely in tune with the Spirit of God. It may be an impatience or I may find myself becoming unkind with my words. Whatever those rough patches are, they need to be made smooth. God is calling us to walk in absolute obedience. We are often content with 60% when He is calling us to address all sin, no matter how big or small it might seem to be in our lives.
Can you imagine John the Baptist reflecting on Isaiah’s prophecy about his ministry? He was called to challenge his listeners to absolute obedience and faithfulness to God. I can only conclude that those who took this matter seriously, came to the same conclusion –there was no way they could walk in perfect obedience. If they were to be right with God, they needed a Saviour.
Verse 6
Luke concludes Isaiah’s prophecy here by pointing his readers to the purpose of John’s work. He prepared the way for the Lord. Who was this Lord? He was the salvation of God. This thought comes in striking contrast to Isaiah’s challenge to make every path straight, fill in the valleys, level out the mountains, straighten the crooked paths and smooth out the rough patches. We can do all of this and still need a Saviour. This Saviour and Lord came in the person of Jesus Christ.
Note that Isaiah tells us that all flesh would see this salvation. To see the salvation of God is one thing. To experience it and be saved is quite another. Jesus came to reveal His salvation to all flesh. He came as a light in a dark world. Consider what John has to say about the salvation Jesus offered, however:
(4) In him was life, and the life was the light of men… (9) The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. (10) He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. (11) He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. (12) But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, (13) who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. – John 1:4,9-13 ESV
While not everyone accepts this light of salvation, Jesus promised that every nation would hear about it before He returned:
(14) And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. – Matthew 24:14 ESV
The good news about the Christ John announced, would move from one nation to another until all flesh and people of every nation heard of the salvation of God.
Verse 7
Luke concludes Isaiah’s prophecy here by pointing his readers to the purpose of John’s work. He prepared the way for the Lord. Who was this Lord? He was the salvation of God. This thought comes in striking contrast to Isaiah’s challenge to make every path straight, fill in the valleys, level out the mountains, straighten the crooked paths and smooth out the rough patches. We can do all of this and still need a Saviour. This Saviour and Lord came in the person of Jesus Christ.
Note that Isaiah tells us that all flesh would see this salvation. To see the salvation of God is one thing. To experience it and be saved is quite another. Jesus came to reveal His salvation to all flesh. He came as a light in a dark world. Consider what John has to say about the salvation Jesus offered, however:
(4) In him was life, and the life was the light of men… (9) The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. (10) He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. (11) He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. (12) But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, (13) who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. – John 1:4,9-13 ESV
While not everyone accepts this light of salvation, Jesus promised that every nation would hear about it before He returned:
(14) And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. – Matthew 24:14 ESV
The good news about the Christ John announced, would move from one nation to another until all flesh and people of every nation heard of the salvation of God.
Verse 8
John challenges the “brood of vipers” who came to him to repent of their sins. The fact that John called them to repentance demonstrated that this was possible. These guilty sinners could escape the “wrath to come” if they turned from their sin. Grace was available to pardon all who did so.
Observe that repentance was not just a change of mind but also a change of lifestyle. John expected that those who repented “bear fruits in keeping with repentance.” True repentance is demonstrated by a change of behaviour. If I repent and return to my sin I show that my repentance is not genuine.
Those who came to John had false security. They said: “We have Abraham as our father.” In other words, they trusted the fact that they were Jewish descendants of Abraham, the chosen people of God. It is not enough to say: “I belong to such and such a church.” If your life does not demonstrate that you belong to Jesus, then your church membership counts for nothing.
John tells those coming to him that God could raise up children for Abraham from the stones on the river bank. In other words, what made them more worthy of baptizing than the unresponsive stones they walked on as they made their way to hear him preach? They were just as dead to spiritual matters as these stones. Their hearts were just as hard toward the things of God as these stones.
Verse 9
John reminded those who trusted in the fact that they had Abraham as a father, that the axe was laid to the root of the tree. Note that he speaks in the present tense. The judgement of God was not for a future time but had already been pronounced against them. They were guilty before God and under His judgment. Because they did not bear fruit “in keeping with repentance,” they would be cut down and thrown in the fire. The sentence had been pronounced and these individuals would be chopped down like unfruitful trees and cast into the eternal flames of hell.
John did not hide from the truth. He proclaimed the harsh reality of sin and its consequences. He was not looking for a following. His heart was to warn people of their sinful ways and the judgment to come.
Verse 10
Evidence of the power of God in John’s ministry is revealed here in this verse. John had just called those who came to him a “brood of vipers” who were not producing fruit in keeping with repentance. Those words could have been taken as offensive and insulting. Notice, however, the response of those who heard him preach. They asked: “What then shall we do?” This question reveals two details about the people who came to John that day.
First, it reveals an acceptance of his message. They did not challenge John’s assumptions about them. They did not walk away. They stayed and asked the question: “What can we do about this sin and rebellion?” In asking this question they are accepting John’s assessment. They confess that they are indeed sinners under the wrath of God and in need of repentance.
Second, the question reveals a desire to change and be made right. They knew that they were under the judgment of God and wanted to make things right with Him. They come to John asking him how they could escape this wrath to come. They wanted to be free from God’s wrath.
Verse 11
John answers those who asked him what they needed to do to escape the wrath of God. He responds in a very practical way. Whoever had two tunics was to share with the one who had none. Those who had food to eat were to share with those who were hungry.
The apostle Paul was asked a similar question in Acts 16 by the Philippian jailor:
(30) Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” – Acts 16:30 ESV
Paul’s answer was quite different from John’s:
(31) And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” – Acts 16:31 ESV
John’s answer was to tell the people to do good to their neighbours. Paul tells them to believe in the Lord Jesus. It is important to understand that John and Paul lived in two different times. John was introducing Jesus as the Old Testament Messiah but did not have the advantage of hearing Jesus’ teaching. Paul, on the other hand, had a much deeper understanding of the salvation Jesus came to bring.
What is interesting to note about John’s answer, however, is that it does not focus on Old Testament sacrifices and rituals but on a heart that is moved by God to love. This was radical for that time. He is telling the people that what counted was not that they were descendants of Abraham and offered sacrifices to God but that they repented and walked in obedience and love for their Creator.
Verse 12
Various kinds of people came to be baptized by John. Among them were tax collectors. These individuals were hated by the general population. They collected taxes for Rome, who was an unwelcome conqueror. Beyond this, however, was the fact that they were to submit the amount Rome demanded but also made their living by taking more than Rome required and keeping it for themselves. These tax collectors were among those who came to hear John preach. As they stood before him contemplating baptism, they too were compelled to ask: “Teacher, what shall we do?” The Spirit of God was moving among the people who came to hear John. He was convicting them of sin and challenging them to consider their ways.
Verse 13
John’s response to the tax collectors was to tell them not to collect more than they were authorized to collect. In other words, they were not to defraud people and enrich themselves by taking more than required.
Verse 14
Soldiers were also present listening to John, When they asked him what they were to do to be spared from the wrath of God, John told them:
“Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, and be content with your wages.”
These soldiers were not always well paid. They would, from time to time, misuse their authority to get money from people. At other times they would falsely accuse them in an attempt to pervert justice or to enrich themselves. John does not hold back here. He reminded the soldiers of what they were doing and called them to repent and learn to be content with their wages.
Verse 15
John’s preaching was quite powerful. Crowds were gathering to hear him and the Spirit of God seemed to be working through his preaching and calling people to repent. There was an air of expectation all around as people’s hearts were being touched by John’s ministry. All of this seemed to get people wondering if John might be the Messiah.
There is a temptation for all who know the blessing of God in their ministry for people to focus on them and think more highly of them than they ought.
Verse 16
John the Baptist responds here to the question of whether he was the Christ who was to come. His answer comes in two parts.
First, John compares himself to Christ. He tells his listeners that Christ was mightier than him. Compared to Christ, he was weak and insignificant. John told them that he was unworthy to stoop down and untie Christ’s sandals. This responsibility was usually given to the servant of the household, who would bend down, untie their master’s sandals, and wash their feet. John did not feel worthy of even doing this.
Second, John compares the ministry of Christ to his own. He baptized with water but Christ would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. That fire would consume their sin and the Spirit of God would give them life and empower them to live a godly life.
In John’s mind, there was no comparison between his ministry, as powerful as it was in those days, and the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Verse 17
John goes on to describe the ministry of Jesus Christ more fully. He tells his listeners that Christ would come with a winnowing fork in His hand. The word used here for winnowing fork is πτύον (ptúon) which refers either to a fan or a shovel used to toss grain into the wind to remove the chaff. The lighter chaff would blow away while the grain fell to the ground.
Notice why Christ came with a winnowing fork. He intended to clear up His threshing floor. The threshing floor was where the grain would fall when it was tossed into the air to separate the chaff. The circulating chaff needed to be removed from these floors and burned in a fire.
The winnowing fork is a symbol of judgment. The threshing floor could be compared to this earth filled with the righteous and the ungodly. The righteous grain needed to be separated from the ungodly chaff. Once separated, this ungodly chaff would then be cast into God’s “unquenchable fire” of judgment.
According to John, Christ would come to bring judgment and to draw out a people called by His name to walk in His purpose.
Verse 18
We see from this section the type of preacher John proved to be. He spoke boldly of sin and the judgement to come, and called people to repent and turn to Christ. According to Luke, John preached “good news.” Notice, however, that this good news came in the context of first helping them understand their need. The good news John preached, was pardon and forgiveness for sin and rebellion.
It is hard to understand good news if we do not first understand the bad. The bad news is that we are sinners destined for eternal separation from God. This sets the stage for the wonderful news of pardon and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. All too often we fail to help people fully appreciate the good news of the gospel because we fail to tell them about their sin.
Verse 19
John was so bold in his preaching and renunciation of sin that he was willing to reprove even those in high positions for their evil deeds. Such was the case for Herod the Tetrarch. A tetrarch was a governor of one of four divisions in the Roman Empire. He was a very important man with a lot of political power and influence.
Luke tells us that a situation arose between Herod and his brother’s wife Herodias. Herod had an affair with her and ultimately took her as his wife. John rebuked Herod for this and declared that what he did was evil. This declaration would ultimately lead to John’s death by beheading (see Matthew 14:3-12).
Verse 20
John’s denunciation of Herod’s illegitimate relationship with his brother’s wife did not go over well with the Tetrarch. According to Luke, Herod had John locked up in prison for his words.
Sometimes the ways of the Lord are confusing to us mortals. We have a case here where John preached the truth and renounced sin but was imprisoned for it, no longer able to minister. He would ultimately be beheaded for preaching this truth. We are in the midst of a great spiritual battle for the souls of humankind. Understand, however, that John had accomplished his mission. He was given the time to preach and announce Christ to the world before he was killed. The enemy did not win this battle by imprisoning John. God saw fit that he accomplished his purpose before he was removed.
Verse 21
While Luke does not go into much detail here, one day, when John was baptizing, Jesus appeared before him and requested to be baptized. We understand from other gospel accounts that John initially did not feel worthy of baptizing Jesus, but upon Jesus’ insistence, he did so. Notice what took place when John baptized Jesus. Luke tells us that the heavens were opened.
Many people had been baptized by John before Jesus, but never once were the heavens opened for them. There was something different about the baptism of Jesus that spoke to everyone witnessing it. Jesus’ baptism was a declaration of God’s approval of Jesus as the Christ.
Verse 22
While Luke does not go into much detail here, one day, when John was baptizing, Jesus appeared before him and requested to be baptized. We understand from other gospel accounts that John initially did not feel worthy of baptizing Jesus, but upon Jesus’ insistence, he did so. Notice what took place when John baptized Jesus. Luke tells us that the heavens were opened.
Many people had been baptized by John before Jesus, but never once were the heavens opened for them. There was something different about the baptism of Jesus that spoke to everyone witnessing it. Jesus’ baptism was a declaration of God’s approval of Jesus as the Christ.
Verse 23
Luke tells us that when Jesus began His ministry, He was thirty years old. Initially, the priests would enter their service at the age of thirty. We see this in Numbers 4:46-47:
(46) All those who were listed of the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron and the chiefs of Israel listed, by their clans and their fathers’ houses, (47) from thirty years old up to fifty years old, everyone who could come to do the service of ministry and the service of bearing burdens in the tent of meeting, – Numbers 4:46-47 ESV
While Jesus was not a Levitical priest, there may be some significance in Him beginning His ministry at this age.
Note also the words: “being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Heli.” Luke has been clear in his account of the birth of Jesus that Joseph was not His biological father. The words “as was supposed,” however, show that the average person made this assumption. Most people saw Joseph as Jesus’ father though those who understood what had taken place with Mary knew better.
Verse 24
Luke now proceeds to show the genealogy of Jesus from Joseph to Adam. He says nothing about these individuals but simply records their names. We were introduced in verse 23 to Jesus, Joseph and Heli (the father of Joseph). Here, in verse 24, Luke takes us back another five generations to another Joseph, the ancestor of Matthat, Levi, Melchi, and Jannai.
Verse 25
Going back nine to thirteen generations from Jesus we meet Mattathias, Amos, Nahum, Esli and Naggai.
Verse 26
The male heads in generations 14-18 from Jesus were Maath, Mattathias, Semein, Josech and Joda.
Verse 27
In generations 19-23 we meet Joanan, Rhesa, Zerubbabel, Shealtiel, and Neri. The story of Zerubbabel is found in Haggai 1, where it tells us that he was the governor of Judah when Israel returned from exile in Babylon.
Verse 28
Melchi, Addi, Cosam, Elmadam and Er lived at least 24-28 generations before Jesus and they were the heads of their families.
Verse 29
Joshua, Eliezer, Jorim, Matthat and Levi are listed as the heads of generations 29-33.
Verse 30
Simeon, Judah, Joseph, Jonam and Eliakim are next on the list and go back 34-38 generations from Jesus.
Verse 31
With the names Melea, Menna, Mattathaa, Nathan and David we arrive at the time of King David of Israel, 39-43 generations prior to the arrival of Christ. We begin now to get a sense of just how long the people of God waited for the Messiah to come.
Verse 32
King David’s father and his ancestors are given here. Jesse, Obed, Boaz (in the days of Ruth), Sala and Nahshon are listed as generations 44-48 before the coming of Christ.
Verse 33
Amminadab, Admin, Arni, Hezron, Perez and Judah are next on this genealogical record, and are generations 49-53 in this list.
Verse 34
With generations 54-58, we are now back to the days of Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Terah and Nahor, recorded in the book of Genesis. Many genealogical records were concerned with tracing the nation back to Abraham who was considered the father of the Jewish nation. Luke, however, goes further than this and continues to trace the genealogical record. His concern is not just to identify Jesus as a Jew but as the Son of God.
Verse 35
Generations 59-63 include the names of Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber and Shelah.
Verse 36
In generations 64-68, we come to the days of Noah. Cainan, Arphaxad, Shem, Noah and Lamech were the family heads these days.
Verse 37
Methuselah, Enoch, Jared, Mahalaleel and Cainan are listed as generations 69-73 from the time of Jesus.
Verse 38
Finally, we have the names of Enos, Seth and Adam, the first man on the list in generations 74-76. Note, however, that Luke does not stop at Adam. He adds a 77th name to this list. Adam was the son of God. He was the source of all this family. He had no father but was the eternal God and creator of the world as we know it. Luke traces the genealogy of Jesus right back to God. He tells us that Jesus was the Son of God.
Significantly, Luke does not stop at Abraham. His concern is not to show people that Jesus was a Jew but that He was the Son of God. Jesus came not just for the Jewish nation but for the whole world. He identified with us all, regardless of race.
Chapter 4
Select Verse:
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
Verse 15
Verse 16
Verse 17
Verse 18
Verse 19
Verse 20
Verse 21
Verse 22
Verse 23
Verse 24
Verse 25
Verse 26
Verse 27
Verse 28
Verse 29
Verse 30
Verse 31
Verse 32
Verse 33
Verse 34
Verse 35
Verse 36
Verse 37
Verse 38
Verse 39
Verse 40
Verse 41
Verse 42
Verse 43
Verse 44
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24