In December of 2006 I had the privilege of speaking to 150 male prisoners in the maximum security compound of the New Bilibib National Prison just outside of Manila, Philippines. These were no ordinary prisoners. One third of them were inmate/pastors. The other two-thirds were Christian workers ministering to their fellow prisoners. The one day conference was held for the encouragement and support of these workers. About 70% of those present had come to know the Lord in the prison. They serve in the six or seven churches that have been planted there in the compound.
It was a tremendous privilege to be able to teach on the book of Hosea at that time. The men sat from 9am to 2pm listening to the instruction. This was followed up by a message from a local pastor for their encouragement. Many came forward for prayer. All received a set of two books before they left. The Lord also provided the finances necessary for us to ship a further ten sets of Light To My Path commentaries (16 books in a set) into the prison. These sets were placed in the various church libraries for the support and encouragement of the Christian workers in the prison.